Article: "Lying in Islam"



Glen Beck Exposed: The Extremist Agenda Pt 3

yes I can't Find #2


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Glen Beck Exposed: The Extremist Agenda Pt 4

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Glen Beck Exposed: The Extremist Agenda Pt 5

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Shocking proof ! Someone knows about Jihad


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Glenn Beck CNN Headline News- Sharia Courts in England


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We Accuse Islam - Part 1a

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New Member
JPC sr said:
...It is not necessary for others to accept our society,

OK. However, If they cannot accept our society then they should not be here trying to change our Constitutional way of life guaranteed for all American citizens.

Omar Ahmad
Co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."

In a similar vein, CAIR board member Imam Siraj Wahaj calls for replacing the American government with a caliphate, and warns that America will crumble unless it "accepts the Islamic agenda."

it is wrong for us to be pushing our society onto their Countries.

From the standpoint of human rights, we have offered humanitarian aid to many countries. We have aided in natural disasters and helped rebuild societies after freeing their oppressed citizenry from savage and brutal dictatorships. Sure we cannot force strong-man dictatorships to accept Freedom as we know it but what is the alternative for those living under their regimes who strive to have Freedom as you enjoy it here in America?

By the way, have you even read the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights? This was agreed upon by many member countries who are in direct violation of what they agreed to abide by ever since its inception, circa 1947! Is that pushing "our society" on people? It is an agreed upon document that was designed to better the living conditions of all people on a global basis. Check the membership roster of the U.N. and see which countries abide by it.

We are not better then they are and they are not lesser then we.
Agreed, if you actually apply your statement to all citizens of every country and by this we know that "All are created equal..." with the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".

Even the Islamic terrorist (so-called) offer up conditions for peace like they want justice for Palestine and remove the military from Islamic Holy lands.

I respectfully disagree with you on this. Please read the HAMAS Charter and the PLO/PLA Covenants, and the mission statements of the Islamic terror groups. There is no room for peace with Israel when the Islamic end-game is the total annihilation of Jewish existence including the destruction of the nation of Israel.

The USA under the Bush administration has no peace plan of any kind.

The Bush Administration, as others before, have pushed Israel into making land-concessions for "peace" with the Palestinians and offered Billions of American Dollars to assist Middle East groups in trying to establish a viable government that would co-exist with Israel. The fundamental Islamic movements take the money willingly but are not willing to make concessions that would work toward peace with the Jews. Historically, Israel has the right to exist as a nation and has done more than you realize in extending peace offerings to the Palestinian people. It is the fundamental Islamic ideology that prevents peace from happening.

The Bush peace plan is only to win every war and to kill all the enemy.

Therefore they can not even give up because the USA has no peace plan of any realistic kind and Bush will kill or torture them if they surrender.

The fundamental Islamic ideology is training youngsters to become suicide bombers in an effort to advance the cause of Islam against all Western Societies. The only peace Islam will accept is when Muslims dominate the entire world and subject people back to a Taliban-style rule which reflects the 7th-Century rule under Muhammad. That is what they aspire to do at this point in history!

As the USA is now - it is the sinner.

Is it a sin to want to help establish peace and freedom for men, women and children living in countries that do not enjoy the Freedoms you and your children enjoy here in America?

Our soldiers died in Europe and Japan in an effort to stop the spread of ideologies that oppressed their own people and threatened ours.

Yes, there was a war to be won and many innocent lives lost but it was those countries and their citizenry that eventually prospered because the USA helped win it for them.

America cannot afford to lose the war with fundamental Islam, lest we lose all the Rights and Freedoms guaranteed under our Consitution and Declaration of Independence.

More Research -

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

Starman3000m said:
OK. However, If they cannot accept our society then they should not be here trying to change our Constitutional way of life guaranteed for all American citizens.
:jameo: We - the USA is over there using the military force to change their societies. That is not happening here.
Starman3000m said:
Is it a sin to want to help establish peace and freedom for men, women and children living in countries that do not enjoy the Freedoms you and your children enjoy here in America?
:jameo: To "want" it is not the sin that I was refering to, it is the reckless war mongering, the torturing of prisoners, forcing the Bush ideals onto others, things like that are sins in action and not the wants..
Starman3000m said:
Yes, there was a war to be won and many innocent lives lost but it was those countries and their citizenry that eventually prospered because the USA helped win it for them.
:jameo: "innocent lives".
Starman3000m said:
America cannot afford to lose the war with fundamental Islam, lest we lose all the Rights and Freedoms guaranteed under our Consitution and Declaration of Independence.
:jameo: Nobody is threatening our rights or freedoms or our Constitution or the Declasration of Indepence, no other Country and not Islam is threatening the USA, those rights and guarentees are under far greater threat from the Republican administration then from any other sourse.


New Member
We are in a war of conflicting ideologies between modern Western society and 7th-Century Islamic/pro-Shari'a factions. Your approach of "leave the other countries alone and don't impose our society upon them" is basically saying that you don't care about the citizenry of those nations whose oppressive governments imprison and/or kill the citizenry who publicly and privately oppose the regime.

1. Do you condone Sharia' Laws?

2. Do you condone subjecting women to second-class status and mandating that they were hijab and burkah coverings, punishable by flogging and prison for those who refuse?

3. Do you condone forcing everyone to accept a state-sanctioned religion? (Most Islamic nations make Islam the official and exclusive religion of governmental administration as written in their very Constitutions)

4. Do you condone forcing everyone to stop five (5) times per day to engage in daily prayer to a state-sanctioned deity - punishing or imprisoning anyone who refuses?

5. Do you condone the forbidding of listening to music and/or having a picture hanging in your home?

6. Do you condone the killing of dogs for the theological reason that having a dog will deduct your rewards in "paradise" and that dogs are not to be kept as pets?

The list could go on - but this is what the fundamental ideology of Islam imposes on its citizenry wherever it is established.

Wouldn't you really want people in all parts of the world to enjoy the same opportunities that you have been given in America; or, do you not care about them and condone Islamic governments who threaten and kill Jews, Christians, Hindus and all non-Muslims if they do not convert?

P.S. Regarding your comments on the present Administration:
I believe many Americans are now fed up with BOTH Republican and Democratic Parties. Don't blame just the Republicans when Democrats are as much to blame for the ills that you complain about, else the Democrats would have fixed them when they had a chance. It's all the same politics and the American people are ready to make a change. It will take a third Party to re-establish America back to the goals and values of the Founding Fathers.

Remember the famous saying: "A House Divided Cannot Stand"

And the enemy knows that. So let's get our house in order, eh?
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Remember when arguing with an id10t, it is hard to who is the id10t, save your typing fingers for those that matter :jet:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

RadioPatrol said:
Remember when arguing with an id10t, it is hard to who is the id10t, save your typing fingers for those that matter :jet:
:jameo: I think this demonstrates the issue of Americans dealing with the terrorist,

these American posters think that they are the intelligent ones and that the other people of the world are stupid idiots.

The Chinese Bible called Tao Te Ching puts it like this: There is no greater mistake then to underestimate thy opponent.

This is why I see that the teachings of Islam make the muslim capable of defeating the giant war monger infidel nation.

They are not physically stronger but they are more morally right and so God is on their side and against all infidels, and rightly so.

The USA needs to straighten up. :popcorn:

heavenly was

New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: I think this demonstrates the issue of Americans dealing with the terrorist,

these American posters think that they are the intelligent ones and that the other people of the world are stupid idiots.

The Chinese Bible called Tao Te Ching puts it like this: There is no greater mistake then to underestimate thy opponent.

This is why I see that the teachings of Islam make the muslim capable of defeating the giant war monger infidel nation.

They are not physically stronger but they are more morally right and so God is on their side and against all infidels, and rightly so.

The USA needs to straighten up. :popcorn:

jpc why dont you move the #### to the middle east if god is on their side, you are on the wrong side. just go you make me sick.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Subsidized Adultery is child support.

heavenly was said:
jpc why dont you move the #### to the middle east if god is on their side, you are on the wrong side. just go you make me sick.
:jameo: I am staying in the land for which I was born into, this is my home.

And I do not like competition and I do not compete with Islam or any other.

The fact is that God can be on their side and our side at the same time, like in a realistic peace plan based on justice and truth.

I certainly am not disloyal to the USA when I point out that the USA is wrong.

If we would start to do right then there would be nothing more to fear from Islam or from terrorist or from Bush or from God.

Thus since the USA does wrong then we do have much to fear indeed. :elaine:


LOL .......... Please keeping statements, and posting the facts ..........

you might also check my summer reading list, I listed several books on Islam ..... worth reading .......... thanks for the posts !!!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

RadioPatrol said:
and your an expert on Muslim and Islam, from your many years of avoiding paying child support and time you spent in Jail ?

and did you learn Arabic in this time, because reading the Koran in anything but the original Arabic is man's mere attempt at translating, and open to false hoods and interpretations ........ this why all Muslims must learn Arabic and study the Quran in its original languages

it is also why Muslims take issue with the bible it has been "imperfectly", in Muslim Imams / Scholars eyes it English, Greek, Aramaic, they even take issue with the Original Hebrew ........... :smack:
:jameo: It is true that I learned very much about Islam and about Muslims when I was in jail. I read the Quran while outside of jail but inside I went to Islamic services and learned much from the various Islamic groups and their members.

It is correct that Muslims do learn the original Aramaic language so each can read the Quran in its original language but they learn the language mostly for saying the Islamic prayers.

I do know a lot about translations from studing the old Hebrew and Greek and Latin and aramaic is similar to the Hedrew language. Of course I can always justify me reading the Holy Quran only in english because I am a white man and that makes it acceptable.

The Quran (Koran) in english is still capable of improving an infidel. :whistle:


New Member
JPC sr said:
The fact is that God can be on their side and our side at the same time, like in a realistic peace plan based on justice and truth.

1. Peace Requires 100% Cooperation.

2. A Peace Plan based on "Justice and Truth" is very subjective since mankind has disagreed on how to mete out justice and has definitely disagreed on what is "Truth".

3. God cannot be on two (or more) sides at the same time when God represents only One Truth.

The fact is: It is mankind that needs to side with God's Truth. Until then, there will be no true and lasting peace among mankind.

BTW: Al'lah is definitely not Yahweh of the Judeo-Christian faith and the Islamic Jesus (Isa') is defintely not the same Jesus (Y'shua) of the New Testament. More Research at:
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

Starman3000m said:
1. Peace Requires 100% Cooperation.

2. A Peace Plan based on "Justice and Truth" is very subjective since mankind has disagreed on how to mete out justice and has definitely disagreed on what is "Truth".
:jameo: Peace terms do not need much cooperation at all.

In fact the Islamic people are asking for reletively little.

Justice in Palestine and military out of Holy lands, while the USA has no real peace plan except for total surrender and servitude without even an offer of justice or truth.
Starman3000m said:
3. God cannot be on two (or more) sides at the same time when God represents only One Truth.

The fact is: It is mankind that needs to side with God's Truth. Until then, there will be no true and lasting peace among mankind.
:jameo: I agree with that second part, but that first line is not correct because God is on both sides and every side of every event.

He was on Adolf Hitler's side helping Hitler to lose for Hitler's own benefit.

We must not limit God to one sided.

Jesus Christ called it like a two edged sword that cuts both ways.
Starman3000m said:
BTW: Al'lah is definitely not Yahweh of the Judeo-Christian faith and the Islamic Jesus (Isa') is defintely not the same Jesus (Y'shua) of the New Testament. More Research at:
:jameo: Those are just translations into the Aramaic language.

Allah is not for YahWeh / Jehovah - Allah comes from Elohim that english translate as God.

The name of Jesus is translated from the Hebrew Yeshua and in Aramaic it is Isa.

So the Muslims of Islam do know what they are talking about. :whistle: