As in the days of Noah.....


New Member
So a 2000 year old book, collaberated by committee, had to use falsities in order to get its point across?

Why would Jesus, who knows everything right, think that the readership of the bible (millions of people through the centuries) would never find out a Bat was a Bird?

Or was the bible only written for the people 2000 years ago? And if the people then didnt know a Bat wasnt a Bird, then Jesus also would never have known.

So the simpler explanation is that Jesus didn't know Bats were not Birds, rather than just decide claim a mistake to the ignorant people of the time.

How was it false?

The Bible never claimed to be scientific description of modern biological categories . On the contrary, it is often written from the perspective of what we other words, it makes generic categorizations. The bat is categorized as a bird because why? It FLIES and it is similiar in size to birds.

Back when the Torah was written, it was perfectly logical to call it a bird, they had no problem seeing what God meant considering they did not have the information YOU do and had a totally different classification system. They categorized ALL flying animals as birds. If that's the category they used, then they are correct. THEY were the ones to which God was written that rule for not you for your mind is totally closed off to Him anyway.

YOU have imposed your modern system of language and categorization on THEM. If they were to come back today, they would laugh at what YOU perceive the bat to be. A mammal, not a bird.


New Member
okay, lunch over. I've got to get back to work, all.

See you later! :howdy:

And yes, Aquin, I do love you, sweetie! Whether you like it or not. :smile:


New Member
You are missing the point.

Of course GOD KNEW bats are not birds but did the Israelites know this information about them?

Why write something to which they had no clue to what He was referring to? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

yeah, why tell the truth ....

they would have had a clue if he had told them ....

of course proper classification is not nearly as scientific as noting that there are lots of stars in the sky ....


New Member
that's really creepy. please try to stop =/

Oh don't worry. I don't love you THAT way, yuck.

I happen to care about what happens to you. Otherwise I would not be here.

Do you think I want to be here talking to the likes of you? :killingme


New Member
Hello Baydoll,

I went back to your original post to see how all of this discussion started. I think Luke 17:26 is a foreshadowing of tribulation. It is an example to us that while many don't believe today (they didn't believe Noah either) that the time will come when we will have to deal with all that has been noted in the book of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel etc. And, just as it was in the Days of Noah, people will continue on with their lives when suddenly they will be faced with such tribulations as never before seen. It is also possible that Luke 17:26 is also a foreshadowing of the rapture. Eight people were spared the anguish of drowning because they believed and acted on that belief. They were there for the beginning of tribulation but did not have to endure it. However, Enoch was translated prior to the flood. So perhaps he is representative of the rapture and the 8 represent those who will endure to the end of tribulation.

What's your thought on this?


New Member
You are missing the point.

Of course GOD KNEW bats are not birds but did the Israelites know this information about them?
they would have IF GOD had told them. pretty simple really, if GOD was doing the talking he would have stated the truth, not a falsehood. GOD being all powerful would have had no problem putting it in terms that they could understnad

Why write something to which they had no clue to what He was referring to? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

so telling them somehting they dont already know defeats the purpose of enlightenment?

I don't recall using the word Promise, dude. Even so, did you not read the part where I said I am going away for a few days and will try and get back to answering your questions when I get back?

I guess not.

If you noticed, I have more than a few questions to answer and I really don't have the time to get to them all today, sweetie.

I am trying my best, though. In the meantime, chill out, Impatient One!

you said that last week, and have posted a butt load of times since. just seems disengenuous to me.


New Member
you said that last week, and have posted a butt load of times since. just seems disengenuous to me.

Tommy. Unlike the majority of you whom seem to live here, I have a life outside of this forum. And a busy one at that. I am doing the best I can under the circumstances.

could you please provide evidence NOT IN THE BIBLE to support the family claim?

Prove that He wasn't born into that family.


New Member
Unto your next question which was

If the specific city was known, why did the wise men have to follow a star?

I take it you haven't read Matthew 2:1-9....

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,

saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him."

When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.

So they said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet:

'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.' "

Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared.

And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also."

When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.

why didn't they just go and wait for him to be born

Nowhere did it predict WHEN He would be born.


New Member
Tommy. Unlike the majority of you whom seem to live here, I have a life outside of this forum. And a busy one at that. I am doing the best I can under the circumstances.

Prove that He wasn't born into that family.

so you cant..... i see.

Baydoll, unlike the majority of the sheep who sit next to you in church on sunday blindly accepting things they KNOW to be flase, i use critical thinking. Therefore, i do not accept a prophet (or gods son) for which the ONLY PROOF of his divinity is in the book written by his followers. (thats kind of like asking david koresh's followers if he was gods son, they obviously thought so or they wouldn't have been in the cult.

If you can show me independant evidence of YOUR CLAIMS, i would be interested to read them.


New Member
Oh? And you know this how?

well if we start with what we know- women can not become pregnant (at least not with a male child) without having sex the burden of proving anythig else falls to the person making the claims.

Let me ask you this.
if your daughter turned up pregnant and swore she was inpregnated through immaculate conception as she remained a virgin, would you believe?


New Member
so you cant..... i see.

Baydoll, unlike the majority of the sheep who sit next to you in church on sunday blindly accepting things they KNOW to be flase, i use critical thinking. Therefore, i do not accept a prophet (or gods son) for which the ONLY PROOF of his divinity is in the book written by his followers. (thats kind of like asking david koresh's followers if he was gods son, they obviously thought so or they wouldn't have been in the cult.

If you can show me independant evidence of YOUR CLAIMS, i would be interested to read them.

Tommy, for one thing, I don't 'go' to a 'church' and number two, how do you KNOW 'they' and by 'they' I mean TRUE CHRISTIANS not these fakes that call themselves Christians but aren't are false? Prove to me by YOUR CLAIMS that what the Bible says is false and I would be interested to read them as well . :howdy:

As for independant evidence, I will have to dig them up for you...this takes some time to which I don't really have much of right now.


New Member
well if we start with what we know- women can not become pregnant (at least not with a male child) without having sex the burden of proving anythig else falls to the person making the claims.

Precisely. Not many people believed Mary. You are one of many.

Let me ask you this.
if your daughter turned up pregnant and swore she was inpregnated through immaculate conception as she remained a virgin, would you believe

Let me ask you this.
Did you know that the Jews were waiting for their Messiah to be born to a Virgin?


New Member
I will try and get that information to you later, Tommy.

I really am trying. I just got back from vacation and I am playing catch up here at work.


New Member
Tommy, for one thing, I don't 'go' to a 'church' and number two, how do you KNOW 'they' and by 'they' I mean TRUE CHRISTIANS not these fakes that call themselves Christians but aren't are false? Prove to me by YOUR CLAIMS that what the Bible says is false and I would be interested to read them as well . :howdy:

As for independant evidence, I will have to dig them up for you...this takes some time to which I don't really have much of right now.

funny that you are so wise you get to decide even which christians are true and false


yeah, independant evidence. not written by someone with an agenda, you know, an agenda of trying to sell their new cult to the masses.

otherwise it would be like me holding up the book of mormon to prove the claims of mormonism.


New Member
Precisely. Not many people believed Mary. You are one of many.

Let me ask you this.
Did you know that the Jews were waiting for their Messiah to be born to a Virgin?

and did you know that the very same Jews did not believe that mary bore the son of god?

so you wouldn't believe that story from your own flesh and blood, but you are willing to accept it about an unwed mother from 2000 years ago?