[B]She is at it again[/B]


Luvin Life !!!
LexiGirl75 said:
Say for instance if he took LWOP to care for the child. Would they still take the same amount out for child support even though he made less because he missed a day?
The amount you pay stays the same unless you get the court to review it. I believe you cannot ask for an increase or reduction for three years but I could be wrong. If you miss time from work that you don't get paid for you still have to pay the amount you were ordered/agreed to.


Cleopatra Jones
DoWhat said:
I read the first page of this thread. I am wondering weather or not I should read the rest of this or make my comment now?

Option C. Let's go to the bar and start the weekend early! :yay:


Vixen said:
Hey Doug,

How was all this handled BEFORE the divorce/separation? :confused:

I just think that parents should take turns taking off when needed. No matter who has “Sole Physical Custody.” :shrug:

Or whether they are still married or not, provided both parents work.

I understand that isn't always feasible if the parents live too far.
i almost always took off with the kids cause I had that flexability now I don't


The Pegster
Tigerlily said:
The amount you pay stays the same unless you get the court to review it. I believe you cannot ask for an increase or reduction for three years but I could be wrong. If you miss time from work that you don't get paid for you still have to pay the amount you were ordered/agreed to.

Just FYI...

A review of the case can be requested annually. However, if the Bureau of Support Enforcement represents you, they will only act as your representative every three years. If you want to do the annual review, you have to hire an attorney or represent yourself.


Luvin Life !!!
DoWhat said:
Why don't you fight for custody?
Why is it that the first reaction is to fight for custody? Neither one of them are bad parents so fighting only serves to hurt the children. If the idea is for them to get along and work together to raise the kids a long drawn out and very exspensive court battle will only heed to make the situation worse.


PREMO Member
Tigerlily said:
Why is it that the first reaction is to fight for custody? Neither one of them are bad parents so fighting only serves to hurt the children. If the idea is for them to get along and work together to raise the kids a long drawn out and very exspensive court battle will only heed to make the situation worse.
I have not read this hole thread, and I don't understand what he is complaining about. Is it not what people call Parenthood?

By the way, why don't you help out? Aren't you screwing him?


Luvin Life !!!
DoWhat said:
I have not read this hole thread, and I don't understand what he is complaining about. Is it not what people call Parenthood?

By the way, why don't you help out? Aren't you screwing him?
Well aren't you sweet. :smack: Whether I am screwing him or not has nothing to do with his situation with his children and his ex. I am a single parent and when my kids are sick have appointments or whatever else it is my responsibility to ensure there is someone to take them, stay home with them etc. Since you have not taken the time and or interest to read the whole thread in a nutshell. His ex wanted him to take time off from his job to stay with the kids because she wants to save her vacation time so she can do something fun with her time. She expects him to either do it or find someone else because apparently she does not have any one to do it or has not bothered to look.


DoWhat said:
I have not read this hole thread, and I don't understand what he is complaining about. Is it not what people call Parenthood?

By the way, why don't you help out? Aren't you screwing him?

screwing or not its my ex's responsibility to make arrangements for these situations its gonin be a long winter and she should be better prepared. I will always help out when I can but this week was impossible to help. The reason for the tread was to see what experiences others have had. I don't expect someone else to take the responsibility. Besides TL is working very hard is raising her own family with no help from da bebes daddy so if anyone can understand how fu my ex's action are it would be TL.


24/7 Single Dad
I was supposed to take off early today to meet my son's school bus this afternoon so the X could take off for NC. I'll be picking him up after work at a friend of hers house instead.


PREMO Member
Tigerlily said:
His ex wanted him to take time off from his job to stay with the kids because she wants to save her vacation time so she can do something fun with her time. She expects him to either do it or find someone else because apparently she does not have any one to do it or has not bothered to look.
And the problem with that is what?


aps45819 said:
I was supposed to take off early today to meet my son's school bus this afternoon so the X could take off for NC. I'll be picking him up after work at a friend of hers house instead.

what does her friend look like??? :lmao:


Luvin Life !!!
DoWhat said:
And the problem with that is what?
You just don't get it. For the money he pays her in support includes a portion to cover daycare. If the child was sick I can assure you he would take the time off. For her to ask him to be the sole provider of watching them when school is out for whatever reason is not feasable or realistic. Bottom line she is being selfish. She did not ask him to find someone to do it. She wants him to do it. It is a control issue.