At what age


New Member
I turned 30 last August and felt really down about it. I guess I worry too much but men have it easier with regards to age. :wah: I do not want to be traded in for a younger women as I see happen so much to other couples. My husband is 5 years older than me. Now I wish he was 15 years older or someone who had already gone through the mid life crisis! (i met him when I was 20 -when you think you will never get old) It is so wierd because I look at youngsters and I think how did time go so fast. My goodness when my mother was 38 I remember thinking she was ancient-now of course I know its not old. I think I am being very cynical. So sorry. I hope I have not offended anybody as there are many beautiful older ladies out there but sadly its like how you calculate a dogs life you X it so much and thats how it is with women you X a mans life by so much. Do you get what i mean:crazy: basically what i am saying is a 45 year old man is deemed younger than a 45 year old women. Am I wrong in saying this? Lovely to see your views on this.


Love is Blind
I don't know if there is an "Age" cause I've seen some older women who think and act like they are in their 20's. As for older men dating younger women, I wouldn't worry about it. I used to get dumped for older women. I personally can't see why a young man would dump a young girl for someone my age. I think it's kinda sick; flattering, but sick!!! I wouldn't want to date a guy in his 20's. I had enough problems with them when I was in my 20's. I just call it MID-LIFE CRISIS.


Obama destroyed America


What love is all about
35 seems kind of young to be considered a cougar (to me at least)...

Thats what I would think. A 35 year old with a 25 year old doesn't seem to bad. I would say once they get I guess 45-50 then they would be considered a cougar. But I guess it would depend on the guy and what he thinks.