
Well-Known Member
Tell you what, I'll show you that 18 - EIGHT-*ING-TEEN - died during Obama's watch where "subpar care contributed to at least seven of the deaths," - *ING SEVEN. So, I've got seven specifically due to the care received under Obama. Show me one, just one, where the conditions of the detention center caused the deaths during Trump's tenure.

Talk about "disingenuous argument", for goodness sake. Are you really that unaware?

Did you come up with where Trump should illegally pull funds, by the way?

As you know the discussion was about children since the Trump administration began seperating families.

But now that you moved the goal posts to try to strengthen your argument lets discuss the 22 adults that have died in the last two years under the Trump administration.



PREMO Member

Mrs. Trump arrives at McAllen Miller International Airport in Texas Thursday.
Andrew Harnik/AP

Hey here is Melania getting off the Plane in Texas ...... WHERE IS THE JACKET ?


Well-Known Member
As you know the discussion was about children since the Trump administration began seperating families.

But now that you moved the goal posts to try to strengthen your argument lets discuss the 22 adults that have died in the last two years under the Trump administration.

How many based on the conditions of the detention centers? Obama had seven.


Well-Known Member
Prove it .... I'm going by the NEWS Story NOT your assumptions and lies

I already did in the article and the caption on the photo you posted does the same.

Also why would you expect someone to wear a full length jacket indoors is beyond comprehension.

Like whether she wore the jacket indoors or not indicates how little she cares about these kids if she thought that message was a good one to convoy on her visit


Well-Known Member
As you know the discussion was about children since the Trump administration began seperating families.

But now that you moved the goal posts to try to strengthen your argument lets discuss the 22 adults that have died in the last two years under the Trump administration.

Besides, why are we only talking children. ADULT LIVES MATTER!!!


Well-Known Member
Besides, why are we only talking children. ADULT LIVES MATTER!!!

What a stupid response. You've been shown to be wrong for the millionth time and when discussing the deaths of innocent people you come up with a flippant dismissal.

and yet again you claim to a religious person.

You should be ashamed of yourself


Well-Known Member
What a stupid response. You've been shown to be wrong for the millionth time and when discussing the deaths of innocent people you come up with a flippant dismissal.

and yet again you claim to a religious person.

You should be ashamed of yourself
So, how many under Trump were due to the conditions of the detention centers, as opposed to Obama who had 7 directly caused by conditions in the detention centers under his watch?


PREMO Member
Obama Built The ‘Cages’ for Illegals, Not Trump, Says Obama ICE Chief

But for those still trying to blame President Trump, Barack Obama’s former ICE chief, Thomas Homan, has a reality check for them. Speaking at a conference hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies, Homan explained that the “cages” Democrats are blaming on Trump were the product of the Obama administration:

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under (Homeland Security) Secretary Jeh Johnson. I was there because I was there when it was built,” said Thomas Homan, who was Obama’s executive associate director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement for nearly four years.

At an immigration conference today, Homan, under consideration for a new position of “border czar” in the Trump administration, grew visibly angry answering a question about “cages” often cited by Democratic critics of the president.
Homan, who ran Obama’s successful deportation operation, ripped Democrats who question Trump immigration officials on the Obama-era idea.
He cited one Democratic chairman who asked a Trump official, “You still keeping kids in cages?”
Homan, at the conference hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies, said, “I would answer the question, ‘The kids are being housed in the same facility built under the Obama administration.’ If you want to call them cages, call them cages. But if the left wants to call them cages and the Democrats want to call them cages then they have to accept the fact that they were built and funded in FY 2015.”


PREMO Member

Tapper: You retweeted a story from Esquire magazine discussing all this, talking about the academic definition [of "concentration camp"] versus the definition that most people think of, the colloquial definition that doesn't mean the concentration camp or just a concentration of individuals, but a Nazi death camp. But one of the points that was made in that very story was that, using that definition, there were also concentration camps under Obama and under Bill Clinton. That is in the story that you retweeted. So, did you call them concentration camps at the time, when Obama was president?​
AOC: Well, at the time I was working in a restaurant. But I absolutely was outspoken against Obama's immigration policies and the detention of families then. I think it's a remarkably consistent position, and I'm not here to defend wrong actions just because they happened under a Democratic administration. I'm here to speak truth to power, and if it's wrong, it's wrong. And I frankly don't care what president does it.​

If you're always sneering that "Obama's biggest scandal was wearing a tan suit," what do you think of your new standard-bearer accusing the Lightworker, The One, of running literal concentration camps? That's pretty big, don't you think? How do you explain why you didn't panic, the way you're panicking now, when the Obama administration enforced the same policies in the same way? If Trump is a Nazi, why wasn't Obama?

So there we have it AOC Says Obama Ran Concentration Camps ....... [Sapidus Head Explodes]
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Well-Known Member
What a stupid response. You've been shown to be wrong for the millionth time and when discussing the deaths of innocent people you come up with a flippant dismissal.

and yet again you claim to a religious person.

You should be ashamed of yourself
So, how many under Trump were due to the conditions of the detention centers, as opposed to Obama who had 7 directly caused by conditions in the detention centers under his watch?


PREMO Member
Tapper Shreds AOC On Border Bill. AOC Doubles Down On Holocaust Rhetoric.

Tapper questioned Ocasio-Cortez after she wrote the following on Twitter: "Under no circumstances should the House vote for a McConnell-only bill w/ no negotiation with Democrats. Hell no. That’s an abdication of power we should refuse to accept. They will keep hurting kids if we do."
"Those are strong words against Speaker Pelosi and that bill as you know passed 84 to 8 in the Senate," Tapper said. "A lot of Liberal Democrats voted for it. Explain why you're taking such a strong stance here."

Ocasio-Cortez responded: We passed a House version of this bill which had far more humanitarian provisions and accountability — and accountability for the facilities that are abusing kids at our border. And Mitch McConnell immediately smacked it down in order to pass and rammed through a Senate bill that has an enormous amount of funding for military as well as no guardrails and no accountability for facilities that are abusing our kids."

"But Congresswoman, didn't you vote against the House version too?" Tapper asked.

"I did," Ocasio-Cortez responded. "I did."



Well-Known Member
Show me where it say the must legally stop in Mexico.

The law says the must claim asylum once the cross the US border.

Why do you have such strong opinions if you don't even understand the subject matter?
Sorry sonny, you might want to watch another network where they will break it down for you. Are you pretending to be this stupid or for real?


PREMO Member
As you know the discussion was about children since the Trump administration began separating families.

Why Do YOU want children to go to jail .... there parents are being prosecuted for Criminal Entry into the US

Why does this policy result in children being separated from their parents?

The use of criminal charges against parents caught crossing the border triggers a legal situation that necessitates separating children, while the use of civil immigration detention and removal does not require this to occur. When adults are detained and prosecuted in the criminal justice system for immigration offenses, their children cannot, by law, be housed with them in criminal jails, so the family unit is separated. The children are placed with the Department of Health and Human Services in shelters until they can be released to a family member, guardian, or foster family in the United States.

Previous administrations used family detention facilities, allowing the whole family to stay together while awaiting their deportation case in immigration court, or alternatives to detention, which required families to be tracked but released from custody to await their court date. Some children may have been separated from the adults they entered with, in cases where the family relationship could not be established, child trafficking was suspected, or there were not sufficient family detention facilities available. Both the Obama and Trump administrations have tried to establish more capacity to detain families and children, rather than releasing them until their hearing date. However, the zero-tolerance policy is the first time that a policy resulting in separation is being applied across the board.

Why did the administration adopt this policy of separating families at the border?

In March 2017, then-DHS Secretary John Kelly cited the deterrent value of family separation as a rationale for the policy. The rationale is that if immigrants believed that they would be separated from their child if they were caught, they might be less likely to illegally enter the country. DHS has also pointed to intelligence suggesting that unrelated children were often smuggled with migrants to avoid detention, meaning the zero-tolerance policy prevents those offenders from abusing the system. President Trump has tweeted that there are laws that require this separation. While there is no law that specifically requires separation (other than that children cannot be housed in criminal jails with adults), the president seems to be referring to the laws prohibiting extended detention of children who cross the border illegally, which the administration believes would allow them to be deported more quickly.

What’s Really Happening When Asylum-Seeking Families Are Separated?

AC: So the idea of zero tolerance under the stated policy is that we don’t care why you’re afraid. We don’t care if it’s religion, political, gangs, anything. For all asylum seekers, you are going to be put in jail, in a detention center, and you’re going to have your children taken away from you. That’s the policy. They’re not 100 percent able to implement that because of a lot of reasons, including just having enough judges on the border. And bed space. There’s a big logistical problem because this is a new policy. So the way they get to that policy of taking the kids away and keeping the adults in detention centers and the kids in a different federal facility is based on the legal rationale that we’re going to convict you, and since we’re going to convict you, you’re going to be in the custody of the U.S. Marshals, and when that happens, we’re taking your kid away. So they’re not able to convict everybody of illegal entry right now just because there aren’t enough judges on the border right now to hear the number of cases that come over, and then they say if you have religious persecution or political persecution or persecution on something that our asylum definition recognizes, you can fight that case behind bars at an immigration detention center. And those cases take two, three, four, five, six months. And what happens to your child isn’t really our concern. That is, you have made the choice to bring your child over illegally. And this is what’s going to happen.

Even if they crossed at a legal entry point?

AC: Very few people come to the bridge. Border Patrol is saying the bridge is closed. When I was last out in McAllen, people were stacked on the bridge, sleeping there for three, four, ten nights. They’ve now cleared those individuals from sleeping on the bridge, but there are hundreds of accounts of asylum seekers, when they go to the bridge, who are told, “I’m sorry, we’re full today. We can’t process your case.” So the families go illegally on a raft—I don’t want to say illegally; they cross without a visa on a raft. Many of them then look for Border Patrol to turn themselves in, because they know they’re going to ask for asylum. And under this government theory—you know, in the past, we’ve had international treaties, right? Statutes which codified the right of asylum seekers to ask for asylum. Right? Article 31 of the Refugee Convention clearly says that it is improper for any state to use criminal laws that could deter asylum seekers as long as that asylum seeker is asking for asylum within a reasonable amount of time. But our administration is kind of ignoring this longstanding international and national jurisprudence of basic beliefs to make this distinction that, if you come to a bridge, we’re not going to prosecute you, but if you come over the river and then find immigration or are caught by immigration, we’re prosecuting you.


PREMO Member
The Real Border Crisis Is About Foreigners Gaming America’s Asylum Laws



The Solution

The first step is simple. Build more holding cells, more ankle trackers, more processing agents, and more judges working on court cases. We need to clear the backlog of cases, and fast. The longer those pending cases linger on the books, the longer the people involved remain in the United States, most of them without authorization.

Given that between 75 and 95 percent of those cases will ultimately result in the immigrant losing, that means the case backlog is providing a mechanism for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to remain in the country, free and clear, for years at a time. That has to stop.

The case backlog is providing a mechanism for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to remain in the country, free and clear, for years at a time.

The way to stop it, while still honoring the rule of law, is to massively expand border resources. We need a wall, but we also need the resources to defend the wall: judges to convict violators, court officers to manage detention centers, more detention centers themselves, etc.

The administration has made some efforts. Former attorney general Jeff Sessions tried some legal gimmicks and peer pressure to get judges to clear backlogs, but those tools are weak and insufficient. There’s no substitute for more resources working on the problem. On that front, the administration has done virtually nothing to expand the capacity to process asylum cases.