Interesting. As predicted, this story went nowhere, and those of you who remember it may wonder to yourself:
How come I forgot all about it? Well that's easy - it's not continually making the rounds on the news, Facebook, Instagram, the various media outlets - nobody cares.
It went nowhere, because there was no "gotcha". There was nothing to pin on the right. The closest they came was the single item in the entire box truck, a Nazi flag, which I mentioned in another post - they don't just sell them on Amazon. I sure couldn't find it.
But this told me a few more things I didn't know. I assumed this was an attempt to ram the gates - maybe at 30 mph or more. Nope. MAYBE a whole TWO mph. For all we know, the nitwit just couldn't drive the thing right or panicked. The video shows that. It's stopped - turns - and jumps the curb. I really thought there was a smashed grill or something. Nope. Incident took maybe two seconds.
Second - I just sort of figured he was a nut who had to be tackled. Nope. I mean, it looks like a traffic stop by cops.
Third - really, WHY would anyone take the flag out and spread it out on the ground? I can ONLY think of one reason - so someone would take a picture of it.
So - was it a false flag? I'm guessing no one in the media wants to know. Didn't do anything for them, so they don't care. I kind of like what this guy says - probably just a nutty guy but it provides fuel to the fire when something else happens down the road.