[B]She is at it again[/B]


Im On 1.
FastCarsSpeed said:
WTF? I would give anything to have my children every day of the week. Im off here now to take my daughter to the orthodontist and will take tomorrow off if the weather is bad and schools are closed. Cherish every moment you can with them when they are young.



FastCarsSpeed said:
WTF? I would give anything to have my children every day of the week. Im off here now to take my daughter to the orthodontist and will take tomorrow off if the weather is bad and schools are closed. Cherish every moment you can with them when they are young.

Totally different situation with you. You and your EX are on good terms AND she didn't rake you over for child support so bad that you had to go get a second job. Does make a difference if you REALLY can't AFFORD to miss work.


Lost N Lonely said:
Do you think someone actually agreed with you?

I think this is the most since that I have ever seen Q make even if i don't agree with everthing she has to say. :killingme


Qurious said:
i guess you could say my opinions are stemming from the stress I see my sister go through because of him.
Get out...

Qurious said:
The bad ass nephew will act out and she'll call him to come get him and keep him overnight and he'll say "why what did he do now?"

there shouldnt be any second guessing, or hesitation when it comes to taking your child.

I'm getting red-flags from every direction after reading this post. But... I'm suspecting I don't have the patience or energy to address them, so I'll gently back away from this thread, and go have a nice pleasant gun-control or abortion or religous debate with a rabid liberal.


Im On 1.
Toxick said:
Get out...

I'm getting red-flags from every direction after reading this post. But... I'm suspecting I don't have the patience or energy to address them, so I'll gently back away from this thread, and go have a nice pleasant gun-control or abortion or religous debate with a rabid liberal.

thanks for putting that nicely...

u didnt give me red did you?


Qurious said:
thanks for putting that nicely...

u didnt give me red did you?
I have never, and will never, give someone red kr4ma for disagreeing with me on ANY issue.

I only give out red when someone's acting like a Grade-A tool.

You haven't pissed me off nearly enough to do that.


Im On 1.
Toxick said:
I have never, and will never, give someone red kr4ma for disagreeing with me on ANY issue.

I only give out red when someone's acting like a Grade-A tool.

You haven't pissed me off nearly enough to do that.
thank gosh dude! :lmao:


Im On 1.
aps45819 said:
Gee, can't understand why the guy isn't willing to drive for 3-4 hours around the beltway every time the kid acts up.

its only an hour without traffic.

and thats better than nothing....


24/7 Single Dad
Qurious said:
its only an hour without traffic.
and thats better than nothing....
Each way and there's always traffic.
And then he has to bring him back right? That's 4 hours driving without traffick on the beltway.

What's the nothing? doesn't he have visitation?


Salt Life
Dougstermd said:
What experience has everyone else had with these matters?:confused:
I don't think you should tell her to FO because it's not w/in your "normal" routine. Instead, be glad you can spend the extra time with your child. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
I say they both need the stupid smacked outa them!
That's a lotta stupid :ohwell:

Doug, you already got your ass told so I have nothing more to say.

Ha ha! Fooled you! :neener:

I get damn sick and tired of these guys that think the kids are the woman's responsibility. "I can't take off - can you take care of it?" "NOOOOO!!! My life is SO important that I don't have time for YOUR child!" And then they wonder why the wife leaves them. :dur: