Anyone Else Pre-Order the Galaxy S III?


Super Genius
The Gizmodo and Pop-sci reviews were only so-so as well, but their complaints are about things that you don't have to use if you don't want to...and I don't want to.

The thing I'm really looking forward to is NFC. Set up a tag at work that changes your sounds, volume, background, etc. Set up another tag in your car that puts it into car mode. Put another one on your nightstand that turns the brightness all the way down and silences the phone and then launches the clock app. There are some really cool things that can be done with the NFC capability and some cheap NFC tags.
Oh you just want a Suri to address you as "HotMomma"...:rolleyes:
The Gizmodo and Pop-sci reviews were only so-so as well, but their complaints are about things that you don't have to use if you don't want to...and I don't want to.

The thing I'm really looking forward to is NFC. Set up a tag at work that changes your sounds, volume, background, etc. Set up another tag in your car that puts it into car mode. Put another one on your nightstand that turns the brightness all the way down and silences the phone and then launches the clock app. There are some really cool things that can be done with the NFC capability and some cheap NFC tags.

Looks interesting, and has possibilities.


Salt Life
and this is coming from a girl who had a dumb phone up until last year.

I'm on my 3rd droid in about 7 months now. Same phone... it just keeps crapping out. The battery life on them suck ass. I don't play games or apps so I don't have anything running in the background. I know many people love their droid phones, but I dislike mine very much. :smile:


not impressed
Wirelessly posted (Katelin's a b|t€h)

Chasey_Lane said:
and this is coming from a girl who had a dumb phone up until last year.

I'm on my 3rd droid in about 7 months now. Same phone... it just keeps crapping out. The battery life on them suck ass. I don't play games or apps so I don't have anything running in the background. I know many people love their droid phones, but I dislike mine very much. :smile:

I'm with you on that


Main Streeter
June 13th. Originally plced with BB on the 6th but got spooked by the arguments about keeping unlimited so I went with VZW on the 13th. That was the last day to get a ship date of 7/9

I'm not far behind. I ordered on the 16th and my "ship by" date is July 10th.


New Member
I just picked one up on Wednesday and love it, rooted yesterday to get rid of all the bloatware crap and prepare for JellyBean. Came from the HTC Sensation that died on me last week. Sensation was a good phone but the S3 was the only real upgrade available and I needed a phone.


Super Genius


Super Genius
Apparently, some orders have shipped and will arrive in the 5th or 6th. Hopefully, mine will show up by Monday.