Bad economy


Well-Known Member
Back to the seeds and shovel thing.

Has anyone started growing their own veggies since the economy went banini's?

I wouldn't mind doing this.
I have strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and a few other things that I cannot tell what they are yet planted in my yard. I didn't plant them, but my landlord did. They are for his consumption as well as mine. :yahoo:
Sorry, but this is the worst arguement that parents make. I've never been President, so I can't have an opinion the President?

Possibly, but I really do not think that someone who has never been a parent can discuss ways to parent. :shrug:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The NIMBYs who pretend they are environmentalists are the worst. They don't want drilling because of environmental risks, but they fail to consider that the risk is the same no matter where you drill. An oil spill in the Persian Gulf is just as bad as one in the Gulf of Mexico. What's the difference? One affects tourism, the other doesn't.

Have the bark humping nimbys show you the last time there was a major oil drilling accident on any of the active platforms in "our" Gulf.


I have strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and a few other things that I cannot tell what they are yet planted in my yard. I didn't plant them, but my landlord did. They are for his consumption as well as mine. :yahoo:

Possibly, but I really do not think that someone who has never been a parent can discuss ways to parent. :shrug:

Your now a sharecropper.......:faint:


professional daydreamer
Possibly, but I really do not think that someone who has never been a parent can discuss ways to parent. :shrug:

I see this as no different than one parent telling another that there's a better way to keep little Johnny in check (read: your parenting skills suck).


New Member
Possibly, but I really do not think that someone who has never been a parent can discuss ways to parent. :shrug:

I can tell you exactly what went right and what went wrong in my family though. Believe it or not, I wasn't the average kid at school. I was exposed to the same stuff every other kid will be, but I just used my own judgment and kept myself out of trouble. :shrug:

You can block your kids from TV, okay. They're going to be exposed to this stuff whether you like it or not and there's not a damn thing you can do about that short of locking them in a room 24/7. You've gotta teach them right from wrong.


professional daydreamer
Eating out less often? I'm not. I've noticed that it costs me just as much to cook in as it does to eat out. :ohwell: