
Well-Known Member
That brain injury must be acting up today.

Is there no way for a person to claim asylum at the US border then?
How many times do we have to go over this?

They can go to the legal port of entry, fill out some paperwork, and be done with the whole thing until their court date.
The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) requires all individuals seeking asylum at ports of entry to be detained. They remain in detention even after officials confirm their claims as credible, unless the officials decide the applicants are unlikely to flee and do not pose a safety threat.


Well-Known Member
How many times do we have to go over this?

They can go to the legal port of entry, fill out some paperwork, and be done with the whole thing until their court date.

Which is exactly what these people have done and they are then transferred to detention centers until their court date in many cases.

Why did it take 14 pages for this information to be absorbed in your brain?


Well-Known Member
Which is exactly what these people have done and they are then transferred to detention centers until their court date in many cases.

Why did it take 14 pages for this information to be absorbed in your brain?
So, you NOW agree that the way they should do it is NOT come into the country illegally?

I'm all for the ones who attempted to do things legally, are unlikely to flee, and do not represent a safety threat being released after their paperwork is done. But, the ones who enter illegally should be immediately sent home. Second offense of attempting to enter illegally and all possibility of application as a refugee (from home) or asylum (from the US) are done irrevocably.

What do you think - can we agree on that?


Well-Known Member
So, you NOW agree that the way they should do it is NOT come into the country illegally?

I'm all for the ones who attempted to do things legally, are unlikely to flee, and do not represent a safety threat being released after their paperwork is done. But, the ones who enter illegally should be immediately sent home. Second offense of attempting to enter illegally and all possibility of application as a refugee (from home) or asylum (from the US) are done irrevocably.

What do you think - can we agree on that?

Why do you believe you get to set the rules for the asylum procedure? Why cant you talk about what is currently happening without making up hypotheticals?

Why don't you understand that many of the people are following the prescribed procedure for claiming asylum at the US border and then being detained?

Why is that the determining factor in whether these peoples children should be deprived of sleep, blankets, and basic hygiene which has resulted int he deaths of at least 8 children so far 8 more than died under what you claim wrongly are the same conditions they were kept in under the Obama administration


Well-Known Member
Why do you believe you get to set the rules for the asylum procedure?

Because it's my government as much as it is yours, so we should be deciding what happens and paying our representatives to meet our desires. That's one of the many things that makes this a great republic.

Why cant you talk about what is currently happening without making up hypotheticals?

Because if you only look at "actuals" you can substantially limit the thought that goes into laws and regulations, limiting their effectiveness and greatly risking horrific unintended consequences. It's what intelligent people do. Einstein referred to the concept as "thought experiments" and came up with general and special relativity by doing this.

Why don't you understand that many of the people are following the prescribed procedure for claiming asylum at the US border and then being detained?

Um, I DO understand that. They are in line with the law, that says they can be detained unless the officials decide the applicants are unlikely to flee and do not pose a safety threat - and then they can be detained. So, those who come here with reasonable claims for asylum (miniscule percentage) that pose no threat to the citizens of the United States (even smaller percentage) are released as soon as the paperwork is done.

Why is that the determining factor in whether these peoples children should be deprived of sleep, blankets, and basic hygiene which has resulted int he deaths of at least 8 children so far 8 more than died under what you claim wrongly are the same conditions they were kept in under the Obama administration

Well, first off, why is what the determining factor? Your question is incomplete.

Second, there's not a single death that has been the result of lack of blankets or hygiene products. That's just a blatant lie.

And, the conditions of which you complain started with Clinton, which caused the 1997 Flores Settlement - a ruling that the Obama Administration could not live up and resulted in the 2015 ruling against them.


Well-Known Member
... many of the people are following the prescribed procedure for claiming asylum at the US border...

Prove it! You keep spitting out this line but, you offer no proof that these illegal immigrants are "following the prescribed procedure."

In fact, haven't many of the posters here shown you the EXACT OPPOSITE??!!


Well-Known Member
Prove it! You keep spitting out this line but, you offer no proof that these illegal immigrants are "following the prescribed procedure."

In fact, haven't many of the posters here shown you the EXACT OPPOSITE??!!
I give him that one, because "many" is a meaningless, inexact characterization that could be true if it is 4 out of 4,000,000. I'm absolutely certain that there are people who tried to do it legally - regardless of if it is well under 1% or over 20% (reality being much closer to the former than the latter, of course). So, for me personally it's not worth the argument.


Well-Known Member
Prove it! You keep spitting out this line but, you offer no proof that these illegal immigrants are "following the prescribed procedure."

In fact, haven't many of the posters here shown you the EXACT OPPOSITE??!!

I did in fact show this information earlier in an article by the Arizona Tribune which based its findings on court records.

Follow along


Well-Known Member
Because it's my government as much as it is yours, so we should be deciding what happens and paying our representatives to meet our desires. That's one of the many things that makes this a great republic.

Because if you only look at "actuals" you can substantially limit the thought that goes into laws and regulations, limiting their effectiveness and greatly risking horrific unintended consequences. It's what intelligent people do. Einstein referred to the concept as "thought experiments" and came up with general and special relativity by doing this.

Um, I DO understand that. They are in line with the law, that says they can be detained unless the officials decide the applicants are unlikely to flee and do not pose a safety threat - and then they can be detained. So, those who come here with reasonable claims for asylum (miniscule percentage) that pose no threat to the citizens of the United States (even smaller percentage) are released as soon as the paperwork is done.

Well, first off, why is what the determining factor? Your question is incomplete.

Second, there's not a single death that has been the result of lack of blankets or hygiene products. That's just a blatant lie.

And, the conditions of which you complain started with Clinton, which caused the 1997 Flores Settlement - a ruling that the Obama Administration could not live up and resulted in the 2015 ruling against them.

Why is the determine factor whether these people crossed seeking asylum or crossed illegally?

Morally and ethically the people nd children should all be treated the same which is humanely


Well-Known Member
Why is the determine factor whether these people crossed seeking asylum or crossed illegally?

Morally and ethically the people nd children should all be treated the same which is humanely
Because if they violated the law by crossing illegally, they should be detained like alleged criminals - like we do for all accused criminals. Detention is not a wrong thing to do with accused criminals.

They should be treated humanely - on that we fully agree. That's why the president sought a few billion dollars in the past: to afford the historically huge number of people coming into the country illegally. The Democrats refused. So, place your anger with them for this. The law requires detention, common sense requires detention, and Democrats specifically refused to fund it.

So, the administration is left with risking American citizens with security threats being released illegally into the united states, or, limiting the number of showers they get.

They chose wisely.


Well-Known Member
were you trying to make a point

I asked yesterday, which detention facility did M Trump where this jacket to ?


why must i be responsible for educating you?

"first lady Melania Trump jetted off to Texas Thursday to check out for herself the detained children separated from their migrant parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the children," Trump said when she arrived at Upbring New Hope Children Center, run by the Lutheran Social Services of the South in McAllen, Texas, at the far southeastern border with Mexico.

Her spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, announced her trip in an email to USA TODAY only after she arrived in Texas.

"First Lady Melania Trump has arrived in Texas to take part in briefings and tours at a nonprofit social services center for children who have entered the United States illegally and a customs and border patrol processing center," the statement said."



Well-Known Member
Because if they violated the law by crossing illegally, they should be detained like alleged criminals - like we do for all accused criminals. Detention is not a wrong thing to do with accused criminals.

They should be treated humanely - on that we fully agree. That's why the president sought a few billion dollars in the past: to afford the historically huge number of people coming into the country illegally. The Democrats refused. So, place your anger with them for this. The law requires detention, common sense requires detention, and Democrats specifically refused to fund it.

So, the administration is left with risking American citizens with security threats being released illegally into the united states, or, limiting the number of showers they get.

They chose wisely.

That one was for a border wall which the american people overwhelmingly did not support funding

So you think Trump should pass this latest measure by the house to secure funding for humane treatment of detainees at the border then right?

Do you believe that over crowding people , caging children denying them soap and toothbrushes , blankets and depriving them of sleep is humane?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
That one was for a border wall which the american people overwhelmingly did not support funding

So you think Trump should pass this latest measure by the house to secure funding for humane treatment of detainees at the border then right?

Do you believe that over crowding people , caging children denying them soap and toothbrushes , blankets and depriving them of sleep is humane?
I like the other options much better; make them wait on the Mexican side in those nice camps the Mexicans have. Of course now the Mexican military is stopping them at their southern border too. Things are looking up.


Well-Known Member
That one was for a border wall which the american people overwhelmingly did not support funding

That was only part of it. (BTW, "overwhelmingly did not support" is a pretty big false statement there)

So you think Trump should pass this latest measure by the house to secure funding for humane treatment of detainees at the border then right?

As you pointed out above, the reason the Democrats wouldn't pass the previous bill the president submitted was because there were other things in it they didn't like. So, with that precedent in mind, I believe the president should NOT pass the House version, but the rather more bipartisan and less restrictive Senate version.

Do you believe that over crowding people , caging children denying them soap and toothbrushes , blankets and depriving them of sleep is humane?

While I despise relative moralism, reality is that this is not a hypothetical situation and therefore requires a choice to be made. The choice is to take funding illegally from somewhere else to pay for the more humane housing conditions, illegally release security risks into the nation, or give the security risks less humane conditions and less showers.

The president chose American citizens over illegal aliens. I wish he didn't have to make that choice, but he does.

What is your solution, in reality (not hypotheticals)?


PREMO Member
"first lady Melania Trump jetted off to Texas Thursday to check out for herself the detained children separated from their migrant parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

I am not seeing where Melania was WEARING that coat at ANY Detonation Facility

You are in fact lying and making assumptions again ... she wore the coat getting on to AF One ..... got off in Texas WEARING a Yellow Coat and was seen getting back off of AF One back in DC With the same coat


First lady Melania Trump at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., June 21, 2018,
on her way to Texas to visit the U.S.-Mexico border. (Photo: Andrew Harnik/ AP)

At the Meetings in McAllen Tx :sshrug: where is the jacket ?

melania trump


Well-Known Member
That was only part of it.

As you pointed out above, the reason the Democrats wouldn't pass the previous bill the president submitted was because there were other things in it they didn't like. So, with that precedent in mind, I believe the president should NOT pass the House version, but the rather more bipartisan and less restrictive Senate version.

While I despise relative moralism, reality is that this is not a hypothetical situation and therefore requires a choice to be made. The choice is to take funding illegally from somewhere else to pay for the more humane housing conditions, illegally release security risks into the nation, or give the security risks less humane conditions and less showers.

The president chose American citizens over illegal aliens. I wish he didn't have to make that choice, but he does.

What is your solution, in reality (not hypotheticals)?

He didnt chose americans over illegal aliens It wasn't an either or. No americans are dying only immigrant. We are one of the richest nations in the country. We can easily afford to provide humane conditions to immigrants illegal or asylum seekers.

My solution would be to do what he claimed to be best at and actually sit down and negotiate a budget solution with the understanding that both sides will have to give up something to the other side and that both sides will gain something.

So far only Democrats have been willing to sit down with Trump and discuss solutions while he threw a temper tantrum and walked out.