Another Bridge Jumper this Early Tuesday Morning

DawnK said:
Thanks for the RED karma.. Did I hit a nerve? You should just change your name to JERK instead of trying to put all of that fancy crap before it..
Sounds like somebody hit a nerve. What'd they say?


New Member
Dawn Maybe U R the dork...

DawnK said:
No, but you'll be happy to know that the MSP in Waldork hasn't yet realized of his untimely demise and they have an arrest warrant out for him for indecent exposure back in Jan. They are brilliant, huh?

Glad U THINK, U know so much about him, that is what happens when U assume. What do they say "U make and ass out of U and me"? U can just take the me part out of it, but MOST certianly leave U in in. I guess it is EASY for a person like you to talk FALSE trash of someone that is not here to speak up for himself! :lalala:

Poor soul, I'll pray 4 U...
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New Member
Simple People

PrchJrkr said:
You would close an active warrant because a van and note are found on a bridge? You're brilliant, aren't you?

Some people are to simple minded and like to spread gossip about the poor guy that has passed. People like her should seek help!


New Member
BlondRo said:
Some people are to simple minded and like to spread gossip about the poor guy that has passed. People like her should seek help!

This forum is a place where people can voice a difference of opinion whether you like it or not, or agree with it.
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New Member
I guess that is why UR location is "Attitude-ville", U may be full of attitude, but I KNOW and LOVE PAUL and I KNOW what he is about and for someone to just pass a negative B.S. statement like so about him, well like I said I feel bad for them.

Yes we ALL are have our own feelings & can express them, but to LIE about someone U don't know, U have problems!


New Member
BlondRo said:
I guess that is why UR location is "Attitude-ville", U may be full of attitude, but I KNOW and LOVE PAUL and I KNOW what he is about and for someone to just pass a negative B.S. statement like so about him, well like I said I feel bad for them.

Yes we ALL are have our own feelings & can express them, but to LIE about someone U don't know, U have problems!

Good freakin' grief :drama:


New Member
morganj614 said:
Sounds like you caused him to jump or fake his death
Glad U THINK U know so much...It is because of NEGATIVE people like yourself that push him to do what was done. If there was more LOVE in this world and NOT judgement then we all would be at peace! Last words to me Were "I love you and will see U soon, got to go but I LOVE U!"

Peace out
BlondRo said:
A married woman and mother of 2 find humor in the negative, sick comments that people make...

NO, I find it interesting that they are telling you the truth, and yet, you don't see it. If your friend was so troubled by things or people, YOU as a friend would have tried to get them help, after all that is what friends do, isn't it? So, before judging others who are speaking the truth, maybe you should just think about it.
BlondRo said:
A married woman and mother of 2 find humor in the negative, sick comments that people make...

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>03-23-2007 08:46 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">Mean VERY MEAN and HURTFUL</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

it's called tough love...But i thank you for the karma, at least i know you were paying attention!! :howdy:


New Member
mehlert74 said:
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>03-23-2007 08:46 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">Mean VERY MEAN and HURTFUL</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

it's called tough love...But i thank you for the karma, at least i know you were paying attention!! :howdy:

People say what they want...I am NOT here for to be mean or negative, I found this site and have used it to reach out and I have met many nice people through this & I thank God for that. It has helped with a lot and well God Bless all.

For those of you that care & U know who U R, Thank you for all the positive, caring support it has helped a great deal:)

For those that have given me the "Red Karma" because they don't like me, that is fine I've done nothing wrong to any of U.

God Bless,


New Member
I get that everyone is entitled to thier opinion on an open forum- what I don't understand is the lack of sensitivity to someone who is clearly hurting and reaching out, and just looking for any "news"

To make a thoughtless remark about her being a better friend she could have done more and some how suggest maybe she is the reason he jumped is rude. Noone deserves that.

I guess as long as you sleep well at night that's really all that matters. God forbid you lose anyone you love and people make fun of you while you are in pain. Unbelieveable people, Shocking some can be so heartless.

RHO- there is not anything new to report. For what it is worth- I am sorry you are hurting so badly. Pray about it. Remove yourself from negativity.


Mostly known as a BIOTCH
I find it crazy that I ended up being blasted for making that statement about an arrest warrant on this guy. First of all, I knew him. It's been awhile since I had seen or spoken to him, but I knew of his history of problems and I am still a very close friend of one of his ex-girlfriends. I truly wasnt trying to be a jerk and say something bad about him. Sorry that it got screwed up in translation.


New Member
Any News On this....

Dougstermd said:
actually the bodies usually pop up down the bay near the potomac river if they surface ever:shrug:
Sad but, here it is 2 months and almost 2 weeks later and no recovery yet?

Has anyone heard of antything further on this?


New Member
Rumor has it, it was a guy by the name of "Echo" who got so distraught about leaving his band he couldn't take it anymore sold his Hummer and got a minivan and knew it was the end of his life so on the way to work he figured F it go out with a splash!


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UnHappyTrail said:
Rumor has it, it was a guy by the name of "Echo" who got so distraught about leaving his band he couldn't take it anymore sold his Hummer and got a minivan and knew it was the end of his life so on the way to work he figured F it go out with a splash!
Huh; this guy "Echo" sure has some nice mitties :yay: