
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Of course you have to try some. I'm guessing you won't have many probs with the good stuff. Not a lot more accuracy, but some. Especially longer ranges. With a .223 I'm talking 200yds. All I really care about since I only thing I have a scope on is the .270. I don't do .223 anyway. That's my boys gun. He went and had fun with the 500+ rounds I had bought. He is now digging holes for me and refilling.

I agree with Gill, and you, about rifles; I should have said 'handguns'.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wow, Fred's actually let me buy 2-50 round boxes of 9mm lugar today- $23ea. Is there an end in site...doubt it.


PREMO Member
And many others. :buddies: But the Mosin is where it started.

I would like to get a Winchester 1895 Musket ........

[hint the one at the top is chambered in 7.62 Russian - you can tell by the guides for stripper clips on the receiver]