Are You A Veteran?

Are you a military veteran?

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USN 1962-1982. Saw the inside of more bars worldwide than you could imagine and never drank a beer I didn't like.

You must've never had the wonderful opportunity of drinking Korea’s finest Oriental Brewery (or OB) beer. The nastiest beer ever.


Started active duty in '83, and also retired in '05. :high5:

Hard to believe I've been out four and a half already, it's gone so quickly.

And it seems like everything on me is falling apart too. Aches and pains almost everywhere. WTH!

What did you do? I was a Tech Controller. AFSC was changed three times throughout: 307X1, 493X1, then 3C2X1. And I was a plumber the first two years. Was forced to retrain due to a roll-back.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Very cool!

Civilian or military the big grey crusier still sucks! Unless of course you are a flier and that makes it nice. Did one crusie as a wrench turner and rest as a crewman. Much better to get off the boat for a few hours a day and be rid of the daily boat BS.


Supper's Ready
And it seems like everything on me is falling apart too. Aches and pains almost everywhere. WTH!

What did you do? I was a Tech Controller. AFSC was changed three times throughout: 307X1, 493X1, then 3C2X1. And I was a plumber the first two years. Was forced to retrain due to a roll-back.


Started out as a Herk nav (you know, that one that's like a P-3 except its engines are upright? The Navy guys are gonna like that one...) :lol:

Loved it. Favorite missions in Herks were DEWLINE support way up in the Arctic, any kind of airdrop, and the 10-week rotations through Europe and the Med. And it wasn't as much where we went, but who we went with. The crew camaraderie was off the charts excellent. That part I miss a lot.


Common sense ain't common

My husband has a Bluenose certificate
(Crossing the Arctic Circle)
What other certificates does everyone have here?
(i.e. Ditch, Golden Dragon, Shellback, etc...)


I bowl overhand
I just added one more to make 6 .... :buddies:

85-87 Ft Carson 1/12 Inf E co.
87-88 Camp Greaves, Korea. 1/506th CSC

Wifes Father server 43-45 in Europe then again in Korea ...

inherited some interesting souvenirs from WW II when he passed ....

must be the proximity to Pax. that would explain all the Navy and Marine pukes .....


My "Home Regiment" was Fort Carson, though NEVER stationed there.. And the 1/30th Inf Bn was my only Infantry assignment.

Was in 2/6 Cav E Troop, and 1/11th ACR C Trp, when it was still in Fulda Germany.

Did 12 years in scout/ recon platoons, then they decided I'd make a good recruiter!! Not the happiest times those last 8 years..


I bowl overhand

My husband has a Bluenose certificate
(Crossing the Arctic Circle)
What other certificates does everyone have here?
(i.e. Ditch, Golden Dragon, Shellback, etc...)

I've got an impact AAM for being one of the first two crews Army wide to qualify my crew "Distinguised" for Bradley table VII and VIII.

Does that count?
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My 401K is now a 201K
I've got a Polar Bear Club certificate for jumping into the Artic Ocean in Adak, AK.

The temp was 33 degrees.

Made for some seriously hard nipples.



Dancing Up A Storm
You must've never had the wonderful opportunity of drinking Korea’s finest Oriental Brewery (or OB) beer. The nastiest beer ever.

I was stationed at Osan AB, in the late 80's, and had a chance to tour the Oriental Brewery, about 15 miles up the road, heading north. Their quality control wasn't the greatest, judging from the perceived alcohol content, from brew to brew! Not one my favorites.


Miller Tang Soo Do Rocks
When I was on he Saipan I worked in the ballast and deballast shop and the boat shop too.I can't tell you how many times I've been down the boat davits and how many hours spent at condition 1 alpha.


Active Member
US Navy 1975-1995. I spent ten years between 2 tours in Hawaii and 1 in Homestead, FL and then my last ten years at White House Communications during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations. I'm so old I even have a ring from boot camp with WAVE around the stone. :yahoo:


Supper's Ready
US Navy 1975-1995. I spent ten years between 2 tours in Hawaii and 1 in Homestead, FL and then my last ten years at White House Communications during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations. I'm so old I even have a ring from boot camp with WAVE around the stone. :yahoo:

I used to work with the WHCAs doing advance work for the AF (H.W. and Clinton days). They were my favorites on the road. The campaigns were tough, but the WHCAs always made things better. :yay: