New Member
So a 2000 year old book, collaberated by committee, had to use falsities in order to get its point across?
Why would Jesus, who knows everything right, think that the readership of the bible (millions of people through the centuries) would never find out a Bat was a Bird?
Or was the bible only written for the people 2000 years ago? And if the people then didnt know a Bat wasnt a Bird, then Jesus also would never have known.
So the simpler explanation is that Jesus didn't know Bats were not Birds, rather than just decide claim a mistake to the ignorant people of the time.
How was it false?
The Bible never claimed to be scientific description of modern biological categories . On the contrary, it is often written from the perspective of what we other words, it makes generic categorizations. The bat is categorized as a bird because why? It FLIES and it is similiar in size to birds.
Back when the Torah was written, it was perfectly logical to call it a bird, they had no problem seeing what God meant considering they did not have the information YOU do and had a totally different classification system. They categorized ALL flying animals as birds. If that's the category they used, then they are correct. THEY were the ones to which God was written that rule for not you for your mind is totally closed off to Him anyway.
YOU have imposed your modern system of language and categorization on THEM. If they were to come back today, they would laugh at what YOU perceive the bat to be. A mammal, not a bird.