Any Takers


New Member
Any ladies want to have a nice on-line relationship? No strings attached, promise! All you have to do is e-mail me and we will get things started. Nothing too freaky for me ;)


Hairball Magnet
No wonder it has to be online, if it's WITHERED!

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

(And if you truly ARE "handicapped," please accept my humble apologies!)


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by withered
Any ladies want to have a nice on-line relationship? No strings attached, promise! All you have to do is e-mail me and we will get things started. Nothing too freaky for me ;)

BK? Hello.........


New Member
For all of yours information,

IT is NOT withered, it was just a name i choose to use. Plus none of what I said was bull$h!t, so back off.

RoseRed: I live in California, MD. Moved down from Baltimore to watch over my parents old house since they moved to Florida.


New Member
Re: Serious question

Originally posted by Sharon
Where in Baltimore did you live?


I use to live at Tindeco Wharf. It was a renovated building which use to be an old Tin Manufacturing plant, or something like that. it has really nice apartments and for $1100/month they were worth it.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Hey Withered

(I almost forgot to mention.)
What a surprise, running into you the other night. :howdy: Don't be such a stranger.
...and thanks for the beer. :cheers:


My Sweetest Boy
Re: Hey Withered

Originally posted by Sharon
(I almost forgot to mention.)
What a surprise, running into you the other night. :howdy: Don't be such a stranger.
...and thanks for the beer. :cheers:

Dang! Some people have all the luck!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm sorry but I'm getting this mental picture of some guy walking up to Sharon in a bar saying, "Are you Sharon? I'm Withered!"


New Member

No problem, and for everyone's information, a few of them happened to of been in the same place, same time as me and I happened to of been overhearing their conversation about computer stuff and I nearly spited my beer out when I heard them say SOMD. Sharon's ALL eye candy :wink:


Ok Withered, I find myself asking a question I probably don't want to know the answer to.......BUT........

Why are you looking for an online relationship?


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member

Originally posted by justhangn
Why are you looking for an online/offline relationship?
I'm not answering his question but I can tell you this...I've heard of guys on AIM/YIM that are looking for online relationships with women and shockingly they tell you they are married. The use every lame duck excuse in the book. :rolleyes:


Hi W I see you made it back. :cool:


Re: JH...

Originally posted by Sharon
I'm not answering his question but I can tell you this...I've heard of guys on AIM/YIM that are looking for online relationships with women and shockingly they tell you they are married. The use every lame duck excuse in the book. :rolleyes:

I stopped playing Spades online because 90% of the chicks were looking for that kind of BS and they were ALL married.