St. Mary's Animal Control Ord.
Sec. 212-9. Animal at large.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to allow their animal to be at large.
B. This section shall not apply to a dog undergoing supervised obedience training or while actually engaged in the sport of hunting in an authorized area while supervised by a competent person possessing a valid hunting license.
C. Without permission of the proper authority, the owner, custodian or keeper of any animal may not permit the animal to be on public or private school grounds on a day and time when school is in session or in a public recreation area unless:
(1) The animal is controlled by a leash or similar restraining device as defined under definitions of restraints.
(2) The presence of the animal is in an organized activity such as a dog show.
D. No animal accidentally at large with a person in immediate pursuit shall be deemed at large.
E. A person who is aware of an animal being at large or who finds a stray animal shall report the condition to Animal Control.
F. An Animal Warden or authorized representative of Animal Control who observes an animal at large may pursue that animal on public and/or private property.
G. The Animal Warden or designee is authorized and directed, whenever possible, to seize and impound any animal running at large. When not able to catch an animal running at large and when all other reasonable options have been exhausted and, if in judgment of the Animal Warden or designee the animal is deemed a threat to public safety the animal may be shot or killed.
Sec. 212-11. Public nuisance.
No person shall keep or maintain any animal in such manner as to cause or permit the animal to be a public nuisance. A public nuisance is when an owner or custodian allows an animal to:
(1) Be at large.
(2) Damage the property of anyone other than its owner, custodian or keeper.
(3) Molest pedestrians, passersby or other animals.
(4) Intimidate pedestrians or passersby. Intimidation is defined as a reasonable prudent person under same and/or similar circumstances and whether that person would have been intimidated by the actions of the animal in question.
(5) Chase vehicles, pedestrians or other animals.
(6) Bark or make other harsh or excessive noise continuously so as to disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of members of the community as reflected by reasonable persons with normal sensitivities to noise.
(7) Foul the air by odor and thereby create unreasonable annoyance or discomfort to neighbors or others in close proximity to the premises where the animal is kept or harbored.
(8) Allow to defecate or urinate on other than that of the owner, custodian or keeper.
(9) Other actions or omissions recognized by Maryland Common Law as a public nuisance.
Sec 212-9 1st offense $50, 2nd $100, 3rd $200
Sec 212-11 $50
No need to file a written complaint in St. Mary's, call Animal Control 301-475-8018.