Bad economy


wandering aimlessly
The only affect I've experienced is the price of gas. Driving 130 miles a day, It's costing about 1/3 more to fill up. That's not W's fault and I know this. I am trying to food shop a lil smarter vs. eating out so often but that's tough too when you're single and wimmins like to eat. :banghead:
Why not just invite them over for dinner? :shrug: You know how to cook. You have a nice house to entertain.


Infinite Impetus
I can see that. 2 people and a bag of popcorn and you're over $20 to see the movie once. Wait for the DVD to go on sale and you pick it up for 10 bucks and watch it any time you want without your feet sticking to the floor. Plus you can pause the movie while you make out, or simply watch it again the next day after you pick up the trail of clothes. Try THAT in a movie theater! :lmao:

I'm sure its been done. The theaters around here leave much to be desired, so you pay to go to a nicer one anyway.. I prefer DVD over going to the 'theater'

I miss the karma feature


Bookseller Lady
I am definatly watching how much I drive now and easing up on the lead foot.

Beeing vegetarian makes it easier to cut back the food bill. I've just had to break out the crockpot and pressure cooker again since we are busy busy busy this time of year. Pinto beans are cheaper than Boca Burgers.

My daughter has hit puberty, and between her activity level and metabolism she eats about as much as a teenage boy. We had quite a bag of clothes to haul to SMILE after cleaning out her dresser this weekend. The thought of school clothes shopping already makes my wallet ache.


I bowl overhand
What, you gonna drive a bulldozer to work ?? :lmao:

Right now, today, I have no issues. I don't eat out as often, and try to consolidate my driving trips, but that's about it. However, I am concerned about a few years from now. I'm looking to retire in another 2 years. My 401k isn't doing as well as it could be due to the falling dollar, my income from pension will be fixed, prices are continuing to rise and I am not entirely sure I will be able to retire with very much comfort margin. The thought of heating in the winter a few years from now scares me.

You must not have seen my other tractor.. I use about 5 gallons of diesel a week in it.

And saying 'you can't' use home heating oil in a car wasn't a good way of wording it. It's against the law to use it in car or a truck, and heating oil/ off road diesel is dyed so that if you are caught with it in your tank you can be fined HEAVILY.

So if I had a diesel car, and I bought 300 gallons for my tractor, unless someone has a reason to look, would they ever know?


100% Goapele Head!
The high gas prices are cutting into my already tight budget so I wouldn't mind seeing another gas war REALLY soon. :whistle:

Other than that, I don't have any problems a second job couldn't handle. I've never had one before but I'm certainly not above it. :flowers:


Obama destroyed America
No you are not out of touch at all. We just are a little more careful how we spend our money. That is not to say you are not, but we have seen what unfettered credit card lines have done to the economy as well as spending like there's no tomorrow. If we save up for the crab festival, it is because we want to make sure that we can pay for what we want instead of putting it on plastic. If you think there is something wrong with that, then you are entitled to your opinion. As for the movie, sure a DVD would cost a lot more, but I can watch it at my own time without paying the other exorbitant prices if I want a soda, water, popcorn or candy. Call me cheap...I prefer frugal.
Oh no sir, I wasn't calling you cheap. I was serious. For all I knew there could have been a disaster in the family and you had to refinance to pay medical bills or something.

I wish more folks thought the way you do. :yay:


wandering aimlessly
Yeah that. He can always ask them to pick up chinese on the way. :shrug:
:doh: I just figured it out. The same reason I keep "guests" to a minimum. Sometimes you just want them to go away and they won't and you can't just walk out of your own house and leave them in there. :lmao:

Sorry Mikey. I understand.


Bookseller Lady
Speaking of School Clothes

Heard about this place on Nightline.

I'm going to stop at their store in Westminster on my way up to visit my father over the summer.

Steve & Barry's


100% Goapele Head!

Or Redbox for newer releases.

I don't even have cable. We're not home enough to watch that much TV anymore.

How do you get reception without some form of cable? When I first moved here I wasn't able to get anything except a VERY fuzzy Fox 5 and some Salisbury, MD fishing channels.


I can see that. 2 people and a bag of popcorn and you're over $20 to see the movie once. Wait for the DVD to go on sale and you pick it up for 10 bucks and watch it any time you want without your feet sticking to the floor. Plus you can pause the movie while you make out, or simply watch it again the next day after you pick up the trail of clothes. Try THAT in a movie theater! :lmao:
... :hot:


I bowl overhand
And $8.50 for a movie is cause to consider buying a DVD?

This I can understand.

Figure PF is the closest theater half worth going to.. and I'd prefer to go to Ann Arundel.. What's that, about 100 miles or about 5 gallons of gas each way to get there in BG's truck. So $40 in gas, $17 for the tickets, and another $15 for popcorn and drinks.. $72 or I can just wait a month or two and buy it on DVD for $20.
So if I had a diesel car, and I bought 300 gallons for my tractor, unless someone has a reason to look, would they ever know?

Undercover DOT agents travel the highways daily and they aren't just looking for commercial trucks in need of maintenance... they also do spot checks on all diesel vehicles... I would expect those checks will become more frequent in the days ahead.


Bookseller Lady

DVD's are $20 nowadays at Wal-Mart. Friggin' $25-$30 at Blockbuster. At this point, going to the movie theater is cheaper than buying a DVD. But, I normally just wait for the movie to Showtime anyways.

I don't normally buy DVDs , but we picked up Season 3 of The Muppet Show at Target for $35 this weekend. :starcat:

Nothing like Gen-Xer nostalgia to open my wallet.

Veggrl and I watch those over and over again, although I do have to explain who some of the guest stars are. :razz: