Are you an oops

Are you an oops

  • I'm an oops

    Votes: 28 47.5%
  • I was pre planed

    Votes: 23 39.0%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • not sure, but glad abortion wasn't an option

    Votes: 3 5.1%

  • Total voters


The oops are the majority of the population.
Could it be women had more morals 20 to 40 years ago, or could it be,
it was harder to get an abortion 20 to 40 years ago.

Just a thought !


gumbo said:
I'm not judging. I'm just stating fact.
I have the choice to shoot and kill anyone I please does that make it morally right to do so ?
Where do you draw the line on who's life in worthy and who's is not ?

Instead of people spending so much time on abortion laws.
How about people spending more time to clear up the retard adoption laws.
This seems to be a better answer to me.
But it's not as convenient as stopping by the in and out shop vac butcher shop.
The higher majority of abortions are done out of convenience.
Not out of rape cases or deformities.
I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my views.
But if anything has a heartbeat, it is alive.
And no matter how you want to coat it, it's murder.
Black and White.


I have no problem eating beef, chicken, or whatever. I must be a bad person. I prefer my beef and seafood seared and raw.

I also have no problem with people aborting embryo's. It is not better to bring a human into this world if it cannot be provided for, and we are so overpopulated as is. I am all for prevention, but sometimes the termination needs to be done, because people are asswipes, and they don't think before they bump ugly.

If the government was smart, they would do mandatory sterilization. I don't want to pay for your mistakes, and your ideology. "Hmmmmmm, spread legs, cooter, bangbangbang, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now we can have a family!"


Get yourself fixed.

Soylent Green.


Football addict
gumbo said:
The oops are the majority of the population.
Could it be women had more morals 20 to 40 years ago, or could it be,
it was harder to get an abortion 20 to 40 years ago.

Just a thought !
Why not both.:wink:


Wenchy said:

I have no problem eating beef, chicken, or whatever. I must be a bad person. I prefer my beef and seafood seared and raw.

I also have no problem with people aborting embryo's. It is not better to bring a human into this world if it cannot be provided for, and we are so overpopulated as is. I am all for prevention, but sometimes the termination needs to be done, because people are asswipes, and they don't think before they bump ugly.

If the government was smart, they would do mandatory sterilization. I don't want to pay for your mistakes, and your ideology. "Hmmmmmm, spread legs, cooter, bangbangbang, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Now we can have a family!"


Get yourself fixed.

Soylent Green.
With out population ,there is no expansion and economic growth.
Then what happens ? :spank: Hows that for ideology !

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
I'm not judging. I'm just stating fact.
I have the choice to shoot and kill anyone I please does that make it morally right to do so ?
Where do you draw the line on who's life is worthy and who's is not ?

Instead of people spending so much time on abortion laws.
How about people spending more time to clear up the retard adoption laws.
This seems to be a better answer to me.
But it's not as convenient as stopping by the in and out shop vac butcher shop.
The higher majority of abortions are done out of convenience.
Not out of rape cases or deformities.
I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my views.
But if anything has a heartbeat, it is alive.
And no matter how you want to coat it, it's murder.
Black and White.

This is one issue I go back and forth on. Personally, I would never have an abortion because it goes against my moral compass, and yes, I was in that situation to choose once upon a time.

But do I have the right to tell someone else what they can or cannot do? I hate seeing abortion used as a form of birth control, but on the other hand I see the results of all these pregnancies and my heart breaks.


Football addict
gumbo said:
With out population ,there is no expansion and economic growth.
Then what happens ? :spank: Hows that for ideology !
I'm sure most would want to get to the point where most of Asia is at now. I sure do want the bird flu along with other poverty and over-populated related diseases.:yay:


gumbo said:
With out population ,there is no expansion and economic growth.
Then what happens ? :spank: Hows that for ideology !

Please. That's where Soylent Green comes in.

You guys wouldn't wrap it, and look where it has taken us.



jazz lady said:
This is one issue I go back and forth on. Personally, I would never have an abortion because it goes against my moral compass, and yes, I was in that situation to choose once upon a time.

But do I have the right to tell someone else what they can or cannot do? I hate seeing abortion used as a form of birth control, but on the other hand I see the results of all these pregnancies and my heart breaks.
And what results are those.
The results you see could be more out of moral decay.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
With out population ,there is no expansion and economic growth.
Then what happens ? :spank: Hows that for ideology !
Without population, there is no taxing of the earth's resources, no overpopulation, no man-made pollution, no crime, etc.

Maybe it's best we return the planet to the animal kingdom before we destroy it.


Wenchy said:
Please. That's where Soylent Green comes in.

You guys wouldn't wrap it, and look where it has taken us.

Yep not wrapping it got you here. :huggy:

Sorry.. I feel argumentative to night.
Perhaps I will be silly tomorrow, one never knows. :killingme

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
And what results are those.
The results you see could be more out of moral decay.

Results like daycares in schools, pregnant teens and pre-teens, welfare queens, etc.

A lot of it IS due to moral decay. There is no longer a stigma attached to being pregnant and still in school. There's no shame about being on welfare. There no accountability for your actions and their consequences.


jazz lady said:
Without population, there is no taxing of the earth's resources, no overpopulation, no man-made pollution, no crime, etc.

Maybe it's best we return the planet to the animal kingdom before we destroy it.
Maybe ! I believe your right, but however our currant system requires economic growth, if not we collapse into a depression.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
gumbo said:
Maybe ! I believe your right, but however our currant system requires economic growth, if not we collapse into a depression.

Ugh. Don't remind me. Took economics in school and it was a guaranteed insomnia cure. :dead:

That's part of the fallacy and beauty of our economy. It is driven by growth and when it slows or stagnants, in pops nasty things like depression and inflation. Maybe we need a better system.

What a complex world we live in. :ohwell:


Football addict
gumbo said:
Maybe ! I believe your right, but however our currant system requires economic growth, if not we collapse into a depression.
OK let us take this route. We seem to be doing just fine with abortion. However, without abortion would you be the first to fork up some dough out of your wallet for the taxes that will more than likely increase? I believe we are growing economically, so is China and look at their abortion system. If you have too many children in the system you are putting a burden on the system. There will be even more competition, more conflict, more violence, more problems, more taxes, the people won't be happy.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
OK let us take this route. We seem to be doing just fine with abortion. However, without abortion would you be the first to fork up some dough out of your wallet for the taxes that will more than likely increase? I believe we are growing economically, so is China and look at their abortion system. If you have too many children in the system you are putting a burden on the system. There will be even more competition, more conflict, more violence, more problems, more taxes, the people won't be happy.

Amen, grasshopper. Just who is going to pay for all the additional kids? The taxpayers, that's who. Social Security is already bankrupt. Welfare was supposed to be a temporary program and not a lifestyle.

It comes back to, at least in my mind, a personal responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. With that, there would be little need for abortion.


Football addict
jazz lady said:
Amen, grasshopper. Just who is going to pay for all the additional kids? The taxpayers, that's who. Social Security is already bankrupt. Welfare was supposed to be a temporary program and not a lifestyle.

It comes back to, at least in my mind, a personal responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. With that, there would be little need for abortion.
It's like most of the people who follow this logic paint themselves in a corner. They don't want abortion and yet most don't want to educate about how to prevent. They don't want abortion and yet most don't want to pay a dime more. You have to compromise in this country, no one person get's it their way, we need more Henry Clay's.:yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
It's like most of the people who follow this logic paint themselves in a corner. They don't want abortion and yet most don't want to educate about how to prevent. They don't want abortion and yet most don't want to pay a dime more. You have to compromise in this country, no one person get's it their way, we need more Henry Clay's.:yay:

Exactly. I guess I'm a realist. I wish every baby could be born in this country, but the economic disaster that would happen in that case would be devastating. It's all good and fine to say every baby would be adopted or well cared for, but the reality is that it would never happen.

But unwanted pregnancies are easily preventable and THAT in my mind is the crux of the situation. Cure the disease and quit trying to treat the symptoms.


New Member
My parents wanted a baby. One. Becareful what you wish for, because they had twins.

I was born first, so my sister was the "oops"! :lol: