Well-Known Member
See other quote
Ah yes.
See other quote
That was a very fast turn around.
----------------------------------------He is still favoring his right side, won't turn his head completely to the right.
That sounds like Jr. simply has a "crick" in his neck. That happens to meall the time from falling asleep in the Lay-Z-Boy watching TV at night.
Hot compresses and a heating pad should fix him right up.
If you notice persistent headaches or darting eyes or if he begins experiencing motor function problems; similar to Petit Mal seizures; or if his toes or foot points all the way and he can't straighen it himself; then it's time for a trip to Children's Hospital.
Yes it was and has surprised me very much. If he wasn't any better this morning his a$$ was going to Children's. The cradling him and laying down slowly was yesterday. Yes this morning at 5am when I went to put the hot pack on his neck he did cry that is hurt when I lifted him up to tape it to his back. When he woke up this morning at about 830, did is normal thing. He is still favoring his right side, won't turn his head completely to the right.
Just for you K_Jo I fixed it.....
If he was not in the pain that he was in that is where I was going. Coming home from the hospital had to drive with a lot of caution esp. going around turns. Everyone keeps saying that maybe he just pulled a muscle in his neck, but me being the over protective mother, going to just make sure. Can't put a price tag on a child's life.
I haven't talked to his primary since yesterday morning. He told me to go to the ER, that they would be able to do more for him faster than him. The pain meds aren't really helping. He still has very hard time getting up and laying down. I have to craddle him, lift him up very slowly and when I lay him down, I craddle and lay him down very slowly. He still screams and hollers, "It hurt's mommy, it hurts!"
and this
Sorry I must have misunderstood you. I was going by your post this morning at 7:30 that he was still in pain and that the meds were not working.
That is why I was so persistant on taking him to Chiildrens. Especially considering his previous episode. Who is to say the next one is going to go away???
I still do not see anyone cutting you down, just concerned parents who have been down this road before trying to help. Sorry if it came off that way...
That was before he woke up and I should have more descriptive with the times. It was a very hard day on me yesterday, when your a single parent and have know one else to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, the one that has to make all the decision and wonder if that decision is a good one or are you doing more harm than good, it gets pretty scary at times. I do the best that I can when it comes to my kids
It is unfornate that yes I did have to come to work today, for I am the only one trained to do my job and my supervisor is out today. My dad is home with him taking care of him. Has him in the hot tub as I type.
That was before he woke up and I should have more descriptive with the times. It was a very hard day on me yesterday, when your a single parent and have know one else to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, the one that has to make all the decision and wonder if that decision is a good one or are you doing more harm than good, it gets pretty scary at times. I do the best that I can when it comes to my kids
It is unfornate that yes I did have to come to work today, for I am the only one trained to do my job and my supervisor is out today. My dad is home with him taking care of him. Has him in the hot tub as I type.
I am still going to keep his appt. with Children's as a precaution. I know of too many kids that have been diagnosed with cancer here lately and don't want to take a chance.
If I may present a litmus test for you... Single mom or not, we all use it.
When all is said in done in this life you want to be able to say you did your best for your child with the knowledge you had at the time.
Having to look back at your actions and say "I knew I should have done something but," can be a lifetime sentence of regret.
Now, I hope it is nothing but a crick in the neck.
If I may present a litmus test for you... Single mom or not, we all use it.
When all is said in done in this life you want to be able to say you did your best for your child with the knowledge you had at the time.
Having to look back at your actions and say "I knew I should have done something but," can be a lifetime sentence of regret.
Now, I hope it is nothing but a crick in the neck.
This has gone on how many days? I think you're the one needing a head exam for letting your child suffer like that. ufb, lady.
Was there any reason for you to be that rude. I'm sure that she is doing the best that she can. Being a single parent isn't that easy.Attacking? The lady needs to get off the computer and take care of her child. A kick in the azz is what she needs. She's obviously not terrified enough to stop typing and get her child somewhere help is available.
Then you should have a little compassion.Having raised children to adulthood I can safely say I have been there, done that.
Was there any reason for you to be that rude. I'm sure that she is doing the best that she can. Being a single parent isn't that easy.
Then you should have a little compassion.
I wasn't rude.Read some of her other "sickness" posts, retard
I wasn't rude.Read some of her other "sickness" posts, retard