Bad economy



And I bet the girl's mom thinks it's cute. Probably a young mom. I've seen so many young moms that think it is cute to dress their little girls just like their hoochie mommy. :rolleyes:
When I was younger my great grandmother always bought me new underwear every time I saw her because she didn't approve of the bikini panties I wore... she called them my "mother's whore underwear". We'd always have to go buy granny panties because she felt it was inapproriate for me to wear such panties :lmao:


Well-Known Member
We don't let them watch much tv anyways. Seriously, they might watch 20 minutes or less a day. Their mother uses the TV as a babysitter (which, IMO, is so freakin lazy), so we limit it in our house.

Mommy needs to be smacked. I've seen you post about her alot. Why don't you two just take the kid/kids away if she's that bad of a parent?


Obama destroyed America
Which is exactly why you do not let them watch the bad influences. There are plenty of things on TV for a kid to watch that do not involve violence or sex. I rarely watched TV as a kid. I played outside.
....and we see how you turned out.... :running:


All I ever watched on TV was TNN, NASCAR and cable news. Guess what? I still learned about pot, I still heard every sexual term they had around, and I was still exposed to all this crap.

It's amazing how some people think getting rid of TV will fix all the problems and they'll never have to worry about their kids becoming "bad teenagers." :lmao:
Well that explains a lot... :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Friggin' bastards know there's a demand and they refuse to increase production.

It's THEIR oil - they can do what they want.

Anymore I tune out when some ignoramus starts going off about high gas prices and oil companies/George Bush. They ##### about oil execs and their multi-million $$$ bonuses, but don't say a word about whiny Hollyweird celebrities and their multi-milliion $$$ salaries.

Ideally we would be self-sustaining when it comes to our energy needs. Arab leaders have a hell of a lot more money than oil executives, but nobody wants to complain about them or even mention them. I would love for you to show me the Exxon board member who has 3 or 4 palaces and several luxury yachts.

Some durhard was complaining on GGL yesterday about how terrible oil is and how now the evil capitalists want to destroy the ANWR in their greedy quest for mo' money. "But if we kill everything there to get domestic oil, and that oil runs out...THEN WHAT???"

Yeah, sis, it's much better to finance diamond-studded clothing for some Saudi prince than to have a few caribou die. :rolleyes: And even that is open to debate, whether drilling would cause a major problem for the wildlife.


New Member
And I bet the girl's mom thinks it's cute. Probably a young mom. I've seen so many young moms that think it is cute to dress their little girls just like their hoochie mommy. :rolleyes:

I usually like ya, but you're just rolling out one inane post after another today. Seriously, did you get enough sleep last night?


Well-Known Member
Find me a judge in MD that will give us custody b/c of laziness....

True. It is hard to take a child away from their mother. It just sucks that the only time the child gets attention and discipline is with you two. Or atleast that is what I gather from your posts.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
It's THEIR oil - they can do what they want.

Anymore I tune out when some ignoramus starts going off about high gas prices and oil companies/George Bush. They ##### about oil execs and their multi-million $$$ bonuses, but don't say a word about whiny Hollyweird celebrities and their multi-milliion $$$ salaries.

Ideally we would be self-sustaining when it comes to our energy needs. Arab leaders have a hell of a lot more money than oil executives, but nobody wants to complain about them or even mention them. I would love for you to show me the Exxon board member who has 3 or 4 palaces and several luxury yachts.

Some durhard was complaining on GGL yesterday about how terrible oil is and how now the evil capitalists want to destroy the ANWR in their greedy quest for mo' money. "But if we kill everything there to get domestic oil, and that oil runs out...THEN WHAT???"

Yeah, sis, it's much better to finance diamond-studded clothing for some Saudi prince than to have a few caribou die. :rolleyes: And even that is open to debate, whether drilling would cause a major problem for the wildlife.

Wasn't there a bunch of belly aching about the Alaskan Pipeline and how "detrimental" it would be to the wildlife? The pipeline went in and guess what? The caribou population EXPLODED because the pipeline actually opened up foraging areas and since the oil is heated to maintain flow, areas under the line remained open for foraging and browse during the winter months.


I bowl overhand
It's THEIR oil - they can do what they want.

Anymore I tune out when some ignoramus starts going off about high gas prices and oil companies/George Bush. They ##### about oil execs and their multi-million $$$ bonuses, but don't say a word about whiny Hollyweird celebrities and their multi-milliion $$$ salaries.

Ideally we would be self-sustaining when it comes to our energy needs. Arab leaders have a hell of a lot more money than oil executives, but nobody wants to complain about them or even mention them. I would love for you to show me the Exxon board member who has 3 or 4 palaces and several luxury yachts.

Some durhard was complaining on GGL yesterday about how terrible oil is and how now the evil capitalists want to destroy the ANWR in their greedy quest for mo' money. "But if we kill everything there to get domestic oil, and that oil runs out...THEN WHAT???"

Yeah, sis, it's much better to finance diamond-studded clothing for some Saudi prince than to have a few caribou die. :rolleyes: And even that is open to debate, whether drilling would cause a major problem for the wildlife.

They said the Alaskan pipeline would kill off all of the wildlife and it seems just the opposite is true. Life around the pipeline is flourishing.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Wasn't there a bunch of belly aching about the Alaskan Pipeline and how "detrimental" it would be to the wildlife? The pipeline went in and guess what? The caribou population EXPLODED because the pipeline actually opened up foraging areas and since the oil is heated to maintain flow, areas under the line remained open for foraging and browse during the winter months.

They said the Alaskan pipeline would kill off all of the wildlife and it seems just the opposite is true. Life around the pipeline is flourishing.

Who are we to quash their outlook of gloom and doom with facts?:evil:


Lem Putt
It's THEIR oil - they can do what they want.

:yeahthat: It looks pretty ridiculous for us to ask them to increase production when we're sitting on plenty of our own. How can we expect them to take us seriously if we aren't willing to increase production in our own country?

The NIMBYs who pretend they are environmentalists are the worst. They don't want drilling because of environmental risks, but they fail to consider that the risk is the same no matter where you drill. An oil spill in the Persian Gulf is just as bad as one in the Gulf of Mexico. What's the difference? One affects tourism, the other doesn't.


New Member
And seriously, don't build any wind farms out in the ocean because they ruin the view from my beach front compound, k thnx bai!