Bad Words



Rowan picked up on "S###" and "F###" pretty early on. The more we tried to tell him no, the more he used them. Finally, we would just start telling him those weren't nice words and only grownups get to use them... that seemed to work because he stopped saying them pretty quickly as soon as he stopped getting the reaction to them.

Now his favorite phrase is "Jesus!" or "Jesus Christ!" :roflmao: My father's the only one taking an issue with that one.


It's not HaHa time....
Yeah I know but I guess some sound nicer than others. I would rather my son say something about his peepee instead of his peter but I guess that's my opinion. He'll be potty training soon enough & we'll see what he comes up with!

I dont have a boy.... I do have two girls though. In theory, I would rather hear the peepee word instead of the latter. There are some words that are meant for a little kid to say and I think this is one of them.


I dont have a boy.... I do have two girls though. In theory, I would rather hear the peepee word instead of the latter. There are some words that are meant for a little kid to say and I think this is one of them.

What do the girls say..."My vagina is leaking"


Well-Known Member
MK would never be sarcastic or overly dramatic about anything. Never.


Ok just spoke w/ the day care lady a little more about the bad word thing and she said that her problem is the fact that he is putting things into context... like when he gets mad at someone he says "peepee" or "peepee ass" "shut up kid" etc... and that she has noticed sometimes he will grab at his crotch and say "pee pee"...

So what's the census on that?