Another SOMD Fundraising Event?


wandering aimlessly
Can we direct the money to the people of Mississippi that weren't expecting that hard hit and are still acting like law abiding citizens?


New Member
bresamil said:
Can we direct the money to the people of Mississippi that weren't expecting that hard hit and are still acting like law abiding citizens?

Is that a fair statement? The majority of the victims in New Orleans aren't criminals. Or am I being naive?


Well-Known Member
Triggerfish said:
Is that a fair statement? The majority of the victims in New Orleans aren't criminals. Or am I being naive?
When we see the bad behavior of some of these people, it can make a person hesitant to help but we have to resist that and do what we can.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We just made a donation to the Salvation Army for Katrina relief. I, personally, am not going to be available for a fundraiser - I can't speak for Rondevous.

What I suggest is that those who want to help, make a donation to the Salvation Army ( as well. David caught some flak for his comments about the Red Cross, but the truth is that they're not the most efficient organization out there. If this were a local issue, I would definitely tell you to give to the local Red Cross, but the national organization is too bureaucratic and bloated to be as effective as their TV commercials pretend.

Even if you can send only $10, it will help. From their website:

A $100 donation to The Salvation Army will feed a family of four for two days, provide two cases of drinking water and one household clean-up kit, containing brooms, mops, buckets, and cleaning supplies.


Football addict
Start naming off some places folks so I can start a poll so that we're all not "Oh yea I'll go but...where and when, who is figuring this out?":wink:


My Sweetest Boy
BuddyLee said:
Start naming off some places folks so I can start a poll so that we're all not "Oh yea I'll go but...where and when, who is figuring this out?":wink:

How will it work? Wouldn't we need the place to be in agrement with us doing a fundraiser? Does that need special tax number or anything? Just thinking out loud.


New Member
cattitude said:
How will it work? Wouldn't we need the place to be in agrement with us doing a fundraiser? Does that need special tax number or anything? Just thinking out loud.

My DH suggested we piggy back on the many existing fundraisers out there and not try to create our own. Not exactly like the 'Vous event, but it could make things easier. With that in mind, a couple folks have mentioned:
Poor Boy Zeus on 9/24 in Solomons
No Limits (see schedule on
What else?

It seems as though there's a donation box at these establishments for Katrina where you could put in a check (made payable to the American Red Cross) or cash.


I would attent if it were for a good cause. I missed the last one due to work but will try to attent the next one. I saw Rondevous the other night i see him pretty often. Ill tell him jump on tonight and put his 2 cents in. He may suggest his place or another Place. Either way I would think it would be a nice Jesture to take a vote from everyone on the location.

JUST MY 3 Cents. Inflation Added 1 cent. lol :lmao: I may raise it another few cents like the damn gas prices. :peace:


Super Genius
MeucciBabe said:
I would like to go. I love parties and I would like to help out with a good cause. :cheers:
MeucciBabe eh? So I guess you're a woman who likes to stroke a good stick :really:


remaxrealtor said:
Here's a thought...
We could get a bunch of local places together and do kind of a bar crawl. I'll bet I could get Keller Bus to help us out w/ a bus. Any thoughts?

That sounds like a safe way for everyone to do their thing......but wouldn't we all need hotel rooms afterwards? :lol: