Another SOMD Fundraising Event?


Football addict
Shutterbug said:
Well, all of you camera shy people are in luck if you do it this weekend. I'll be out of town. :ohwell:
Perhaps the following weekend so that people have more time to schedule it better.:yay:
I can see right thru you, BuddyLee... you are only suggesting the following weekend because you want an 8x10 glossy of your next lap dance...:duh:


Football addict
kwillia said:
I can see right thru you, BuddyLee... you are only suggesting the following weekend because you want an 8x10 glossy of your next lap dance...:duh:
You just wait for the next Damons get-together Ms. Poofyhead.:biggrin:


kwillia said:
I can see right thru you, BuddyLee... you are only suggesting the following weekend because you want an 8x10 glossy of your next lap dance...:duh:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I can see right thru you, BuddyLee... you are only suggesting the following weekend because you want an 8x10 glossy of your next lap dance...:duh:
:lmao: You're probably right. He WAS complaining he didn't get a picture of his first one. :bubble:


Football addict
kwillia said:
I don't know about that... those things are dangerous... we haven't seen Chaotic since he showed up at the last one...:bawl:
Well we all know who was the one and only person he sat next to.:whistle:


New Member
kwillia said:
I don't know about that... those things are dangerous... we haven't seen Chaotic since he showed up at the last one...:bawl:

omg that's true. maybe he upgraded from internet people to real people:yikes:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Well we all know who was the one and only person he sat next to.:whistle:
I just KNEW you were going to bring that up. :bawl: I guess I should have given HIM a lap dance, huh? :ohwell:


Go Braves!
kwillia said:
I don't know about that... those things are dangerous... we haven't seen Chaotic since he showed up at the last one...:bawl:
He did:confused: I thought I met everybody, I definately met DoWhat no less then 4 times:yay:


New Member
Danzig said:
I can get a pig or a hog and a cooker.
We could do crabs (steamed by the dozen)
I can get BIG tents for rain and shade.
We can serve drinks outside the bar (in the area that the tents are set up and behind the parking area)
We can do the same thing with the tips going to charity and take the profits from the food can go to charity.
I could get Hart Karaoke to donate her time.

I would need workers to help with the food and planning.
We need tables and chairs for outside.
Tents and campers would be welcome on the softball field.

We could do all this at Rondevous as early as next weekend. 9-16 and 17th
It could be a two day event.
We can do what you all want to.

Oh I'm so glad you joined this conversation! That sounds AWESOME! :yay:

I'll be a worker. Let me know if you need me to help with food, planning, or tending (this time I'll try to remember to pop the tops off the beer bottles). I can't be there Saturday but could be there the other day.

After reading the news on the front of SOMD, perhaps we should consider directing (at least some) donations to SOMD funds (like Charles County Disaster relief fund) rather than Red Cross. Those local funds are being directed to Katrina folks who have since located to SOMD.


New Member
Danzig said:
We could do all this at Rondevous as early as next weekend. 9-16 and 17th
It could be a two day event.
We can do what you all want to.

No one has said anything. What's going on :confused: ? Is it time for a poll?