Sweet and Innocent
& what is your problem with my post?
Knowing MissKitty, He doesn't have problem with it. He's agreeing with you about what you said. Pee Pee is not a bad word at all.
& what is your problem with my post?
Knowing MissKitty, He doesn't have problem with it. He's agreeing with you about what you said. Pee Pee is not a bad word at all.
Yeah I know but I guess some sound nicer than others. I would rather my son say something about his peepee instead of his peter but I guess that's my opinion. He'll be potty training soon enough & we'll see what he comes up with!
I must have missed where I told you about a problem with it.
I apologize, I just read it as being sarcastic.
*sputtercoughsputter*Well, you should stop being snotty to people that you don't know.
Oh, and apology accepted.
Well, you should stop being snotty to people that you don't know.
I dont have a boy.... I do have two girls though. In theory, I would rather hear the peepee word instead of the latter. There are some words that are meant for a little kid to say and I think this is one of them.
Snotty is one thing I am not. I apologized for taking your comment the wrong way but I really don't think my comment was snotty.
I accepted your apology above. If it wasn't snotty, it sure felt like it.
MK, let it go. I know Peebles IRL. She's not a snotty at all. I would be happy to introduce you to Peebles soon.
I accepted your apology above. If it wasn't snotty, it sure felt like it.
What do the girls say..."My vagina is leaking"
No thanks.
And it felt like your comment was sarcastic :shrug: really not a big deal
Sorry, just agree to disagree here. Not going to be over dramatic about it!
MK would never be sarcastic or overly dramatic about anything. Never.
MK would never be sarcastic or overly dramatic about anything. Never.
MK would never be sarcastic or overly dramatic about anything. Never.