Approachable or not?

Pete said:
But when we would go places I could almost read those chicks minds when they would be me and Boy; "Look, a divorced dad who has his kid for the weekend" or "Married guy"

Seriously... :lmao:


Pete said:

"Look, a divorced dad who has his kid for the weekend"


Hey I say use what you got :yay:

leslie3977 said:
Good question! I don't suppose "Is bebe's momma still sleeping with bebe's daddy?" would work.

That is a question that would take a little more time. I mean well
nebermind :whistle:

Not sure how you can get a hook up by just passing by someone in the parking lot/ store.

I always flirt but never expect to get the 7 digits while getting some toilet paper at the store:shrug:


leslie3977 said:
Would you approach that person with their kids there if you didn't see a ring?

Hell yeah.

If they have kids, that means a few things:

1) They like to ####.
2) They will never complain about their biological clock - so no pressure.
3) They're used to boorish and childish behavior... so I don't have to censor myself
4) They will have cookies in the house!


24/7 Single Dad
kwillia said:
What's she supposed to say that's not going to sound freakish...:eyebrow:
"Cute kid(s), you and your wife must be proud".
If he's single, he will IMMEDIATLY announce that there is no wife.


Toxick said:
Hell yeah.

If they have kids, that means a few things:

1) They like to ####.
2) They will never complain about their biological clock - so no pressure.
3) They're used to boorish and childish behavior... so I don't have to censor myself
4) They will have cookies in the house!


I always say look she has #### trophies :lmao:


If you see something you like...go for it (unless there is a ring of course)--yes even I have morals---:lol:
I personally think that is what is wrong with dating today, people expect it to be magical/sparks flying/ just doesn't happen anymore.
They don't have the guts anymore to just go up and say "hi"
you never know what could have happened:shrug:

with the internet and such, everything seems so "impersonal"
you meet on line exchange e-mails IM a few dozen times and finally get the nerve to ask the other out...things go well and WHAM! now your in bed with this person....and you don't even know their last name yet:yikes:

A buddy of mine told me this.....yesterday is a day you cant get back, so live for today and tomorrow will be better.

swallow the pride, and go up to him....the worst that can happen is that he's not interested but the curiosity must have been there or else he wouldn't have been looking at you


Well-Known Member
leslie3977 said:
For this scenario pretend you’re single if you’re not. Let's say you see someone while you're out. Maybe you're at a grocery store or in the Target parking lot :lmao:. You look at them, they look at you, there's eye contact and you feel there's interest there. You look down and notice he/she has kid(s) with them. Would you approach that person with their kids there if you didn't see a ring?

That would depend on a lot. Not too long ago, I saw an acquaintance I knew with kids - and she was pregnant. And after a few minutes, a man showed up along side her. No ring doesn't mean "single".

And there are other things - are the kids wild and rambunctious? Do they look listless and kind of dopey? Are they *clean*? Even if you LIKE kids, there are things to notice.

And lastly, when I was single, I didn't approach women in the grocery or Target parking lot - I waited until they were at a venue where they were intent on meeting someone. Even when I was single, there were times I just wanted to get my stuff and go home and I assume others feel the same way.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
SamSpade said:
Even when I was single, there were times I just wanted to get my stuff and go home and I assume others feel the same way.
Especially if they're out shopping. If they really turn your eye though, try to see what's in the cart. If it's full of ammo and duct tape, better not approach. :lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
FancyBelle said:
Especially if they're out shopping. If they really turn your eye though, try to see what's in the cart. If it's full of ammo and duct tape, better not approach. :lmao:
Must be why nobody tries to pick up Mig :lol: