AstroTurfing A Right Wing Protest


Well-Known Member
So a camel jockey crashed a U-Haul here? Was he planning on running over a sea of homeless peeps in Lafayette Square?
False Flag Mission.png


Well-Known Member
There's like gates, Jersey walls - that truck would never get close to the White House.

I can't figure out what was going through his mind. I'd like to see the timeline of events, because this kid travels across country, gets a rental, and crashes repeatedly into a gate that wasn't going to budge - and what, walk into the White House and punch him in the face?

It's already stupid - but a Nazi flag? I don't even know where anyone would GET one.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'm going to go with the SS being spooked on this one, somebody lost 30 tons of ammonium nitrate yesterday. add a little diesel to it and there would have been a big smoking hole.



Well-Known Member
There's like gates, Jersey walls - that truck would never get close to the White House.

I can't figure out what was going through his mind. I'd like to see the timeline of events, because this kid travels across country, gets a rental, and crashes repeatedly into a gate that wasn't going to budge - and what, walk into the White House and punch him in the face?

It's already stupid - but a Nazi flag? I don't even know where anyone would GET one.
Hell: You can buy anything over the internet.


PREMO Member

It's Only a Matter of Time Before the U-Haul Crash Story Disappears From the Media

Some on social media noted the Left’s attempt to change the narrative. This shelf life lasted barely 30 seconds after the driver’s identity was released. And there might not be a solid motive if mental illness was involved. We won’t speculate, but a non-white teenager from Missouri crashing U-hauls with nothing but a Nazi flag crashing into things near the White House is bizarre at the base level. We’re lucky this vehicle wasn’t rigged to explode. Since the driver isn’t white and there really isn’t much that can be used in political ammunition against Republicans, this story will soon be buried, much like how they suffocated a real Capitol Hill attack after the January 6 riot. The media quickly buried the story of Noah Green, who rammed barricades on Capitol Hill and killed a police officer on April 2, 2021, after he was identified as black and a Nation of Islam follower.

This story will get the same treatment for obvious political reasons.

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz floated the theory of the recent trend of South Asians who have been making concerted efforts to reclaim the swastika, whose original meaning was very different before the Nazi Party ruined it for everyone.


Well-Known Member

Interesting. As predicted, this story went nowhere, and those of you who remember it may wonder to yourself:

How come I forgot all about it? Well that's easy - it's not continually making the rounds on the news, Facebook, Instagram, the various media outlets - nobody cares.

It went nowhere, because there was no "gotcha". There was nothing to pin on the right. The closest they came was the single item in the entire box truck, a Nazi flag, which I mentioned in another post - they don't just sell them on Amazon. I sure couldn't find it.

But this told me a few more things I didn't know. I assumed this was an attempt to ram the gates - maybe at 30 mph or more. Nope. MAYBE a whole TWO mph. For all we know, the nitwit just couldn't drive the thing right or panicked. The video shows that. It's stopped - turns - and jumps the curb. I really thought there was a smashed grill or something. Nope. Incident took maybe two seconds.

Second - I just sort of figured he was a nut who had to be tackled. Nope. I mean, it looks like a traffic stop by cops.

Third - really, WHY would anyone take the flag out and spread it out on the ground? I can ONLY think of one reason - so someone would take a picture of it.

So - was it a false flag? I'm guessing no one in the media wants to know. Didn't do anything for them, so they don't care. I kind of like what this guy says - probably just a nutty guy but it provides fuel to the fire when something else happens down the road.


PREMO Member
The closest they came was the single item in the entire box truck, a Nazi flag, which I mentioned in another post - they don't just sell them on Amazon. I sure couldn't find it.

Yeah the guy was some foreigner ....

Sai Varshith Kandula

Kandula allegedly told FBI investigators he wanted to take control of the government and kill the president, ABC reported.

In addition to the Nazi flag, investigators recovered duct tape, a backpack and a notebook filled with writing from inside the vehicle, FOX 5 DC reported.


PREMO Member

By now you've heard of the Patriot Front. The Patriot Front is a bunch of people wearing masks, blue shirts, and khakis who pile out of a U-Haul truck, march around silently carrying American flags, and then climb back into the truck and disappear. Unless we missed it, no journalist has been able to interview a member of the Patriot Front or identify the leader of the group. You'd think an intrepid reporter could trace the U-Haul truck to the person who rented it. What does the Patriot Front even want?

The same seems to go for the 15 or so Nazis who gathered in front of the entrance to Disney World in Florida and waved Nazi flags and DeSantis flags. USA TODAY managed to "obtain" video from a person stopped at a red light, but they didn't have any reporters stationed nearby who could interview any of these protesters to see what they wanted. USA TODAY managed to score an interview with Roy Disney's granddaughter, who not surprisingly was appalled.

So we have camera-phone footage from a moving car. That's some journalisming.



PREMO Member

Patriot Front-Like Characters Get Swarmed and Unmasked, Brawl Ensues

One of the things that has been floating out there for a few years that has caused a lot of speculation is the Patriot Front group. Many speculate on them being “feds” because of their manner, the way they dress, and the way they operate. They show up in a town, pile out of U-hauls, march around, then pile back into the vehicles, as we’ve reported in the past. Some of them were arrested in Cour d’Alene, Idaho, last year and identified at that time, as we reported. People on the right mock them because whatever they are, they aren’t conservative, and everyone wants them unmasked. Every time Joe Biden talks about the threat from “white supremacy,” it seems like the Patriot Front makes an appearance, as we noted when they showed up in May in D.C.

But it looks like even the Patriot Front may have its imitators/folks who look similar, as a video that went viral on Sunday showed. It depicted a group that resembles the Front showing up in Portland and has received about 7.5 million views at this point. The rally participants included Proud Boys (that’s the guys in black and yellow hats/shirts), who wanted nothing to do with these characters and proceeded to try to unmask them. The rally participants didn’t want to be smeared by being associated with these characters and yelled “racists” at them. Things got pretty spicy as they ripped off their masks, and the imitators were panicked they’d be revealed. A brawl ensued with some; then, the police had to intervene to separate the groups.



PREMO Member

Whoops: Kinzinger Just Said Something He Shouldn't Have About Those 'Patriot Front' Guys

“These people (all blue checks) are celebrating a seemingly MAGA assault on federal officers,” Kinzinger said. “Now I don’t know what this really is, but take a gander at the comments of the ‘patriots’ who ‘love’ America.”

Does Kinzinger know what he just said? He just called these guys federal officers. Does Adam know something the rest of us don’t? Did he just say something he shouldn’t have said? Is the former Jan. 6 Committee member saying federal officers embed themselves in groups? Can we say “whoopsies” in a big way?

If he doesn’t know, then it sounds like he’s feeding conspiracy theories and/or defending alleged white nationalists by claiming they’re feds. Also a very bad look for Kinzinger. Imagine thinking it’s not “patriotic” to not call out white nationalists. Is that the position he’s taking?

What should trouble Kinzinger — if he cared about the truth — would be: why would federal officers pretend to be white nationalists, marching around and trying to manipulate what people are thinking? Why would they be crashing rallies of people who don’t think like them, and why would they be trying to make other people look bad? But notice Kinzinger is not asking about that part. That doesn’t disturb him. It’s just all about how what he can do to attack people on the right.