Amish Buggies...


I bowl overhand
However, most Mennonites today are not outwardly that different from any person you meet on the street, and in fact live in countries around the world with a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. Mennonites believe in simple living, but express that simplicity in a spirit of stewardship and awareness of the needs of others rather than completely separating from society as the Amish continue to do.


It was cold and rainy yesterday. Yet, I still saw horses pulling buggies down Rt. 6. This bugs me. I think it is cruel.

God forbid we ever have another Great Depression, and you might have to eat them.


New Member
mennonights are a modern version of amish, for ex. they can drive cars as long as they are dark and only for like certin things and some have phones and all, but they dont take advantage of things and they can only use that stuff for emergencies. Also Mennonights dont have beards adn the amish guys have the long beards.

I have to agree, i think its cruel when i see really lame horses running down the road or ones with places rubbed raw on them, or if they are really skinny and you can see all their bones or when they are tied to a tree for countless hours just standing there with everything attached and cant eat or move around hardly. I feel bad for them when they have to run long distances, but then i have to remember they are bred and trained into it and are used to it; i know most amish people take pretty good care of their horses, and some do put blankets on when they are just standing around; but like any race or religion, of course there are going to be the random people that neglect their animals or whatever, but it doesnt mean that ALL of them do. Some amish switch off hroses like if one starts getting wore out they will hook another one up to finish up the rest of the days worth, and some of the amish let there horses have days off. but i have to say one of the most things that bothers me is when those horses run their hearts out, and then get tied to a tree, and then dont get water or anything almost all day long.
I know elam says he really doesnt go too many places with the horses unless they have too, otherwise, they just get to graze and hang out. :yay:


Painted Spirit
The funniest part of this thread is if we had this discussion 100 yrs ago we'd all be driving horses to do everything. From going to the store, to work, to church etc. There would be no options!


New Member
The funniest part of this thread is if we had this discussion 100 yrs ago we'd all be driving horses to do everything. From going to the store, to work, to church etc. There would be no options!

When i was in high school (mid 80's), I did some research into old laws that were still on the books in Calvert County. You could still be fined if you left your horse unhitched in town. i wonder if that old law is still there.


New Member
There are probably many non amish that beat or treat their dogs poorly.:michaelvick: There are also many horses abused and neglected by non amish.:snowflake:

I respect the amish as they have chosen to live a life that is deviod of the spoils we take for granted each day. Their families represent a set of values many non amish families have lost. We could all learn alot from working together the way their families, communities do.

I'd never heard of or seen amish till I moved here about a year ago. I'd like to live with a family for a month, just to say that I got the experance. For some reason they fascinate me. -V


New Member
It was cold and rainy yesterday. Yet, I still saw horses pulling buggies down Rt. 6. This bugs me. I think it is cruel.

You're kidding right? Seriously, you are just joking with this thread?

I'm not even gonna read the posts here, because I am pretty sure you're just having a little fun with everyone.

If you're not joking, then don't tell me, because by the time I got saying what I would have to say to you, you're head would pop from rage.


New Member
I'd never heard of or seen amish till I moved here about a year ago. I'd like to live with a family for a month, just to say that I got the experance. For some reason they fascinate me. -V

You know why the Amish fascinate people?

Because they are not spoiled by the world we live in. You, Me and every one in this forum are spoiled.

Even the many Amish who surf the internet on their neighbors computer, and their Amish kids who play X-BOX with the kids up the road.

Don't be fooled too much, it's not all that interesting. I know a fella who works in the city that has to call his Amish neighbor to come down and fix his computer. I had a particular fella, whose last name is Stoltzfus, tell me one time, "Just because I can't own one, does not mean I do not how to use one!"

Serious, the man should start the "Amish Geek-Squad", he was telling me things about computers I'd never heard of before. He also said, "The library is grand place to learn things, people should visit there more often".

That was grandest thing I ever heard, who'da thought.

Oh, and his kids, they love to play them some x-box!

Nice thing about Amish vehicles, ever seen one of them in the shop? No, they just shoot the engine and hook up a new one. Ever heard the Amish complain about gas prices? Only when the black-eyed bean futures rise!

They are not as interesting as we are spoiled by the worlds advances.

That's what makes you fascinated with them, simplicity.



New Member
When i was in high school (mid 80's), I did some research into old laws that were still on the books in Calvert County. You could still be fined if you left your horse unhitched in town. i wonder if that old law is still there.

Probably is, you know the political figures in Southern Maryland like to make up new, stupid laws, not delete old ones.


New Member
Heading home now, give me a ring when you get the chance... Happy New Years everyone, keep SAFE!!:howdy::getdown::alkies:

Ok, as soon as we get this here horse latched up to the be-bopping-buggy, we'll call when we we get there. Could take a few hours to make the trip home though, we are leaving Hughesville now, and should reach Mechanicsville by sundown.

On another note, has anyone seen that new show on the Speed Channel?
"Pimp My Buggy"
We use to party in high school at "the run" down by Gilbert Run in HS... there was a set of Amish twin brothers who had a Yugo stuffed in a barn and would drive it through the woods to come and party with us!

Man, those boys could party (drink and smoke)!

Also, we use to take our chain saws to the Amish (Yodler), he was awesome! And to top it off, the man could weld like you would not believe! He had a gas powered generator to fire his welder... his boy - about 12 or 13 - would pull the saw down when you came there to pick it up, put the bar in a vice and fire it up and fine tune it by ear... totally amazing!

They moved to Ohio sometime ago... my father actually had him on his Christmas Card list! :lmao:


Has confinement issues..
Socks, how many Amish people do you actually know? Or Menonnite for that matter...

How would the world have achieved anything without the use of animals, for food, for labor, even for companionship? The Amish are respectable for their lifestyle, and religious fervor, for not buying into the load of crap laid out by most "English".

It's small-minded and bigoted to use the world "all" when referring to a type of person.:nono:



Socks, how many Amish people do you actually know? Or Menonnite for that matter...

I got to know one of the families that are at the farmer's market on Saturdays. They had one horse that couldn't hold weight for anything. They bought the special food for him because he was such a good horse and the kids could handle him. They see horses differently than we do, but they still provide them the basic needs. Food, water, vetting, shelter, floating of teeth and hay.

There is negativity in people no matter what lifestyle they live. You can't make a judgement by knowing one person in that lifestyle.