AOC Says Something Ignorant


Well-Known Member

I REALLY hope her constituents vote her ass out at the first possible opportunity. She's spent more time in glamor shoots than actually doing something for her home sector.
If she got defeated in an election would she go back to bartending?
No , she has enough of an audience now to be a pain in the ass lobbyist or provocateur for the next 20 years.
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AOC harshly criticized Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) for his interactions with leftist green energy activist Raya Salter during her testimony on corporations and climate change.

A review of the exchange between Higgins and Salter shows that Salter was louder toward Higgins than he was to her as he repeatedly tried to get her to answer the questions he was asking.

Higgins asked Salter what she would do with products that she has that were created from petrochemical products.



Beloved Misanthrope

Rep @AOC (D-NY) goes after Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) for yelling at witness Raya Salter during a House Oversight hearing about the climate crisis: "Men who treat women like that in public, I fear how they treat them in private. We can be better than this."​

So are they to treat disrepectful women as equals or wilting lillies?
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The week in whoppers: AOC’s birth-rate idiocy, Sunny Hostin’s Nikki Haley backfire and more

This claim:

“Under the burdens of capitalism . . . we’re not having kids.”

— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Tuesday

We say: Socialist AOC thinks capitalism creates “burdens” that depress birth rates, but free markets are the best way to pull a nation out of poverty — and it’s the better-off who have fewer kids. Then again, even the poor in America are far wealthier than most of mankind throughout history. Oh, and by the way: More-socialist Europe’s birth rates are lower than those in the US.

This barb:

“What is (Nikki Haley’s) real name again?”

— Sunny Hostin, Tuesday

We say: The View’s Sunny (Asunción) Hostin stepped in it again, this time suggesting Republican Nikki Haley goes by “Nikki” instead of her “real name” to hide her Indian heritage. Except “Nikki” actually appears on Haley’s birth certificate, while “Sunny” is nowhere to be found on Hostin’s. Why does Hostin use “Sunny”? “Americans can’t pronounce ‘Asunción’ because of the under-education in our country,” she claimed. Desperate times call for lame excuses, we guess.
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Don’t Blame ‘Capitalism’ For Dropping Birth Rates, AOC, Blame Yourself And Your Malthusian Allies

Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist, classist, ableist, and racist. Her goal to rid the world of “undesirables” is being carried out through the hundreds of thousands of abortions that take place every year.

Margaret Sanger declared that “Women of the working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most.” She believed that parents with many children were incapable of investing adequate time and money to raise them properly.

This line of thinking has not gone away. During a 2011 debate in the House of Representatives over a bill that would defund the Sanger-founded Planned Parenthood of federal tax dollars, Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore suggested it would be better for unborn children to die in abortions than grow up having to live poor and eating “Ramen noodles” and “mayonnaise sandwiches.”

More recently, Democrat Rep. Katie Porter said on MSNBC that families can survive Joe Biden’s inflationary economy by aborting their children. Because killing kids saves money, right?

In a 1932 speech delivered to the “New History Society,” Sanger described her vision for the perfect United States. According to Sanger, a “population congress” would ideally “apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”


Just sneakin' around....
Isn't popping them out to get more benefits and deductions still a thing? And isn't it the lower incomes that do that?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
She hasn't mentioned how her abuela made out during the hurricane. I hope she got her roof fixed.


PREMO Member

AOC Anguishes Over Poor Pregnant Women Who Are 'Conscripted' to Work Against Their Will

Oh, honey, no. I know how much you love rambling on and sounding all profound and stuff, but c’mon.

Let’s deconstruct, shall we?

I missed the part where these poor and working-force women — not people — are forced against their will, against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child, to get pregnant.

Secondly, the notion that Court’s decision to correctly return abortion issues to the states and, presumably, elected lawmakers,is tantamount to “conscription” and “class warfare” against “large-scale employers” is AOC at her hilarious “best.”

But again, AOC is AOC — in all of her pontificating glory. And you know what that means: being AOC is not as easy as it looks.

Remember when AOC recently told Texas Governor Greg Abbott in a tweet that he was struggling at his job and should consider another line of work? Or that as a “woman of color,” she feared she wasn’t “going to be alive in September“? By all accounts, she is alive — brain-dead, maybe, but alive and kicking. Or finally, when she went full clown-world in July while desperately trying to connect firearms manufacturers to “white supremacist” symbols? You can’t make any of this up, because AOC has already done it for you.


PREMO Member

Commie AOC: Abortion Is Part of ‘Class Struggle,’ Pro-Lifers Help Big Corporations Maintain Large Workforce

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Workers of the World Unite) on Thursday tweeted a video of herself explaining why abortion is a “class issue and class struggle,” thereby demonstrating an even more open Marxism than this avowed socialist has shown up to now. In the process, AOC demonstrated the catastrophic illogic and counterfactual nature of Marxist thinking, and showed why, underneath her ditzy exterior, she is truly dangerous for the prospects of the United States remaining a free society.

Along with the video, AOC tweeted: “Abortion rights are a class struggle too. When the powerful force people to give birth against their will, they trap millions into cycles of economic setback and desperation. Especially in a country without guaranteed healthcare. And desperate workers are far easier to exploit.” In the video herself, she expanded on this, saying:

Y’know, I think it’s important to state that, um, that abortion is an economic issue. Forcing poor and working class people, uh, to give birth, um, against their will, against their consent, um, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child is a profound economic issue, and it’s certainly a way to keep, um, a workforce, uh, basically conscripted, uh, to large-scale employers and to employers to be p-, you know, to work more against their will, to take second and third jobs against their desire and their own autonomy, and so the idea that, um, abortion and access to abortion is somehow not a profound and central economic and class issue and class struggle, um, is certainly something that I think a person who has never had to contend, uh, with the ability to carry a child, um, you know, it belies that perspective.

A few observations on this masterpiece of Marxist mind manipulation:

Why are the books on AOC’s shelf turned around so that the pages, rather than the spines, face outward? Are there books that she is reading, or possesses anyway, that she doesn’t want the world to see? Why are her photos placed face down? Who or what is in them? Why not just move the books and photos off the shelves behind her (which are largely empty anyway, echoing her vision of the ideal supermarket) before starting the video?

There is a word for a large number of people who have “never had to contend with the ability to carry a child,” and never will. What is that word? Why does AOC avoid using it?

Is AOC really unaware that the big corporations today aren’t actually pro-life at all? If her Marxist analysis of the abortion issue were correct, then corporations would be encouraging motherhood and family. Instead, they’re encouraging the LGBTQ agenda, transgender madness, and even funding abortions for their employees. That’s an extremely strange way to behave if they want women to have children so that they can have more human beings for their workforce, more victims to sacrifice to their pitiless capitalistic quest to build their wealth on the backs of the workers.