Approachable or not?


PREMO Member
I don't wear my ring (my finger swells up), and women smack my a$$ all the time.
Really pi$$es me off, it hurts.


No Longer the Kid
Pete said:

When I first got divorced all the guys at work would say. "Pete, you got a built in chick magnet and chicks would think it rocks you are a single dad with a cute widdle beebee."

But when we would go places I could almost read those chicks minds when they would be me and Boy; "Look, a divorced dad who has his kid for the weekend" or "Married guy"


Apparently that is just with boys... widdle baby girls do the trick :biggrin:


Upper Charles County :-)
leslie3977 said:
For this scenario pretend you’re single if you’re not. Let's say you see someone while you're out. Maybe you're at a grocery store or in the Target parking lot :lmao:. You look at them, they look at you, there's eye contact and you feel there's interest there. You look down and notice he/she has kid(s) with them. Would you approach that person with their kids there if you didn't see a ring?

Are you wandering whether you should have approached someone or why someone did not approach you? :whistle:


New Member
UpChuckMan said:
Are you wandering whether you should have approached someone or why someone did not approach you? :whistle:
Just wondering really sort of came up the other day and I saw a forum somewhere about approaching people and I wanted to see what everyone thought. I don't approach men with or without kids.


24/7 Single Dad
leslie3977 said:
Just wondering really sort of came up the other day and I saw a forum somewhere about approaching people and I wanted to see what everyone thought. I don't approach men with or without kids.
How about women? You could ask them if they like to eat at the Y


New Member
aps45819 said:
How about women? You could ask them if they like to eat at the Y
That's kind of a bit much for someone you just saw don't you think? That's more like a 5th date question. :lmao:


wandering aimlessly
I can't imagine approaching someone at the grocery store or any store, especially if they have kids.

On the other hand men seem to think the grocery store is a real pick up spot. I hate grocery shopping and anyone that talks to me there will get an immediate negative response.


Come Play at BigWoodys
bresamil said:
I can't imagine approaching someone at the grocery store or any store, especially if they have kids.

On the other hand men seem to think the grocery store is a real pick up spot. I hate grocery shopping and anyone that talks to me there will get an immediate negative response.

remind me to never ask you where the peanut butter is. :lmao: :lmao:


I bowl overhand
kwillia said:
Okay... so let's take this to the next level... She makes eye contact with a guy with kids in tow in the Target parking lot... she has 3 seconds to make a move... What's she supposed to say that's not going to sound freakish...:eyebrow:
"Seeing how this is a gun free zone, you must be happy to see me!"


aka Mrs. Giant
bresamil said:
I can't imagine approaching someone at the grocery store or any store, especially if they have kids.

On the other hand men seem to think the grocery store is a real pick up spot. I hate grocery shopping and anyone that talks to me there will get an immediate negative response.
I am always entertained in the grocery store. I get a tickle out of the single guys looking to see what I've bought and trying to make conversation in the check out line. I really want to go once to the store and buy a turkey baster, baby oil, condoms, and shower curtain...:lmao:


24/7 Single Dad
leslie3977 said:
That's kind of a bit much for someone you just saw don't you think? That's more like a 5th date question. :lmao:
If you're a woman on a date with a woman, I think there's no need to ask :lol:


FastCarsSpeed said:
It was just a reference to an item that is located on store shelves LOL.

Get your mind out of the gutter. :smack:

She is wondering about picking up guys in parking lots and you want her to get her mind out of the gutter? :lmao: