AOC Says Something Ignorant


PREMO Member
🔥 After a Texas judge suspended approval of an abortion drug, execrable representative AOC went on CNN and told Anderson Cooper that she thinks it’s time for the Biden Administration to start ignoring court rulings and only enforcing the laws that Joe Biden thinks are the right ones.

I am not making that up. Specifically, Ms. Cortez said:

I believe that The Biden Administration should ignore this ruling. The courts rely on the legitimacy of their rulings and what they are currently doing is engaging in an unprecedented erosion of their legitimacy … the interesting thing when it comes to a ruling is that it relies on enforcement — and it is up to the Biden Administration to enforce, to choose, whether or not to enforce such a ruling.

Anyone up for a Constitutional crisis?

If only we could expel poor, deluded AOC from the Legislature.



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AOC Calls On Biden To ‘Ignore’ Texas Judge’s Abortion Pill Ruling In Unprecedented Move

“The interesting thing when it comes to a ruling is that it relies on enforcement. And it is up to the Biden administration to enforce, to choose whether or not to enforce a ruling,” AOC told CNN.

The New York Democrat said the Biden admin should just “ignore” the ruling, claiming the ruling was illegitimate.

Seems like someone read a biography of Andy Jackson to her, and she retained a little bit. :coffee:


PREMO Member

AOC Calls for Anarchy and CNN Anchors Pretend to be Shocked

In her call for anarchy, AOC borrowed Wyden’s lines and regurgitated them for her fans on CNN.

She told Anderson Cooper that “the Biden Administration should ignore this ruling.” And she confidently asserted that judges are too far right and “rely on the legitimacy of their rulings and what they are currently doing is engaged in an unprecedented and dramatic erosion of the legitimacy of the courts.” Imagine judges believing that their court decisions are legitimate.

Then AOC appeared on Dana Bash’s CNN program, where she doubled down. Bash pretended to be shocked:

That’s a pretty stunning position! If you think about it, in the, in the abstract, about the notion of just ignoring a judge’s position. So my question is, when this case is resolved by the Supreme Court, should the administration follow that decision, if that decision ends up banning this abortion drug?


PREMO Member
AOC’s latest antic involves urging people to ignore any law that isn’t convenient for them. Victoria has the story:

After a Texas federal judge ruled on abortion pills, the Left collapsed onto their fainting couches and demanded free smelling salts. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was one of them, and Sandy was brooking no argument that perhaps the judge had a point. In fact, the New York twirly girl-turned-bartender-turned congresswoman told CNN what Democrats should do: “Ignore it.”
AOC confidently nodded to Anderson Cooper and unblinkingly asserted her belief Sen. Ron Wyden’s (D-Ore.) assessment of the ruling.
After the Texas judge issued his decision, Wyden tweeted that “there is no basis for this ruling in law, and I think that the Biden administration can and must ignore the judge and keep mifepristone on the market and this medication available for every woman in America.”

Of course she was derivative. There isn’t a person alive on the planet who will live long enough to witness AOC having an original thought. Squeaky has the intellectual agility of a recently swatted fly. Unfortunately, her tiny brain is, by some stroke of misfortune, paired with a mouth that’s capable of producing an extraordinary amount of words.

I mean, this woman can talk. On the floor of the House. On social media. On television. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she murmurs soliloquies all night in her sleep.



PREMO Member

AOC bashes Mayor Eric Adams’ overhaul of Medicare for 250K retired workers

AOC’s shot at City Hall over a concerning issue for seniors — a key voting constituency — could be a test of the waters for a Senate run against Democrat incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand, or even a challenge to Adams’ 2025 re-election bid, political consultants said.

The congresswoman has not ruled out a Senate run next year, and backed lefty challenger Maya Wiley’s failed run against Adams in the 2021 City Hall race.

“It’s a bad decision. It is not good,” Ocasio-Cortez said about the change in health coverage for retirees during a virtual town hall Thursday.

“This is something I oppose. We are in this fight with you and we oppose this shift.”

Private health insurer Aetna will manage the Medicare Advantage program.


PREMO Member
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez illustrated that perfectly in an interview that aired Sunday. While on MSNBC, the New York congresswoman spoke to Jen Psaki, which just rounds out the absurdity of the entire scene. The former press secretary for Joe Biden, one of the biggest political hacks in existence, is now cosplaying as an unbiased journalist, but I digress.

The conversation moved to the supposed danger that Tucker Carlson poses to the general public, with Ocasio-Cortez accusing the top-rated host of “incitement to violence.” She also called for government regulations that would remove Carlson and others she disagrees with from the air.

You almost have to respect how blatantly authoritarian that statement is. Many in the Democratic Party at least try to cover up their tyrannical instincts by beating around the bush, but Ocasio-Cortez just comes out and owns her fascism. I suppose that’s easy to do when she knows whatever media figure is sitting across from her will simply lavish her with praise and adoration. Psaki’s performance in that interview was pathetic, and if modern journalistic ethics actually existed, she’d be laughed out of her job.



PREMO Member
After years of violence on the streets, AOC pretends to care about incitement again

According to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), media companies should be held accountable for “incitement of violence.” And by media companies, she means Fox News.

“When it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to federal law, federal regulation in terms of what’s allowed on air and what isn’t,” Ocasio-Cortez told former White House press secretary and now MSNBC host Jen Psaki on Sunday. “And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.”

“Very clearly incitement of violence. And that is the line that, I think, we have to be willing to contend with,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

She is, of course, wrong. Very, very wrong, in fact.

Only speech that incites imminent lawless action falls outside the protection of the First Amendment, with standards becoming more stringent over time. While incitement was measured with the “clear and present danger” standard of 1919’s Schenck v. United States, this was limited by the “imminent lawless action” standard of Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969.

Given this specific definition of “imminent” incitement of lawlessness, it’s important to note that Ocasio-Cortez failed to provide any examples of Tucker Carlson and other Fox News figures inciting such action.


PREMO Member

NYC Mayor, AOC Spar Over Death Of Unstable Homeless Man At Hands Of Former Marine

Ocasio-Cortez emphatically disagreed with the statement on social media and countered that “not being able to clearly condemn a public murder because the victim was of a social status some would deem ‘too low’ to care about.” She said Adams had “cut the very services that could have helped him” and said in another social media post that Neely was “houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself.”

Adams was asked in an interview whether he agreed with the sentiment from Ocasio-Cortez that Neely was “murdered.” He responded that the lawmaker’s claim is not “very responsible at the time where we are still investigating the situation,” adding that “we cannot just blatantly say what a passenger should or should not do in a situation like that, and we should allow the investigation to take its course.”

Ocasio-Cortez, a leading advocate for shifting resources away from police forces, contended last month that Adams should fund community social programs rather than implementing a salary increase for police officers.


PREMO Member
“Republicans keep blaming mass shootings on mental health, but then defend the killing of the mentally ill too,” she opined, apparently unaware that one is not mutually exclusive of the other, as explained by conservative commentator Tarah Price:

Something else I find disturbing about the arguments AOC and her ilk are making is the implied suggestion that Jordan Neely should have been left alone that day – period, even if he did have plans to victimize passengers. That’s just crazy, but it’s about what we’ve come to expect from the same people who on one hand demand we defund the police but who on the other have taxpayer-funded private security at all times.

I mean there seems to be no middle ground here. There is legitimate debate on the right about what level of force should have been used on Neely, but on the left, what they’re arguing is that basically no one on the subway that day had the right to self-defense.

In a December 2022 report from CNN of all places, the quiet part was said out loud about how people still weren’t riding the subway at pre-coronavirus pandemic levels “in part due to wariness over an increase in violence on the transit system.”



PREMO Member

AOC’s call for trucker boycott of Florida an embarrassing flop

By Thomas Lifson

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has humiliated herself, apparently in the false belief that truckers care what she thinks. She took to Twitter to call for a trucker boycott of shipments to Florida because of what she terms “anti-immigrant” policies of Governor Ron DeSantis, deliberately conflating legal with illegal immigration, the target of DeSantis’s recent bill.

Anti-immigrant policies reap what they sow. DeSantis’ Florida is about to find that out. The US has such deep needs right now, particularly in labor. Yet policymakers (of ALL stripes) take our immigrant communities for granted. No más. Time to stop biting the hands that feed.



PREMO Member

A fight between Ted Cruz and AOC simply is not a fair one given the wide gulf in intellect between the two. This all came into view Tuesday.

Before their little spat, a liberal “political scientist” named Norm Ornstein smeared Cruz by saying the Texas senator would have been “first in line” to filibuster the Civil Rights Act and Jim Crow.

Cruz, who is the exact opposite of a racist, pointed out the obvious: Ornstein’s Democratic Party filibustered the Civil Rights Act while Republicans supported it in overwhelming numbers.
