AstroTurfing A Right Wing Protest


Well-Known Member
I have said before I say it again.
Anyone who protests in a mask should be arrested.

That goes for black and white.

Any protest worth having the people protesting should not be afraid to be seen.


PREMO Member

Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group – Arrested 31 in a Uhaul on Way to Protest


On Saturday 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest.

They traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a Uhaul.

Kristinn Taylor reported on the Patriot Front arrests earlier tonight.


Following the arrest today a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement.

I'm going to call bull shite .... the cops would have been pulling the hats and masks from these guys as the were arrested.


Well-Known Member
The picture of these people kneeling before the police with their masks on is BS.
It was a set up photo -op because like Gurps said, the cops would have been pulling those masks off the minute they arrested them. All to enforce this crazy White supremacist agenda the democrats want to play out.


PREMO Member

Because THAT’S not shady AF: What ID police officer leaked to media about Patriot Front says SO much (and ain’t none of it any good)

Yeah, we’re not either.

The real issue here is not a bunch of weirdos who think patriots wear masks, it’s that they were charged with conspiring to riot. Meanwhile, none of the Antifa or BLM groups that terrorized communities in 2020 (and even 21, 22) have been arrested and charged for this. Even though they were clearly conspiring to riot.

Hell, there are groups conspiring to riot outside of SCOTUS this week, but you know, 30 dorks in Idaho jumped in a U-haul and wanted to march so THAT’S the real problem.



the poor dad
Just like J6 - the left is showing conservatives that if you get out of line, even if you THINK about getting out of line, we will take your constitutional rights away and who knows when you will get them back.


Well-Known Member
How many of these "informants" are the instigators of the violence they are arresting others for.


Power with Control
How many of these "informants" are the instigators of the violence they are arresting others for.
Here's the funny thing is there was no violence. There wasn't a plan for violence unless you considered popping a smoke grenade to me violence.


PREMO Member
Here's the funny thing is there was no violence. There wasn't a plan for violence unless you considered popping a smoke grenade to me violence.

AntiFA Burns down cities ... these guys are ' intercepted ' on the road


Power with Control
AntiFA Burns down cities ... these guys are ' intercepted ' on the road
Which reminds me is anybody found the booking photos for these guys yet? Cuz they were arrested in charged weren't they? Which to me indicates that there should be booking photos


the poor dad
Which reminds me is anybody found the booking photos for these guys yet? Cuz they were arrested in charged weren't they? Which to me indicates that there should be booking photos
I do remember seeing their photos just don’t remember where


the poor dad


PREMO Member

A Firsthand Experience With the Florida Nazis

As can be seen, the primary issue is that they are a small – make that minuscule – lot of hate mongers. Never amounting to more than a dozen, this is a desultory group of 20-year-olds guided by one older leader but never by an actual message. The next issue is they have no core message they are trying to deliver. I approached this rag-tag rabble and could not get any of them to explain their appearance. One member would be barking unintelligible talking points from a bullhorn; the only real message is these geniuses did not grasp the cleverness of wearing all black and full-face masks in 96-degree heat.

They bore signs with the hooknose cartoon, and one waved a flag that lent support to Governor Ron DeSantis, the fresh-from-the-bag folds still visible. This crowd looked more like a central casting gathering of "Nazis" for a TV production rather than a threatening horde of hate mongers. Their reticence to speak with me, or any of the very few others in attendance who approached, matched what I saw in Orlando this past February.

Outside the complex where CPAC was held, this same wan crowd was out in farce, waving flags and holding signs (back then, it was some visual support of the truckers' protest), but little else in the way of messaging. I had approached them at that time, imploring them to explain just what it was they were protesting, either for or against. Those on the fringe remained taciturn, looking to their handler for assistance, only to be waved over and away from prying questions. For a group demanding attention, they are not adept at being heard.

By all appearances, there is a desperate attempt to have this embarrassing assemblage associated with DeSantis, except for the realities of the issue. Back in January, these Nazis acted up in Orlando, and Governor DeSantis was lambasted in the press for not condemning these idiots in an appropriately expedient fashion.


PREMO Member

The harridans on ‘The View’ got rebuked by their own legal department

We expect that kind of ignorance and sheer nastiness from the viragos of The View. What made this time special is that ABC legal was so worried about Turning Point USA suing them that they had one of the shrews read, on air, a legal note walking back all the garbage those harridans spouted. The hags still attacked DeSantis, though, and made sure to put in a shout-out to Antifa, a violent, totalitarian organization that Joy Behar foolishly believes is anti-fascist:



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Is White Supremacy Really as Prevalent as They’re Claiming?

If you’ve been to a genuine righty event — we’ve been to more than we can recall — you know the delightfully motley assortment of characters you’ll find there.

Older. Maybe not so fit anymore. No one wears a uniform, and the protest signs are all handmade.

These things are about as well organized as a Saturday afternoon at Costco, which is probably where everyone was going once the rally ended.

Good people, genuine grassroots, salt of the earth. In Insanity Wrap’s case, certainly an increasing amount of salt relative to the pepper in our hair.
Remembering all that, we’re supposed to believe these guys from the photos and videos are part of the right?



Apparently, a hundred or so members of the white supremacy group marched through Washington. More would have shown up, but due to supply chain disruptions, the Feds couldn’t buy enough new pairs of Dockers.

not a middle age fat guy among them


Those are Dickies from Walmart! No sense buying Dockers just for a photo op.