Amish Buggies...


New Member
It was cold and rainy yesterday. Yet, I still saw horses pulling buggies down Rt. 6. This bugs me. I think it is cruel.

you know, i'll bet that biatches that have kids out of wedlock and then become a burden on the state reall pizz off the amish, so i guess you are even :whistle:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I imagine thay take pretty good care of thier horses considering all that they depend on thier horses to do. They are more than just a pet to these people and if one were to die, it has more of an affect than just sadness.


Well-Known Member
I imagine thay take pretty good care of thier horses considering all that they depend on thier horses to do. They are more than just a pet to these people and if one were to die, it has more of an affect than just sadness.

They beat their dogs. I know this for a fact. My mom rescued a Shelty from them a few years ago.


wandering aimlessly
They beat their dogs. I know this for a fact. My mom rescued a Shelty from them a few years ago.

That's a blanket statement. Not every single Amish person in the world beats their dogs. Your mother encountered a family that did and rescued it.

We've established in many past threads that horses are not for pets and pleasure riding in the Amish world. They are tools to get the job done because they do not rely on machines like the "English". In the 40 plus years I've known Amish, I've seen horses and other animals treated well by many families, and poorly by others. I would say its the same as some non-Amish take care of the their cars and tractors and pets, others do not.