Are Catholic Beliefs and Practices Biblical?


New Member
Then by definition it is opinion. If I say "Maryland" begins with an "M", that is the truth, you can't legitimately say "Actually I think I begins with a Z". But if you say "My god is the true god". I can legitimately say " No he's not because there is no god." You can't prove otherwise, and I can't 100% prove to you there is not god, so neither can be defined as truth, fact or anything in that vein...

If you, as an Atheist, are willing to hedge your faith on unbelief then the final result will still reveal that - There Is Only (and has always been) One Truth:

A) God Exists

B) God Does Not Exist

If God does not exist - ya got nothing to worry about and no need to worry that your soul will be taken by Satan when you die. (If your claim is that God does not exist then you are also claiming that Satan does not exist)

There Is Only One Truth (John 14:6)


New Member
If you, as an Atheist, are willing to hedge your faith on unbelief then the final result will still reveal that - There Is Only (and has always been) One Truth:

A) God Exists

B) God Does Not Exist

If God does not exist - ya got nothing to worry about and no need to worry that your soul will be taken by Satan when you die. (If your claim is that God does not exist then you are also claiming that Satan does not exist)

Ok, I think what you're asking me is as an Atheist, why don't I just believe, just in case because if I'm right and there is no god then no foul and nothing happens, if I'm wrong, according to you I rot in hell. Is that right?

Then I ask you, do you really want a bunch of people pretending to believe as a no hell fail safe? As I've said on many threads, I really wish there was a loving god. I wish then when I die I have a shot at something else. But, I also wish I had a million dollars. Just because I say I believe something doesn't make it true, and just because I say I believe in god doesn't mean I will ever truly believe it.

I've never once tried to turn someone away from belief in god. It really doesn't matter to me. What I do say is don't use it as an excuse to justify hate and bigotry against Catholics, gays, Jews, or Muslims. Not even god is a good enough reason to judge an entire group base on what some have done.

And yes, I do not believe in Satan. I also don't believe in:
  • Miricles
  • Angels
  • Daemons
  • Ghosts
  • Monsters
  • ect.

There Is Only One Truth (John 14:6)

Just because it's the Bible doesn't mean it gets to change the definition of words.
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New Member
Then by definition it is opinion. If I say "Maryland" begins with an "M", that is the truth, you can't legitimately say "Actually I think I begins with a Z". But if you say "My god is the true god". I can legitimately say " No he's not because there is no god." You can't prove otherwise, and I can't 100% prove to you there is not god, so neither can be defined as truth, fact or anything in that vein...

I agree with you on that point. Now try to get SM to agree.


Harley Rider
The truth you have. At least when MSDNC reports something that seems sketchy I can turn over to Fox or some other source to help dial in on the facts. In your case, however, you are the only source of what you claim. "So, IS, do you think you're being honest?" "Uhhhh... yup." "Okay everybody, that cinches it; we need to convert right away!"
Well then; Tell everyone what I'm going to say next...:tap:
Can we please all start using the correct words?
–noun, plural truths  
1. the true or actual state of a matter
2. conformity with fact or reality
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment
See how it is? YOU can say I'm wrong, but I can't say you're wrong. If it's just you're opinion (because you said you can't prove God) then why are you telling me I'm wrong? You should just say: I don't believe in a God because I don't believe there is one. You say there isn't one because it can't be proven.
Then by definition it is opinion. If I say "Maryland" begins with an "M", that is the truth, you can't legitimately say "Actually I think I begins with a Z". But if you say "My god is the true god". I can legitimately say " No he's not because there is no god." You can't prove otherwise, and I can't 100% prove to you there is not god, so neither can be defined as truth, fact or anything in that vein...
Sorry you missed the evidence but it clearly shows there is a God...He even calls you a fool; is that ok with you?


New Member
Wirelessly posted

ItalianScallion said:
The truth you have. At least when MSDNC reports something that seems sketchy I can turn over to Fox or some other source to help dial in on the facts. In your case, however, you are the only source of what you claim. "So, IS, do you think you're being honest?" "Uhhhh... yup." "Okay everybody, that cinches it; we need to convert right away!"
Well then; Tell everyone what I'm going to say next...:tap:
Can we please all start using the correct words?
–noun, plural truths  
1. the true or actual state of a matter
2. conformity with fact or reality
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment
See how it is? YOU can say I'm wrong, but I can't say you're wrong. If it's just you're opinion (because you said you can't prove God) then why are you telling me I'm wrong? You should just say: I don't believe in a God because I don't believe there is one. You say there isn't one because it can't be proven.
Then by definition it is opinion. If I say "Maryland" begins with an "M", that is the truth, you can't legitimately say "Actually I think I begins with a Z". But if you say "My god is the true god". I can legitimately say " No he's not because there is no god." You can't prove otherwise, and I can't 100% prove to you there is not god, so neither can be defined as truth, fact or anything in that vein...
Sorry you missed the evidence but it clearly shows there is a God...He even calls you a fool; is that ok with you?



Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
just like my atheist thread:

If you are right--we will never meet.

If you are wrong-- we will never meet


New Member
I was raised Catholic, but have tried several different churches. I have not found one that I really like yet, Catholic, Baptist etc. in this area. I would never say anything about the Catholic Church. Unless you have been to different churches, why would you single the Catholic Teachings out? Have you personally experienced going to a Catholic Church?

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I was raised Catholic, but have tried several different churches. I have not found one that I really like yet, Catholic, Baptist etc. in this area. I would never say anything about the Catholic Church. Unless you have been to different churches, why would you single the Catholic Teachings out? Have you personally experienced going to a Catholic Church?

Reply with quote really helps us understand your point.
I can see you are new here, so just trying to help.


Harley Rider
I am not the one claiming prophesies are being whispered in my ear. :rolleyes:
Neither am I...Nor did I ever. I can claim a few things spiritually but Prophesy is not one of them. Now; you said:

"In your case, however, you are the only source of what you claim". I would have replied: No, the Bible is the only source of what I claim. See?


Methodically disorganized
Neither am I...Nor did I ever. I can claim a few things spiritually but Prophesy is not one of them.
Uh-huh. What do you call your talk of "Revelations"? It may not fall under the label of prophesy, but you do claim a direct connection to your creator, whereby he tells you secrets no one else is allowed to know.

I would have replied: No, the Bible is the only source of what I claim. See?
Oh, I know. You believe you are a perfect conduit for biblical information, no distortion or error whatsoever. You should have been a professional storyteller, since you are so gifted.


New Member
That’s not true!
Bibles were confiscated and destroyed and men like Tyndale, and Wycliffe died trying to get them in the hands of the people as well as others.

Also the Mass was deliberated held in the Latin and not in common vernacular. Partly because it was thought improper to speak scripture in a low or common tongue, and later in history as the priest didn’t even know what the words meant, they themselves did not know Latin and were just chanting memorized phrases that they had been taught.

Are you not aware of history during the Reformation or are you being deliberately misleading to defend the church?

Mass is better in Latin! Everywhere in the World, Mass was offered the same. You had your missals with Latin on the left and your language on the right.
Latin is a "dead language", no changes in vocabulary and meaning. The words always mean the same. No trying to change translations to meet the latest fad, like inclusive language.

Catholics know that our salvation is based on Christ's death AND our good works. "What so ever you do to the least of My brothers, that you do unto Me"


Harley Rider
Uh-huh. What do you call your talk of "Revelations"? It may not fall under the label of prophesy, but you do claim a direct connection to your creator, whereby he tells you secrets no one else is allowed to know.
I can assure you that I've never said: God has given me a prophetic revelation of the future. Of the present He has, but prophesy usually implies the future. And a "direct connection"? Soitainly!
hvp05 said:
Oh, I know. You believe you are a perfect conduit for biblical information, no distortion or error whatsoever. You should have been a professional storyteller, since you are so gifted.
Come on dude; " distortion or error whatsoever"? Nah...Close, but not perfect. :dye: