[B]She is at it again[/B]


Bow wow
elaine said:
That's probably not a bad idea.
My son asked his mother, When are you going to have more kids? She said why, he said because the new baby can live with you and i'll live with dad. She thought it was funny, i would've cried if he asked me that.


New Member
Qurious said:

Your his father. Bury the beef for the sake of your child. its quite clear your not picking him up because of friction between you and the mom and that is not fair.

Parents are to work together not apart.

what benefit does this have to the child if the father feels he only has to pick him up when he's "told" to.....

And why isn't it clear that she needs a plan in place for when she has them, like this Friday? She just assumed he can leave work at her whim. There are times when a little notice is needed. :duh:


Im On 1.
morganj614 said:
And why isn't it clear that she needs a plan in place for when she has them, like this Friday? She just assumed he can leave work at her whim. There are times when a little notice is needed. :duh:

Take turns. When is the last time he took off of work for his son?

I can't beleive this is even a debate!!!


Ok I just got back from meeting with my boss. I figured i would get the normal critisms that non custodial fathers get for this thread. No big deal. Tuesday I hated like hell that my son had to sit at her office all day on a snow day. I normally would have took off work and had both of them up at little flower sled ridding but as I said I can't just off like that anymore. As for spending extra time with the kids for football season I took off from my second job so I could assistant coach and get the kids two evenings a week for dinner and practice. Now I have started working a couple of nights a week To help my ends meet again. I still want to go back to taking them to dinner atleast once a week. I have went from living in a very nice house I designed and oversaw being built to renting a sh!tty trailer so I could afford to pay her everthing she had comming. I took off to take them to the doctors when she called me but this week I had to say no three times cause she still hasn't come up with a contigency. WTF


professional daydreamer
Qurious said:
Take turns. When is the last time he took off of work for his son?

I can't beleive this is even a debate!!!

I can't believe you're pretending you have a clue.


Im On 1.
Dougstermd said:
Ok I just got back from meeting with my boss. I figured i would get the normal critisms that non custodial fathers get for this thread. No big deal. Tuesday I hated like hell that my son had to sit at her office all day on a snow day. I normally would have took off work and had both of them up at little flower sled ridding but as I said I can't just off like that anymore. As for spending extra time with the kids for football season I took off from my second job so I could assistant coach and get the kids two evenings a week for dinner and practice. Now I have started working a couple of nights a week To help my ends meet again. I still want to go back to taking them to dinner atleast once a week. I have went from living in a very nice house I designed and oversaw being built to renting a sh!tty trailer so I could afford to pay her everthing she had comming. I took off to take them to the doctors when she called me but this week I had to say no three times cause she still hasn't come up with a contigency. WTF

when was this?


New Member
Qurious said:
Take turns. When is the last time he took off of work for his son?
I can't beleive this is even a debate!!!

Since I have seen their family dynamics I think you don't have a clue. They BOTH need contigency plans and if SHE wants support(money) then he needs to keep his job.


Qurious said:

Your his father. Bury the beef for the sake of your child. its quite clear your not picking him up because of friction between you and the mom and that is not fair.

Parents are to work together not apart.

what benefit does this have to the child if the father feels he only has to pick him up when he's "told" to.....
I am thinking that is what started this whole kid thing.


Qurious said:
This could be easily solved....

file for custody. :popcorn:

I seriously had to wrestle with that thought when we seperated. I read a lot of books on the subject. I think it would just be a futile effort that would only benefit the lawyers.


Im On 1.
Dougstermd said:
Two weeks ago

imo... helping out or taking off once a month if she needs you to is working as a team for the benefit of the child.

Its obvious she has no one else to watch the child...how shameful is it that she has to call upon someone other than you to watch your son? You dont want that do you?

Oh and disregard everything Im saying if she is taking off just to go to class and is unemployed.


Im On 1.
Dougstermd said:
I seriously had to wrestle with that thought when we seperated. I read a lot of books on the subject. I think it would just be a futile effort that would only benefit the lawyers.

Dont think that way honey!!! More men are getting screwed by the mothers of their children but all they do is bytch and moan.....do something about it by getting a lawyer (if you can afford it) and see what your chances are. Dont do it just to get back at her but do it because you honestly beleive your son would be better off with you.