AstroTurfing A Right Wing Protest


Power with Control
So, Feds just subsumed this group and keeps a few OGs around as beards? Hey, if Okeefe wants to do some journalism, he could start right here, I think. Track those U-hauls, see where they go. TRy and get the records to see who paid for them. Follow the money.


PREMO Member

Rebranding? – New Neo-Nazi Group “Blood Tribe” Stages Armed Protest with Swastika Flags at LGBT Pride Event in Wisconsin (VIDEO)

On Saturday, the newly named ‘Blood Tribe,’ a self-declared Neo-Nazi group, made a bold show of force with rifles and swastika flags at an LGBT ‘Pride in the Park’ event in Watertown, Wisconsin.

“It looks like the Feds got tired of using the name “Patriot Front” because it had already been exposed. Now the Feds are using the name “Blood Tribe” and carrying flags in Watertown Wisconsin protesting a Pride event,” said Twitter personality Wall Street Silver.

Sporting the same uniform clothing and masks previously donned by the Patriot Front, the group brandished rifles and swastika flags outside the Pride event.



Power with Control
So again, the "press" decides to just watch them walk away. If this isn't rebranded PF guys I will eat a hat.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if you are a Nazi or ANTIFA or anything else , if you protest wearing a mask they should lock your ass up.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Are they Feds? Are they not Feds? The only thing I’m concerned with is why their isn’t a media full frontal to unmask and plaster their identities all over… How come?

Of course they're Feds.

That they're well protected by the system tells you they are a part of it.


Well-Known Member
You'd THINK - if Patriot Front were a bona fide right-wing group - more right-wing people would KNOW someone who is in it.