Being the Youngin' in the area



Redskinsmama said:
the drag n inn? hmm if you live in st mary's that's a far drive to go to a bar. donovans on the weekends has people our age. It's in between the lights at walmart and nicolettis. You are right though. Most of the people in our age range are either : married with children or divorced with children and the remaining people our age are out an about. good luck and welcome!

Oh you're that age too. :wink:

Let me stop, I'm not the forum man whore.


aps45819 said:
Did you spell "easy" correctly this time?

Hey now, I was just trying to be friendly. Go back to drinking your soda and playin bingo! :smack:


New Member
Good grief, you're posting faster than i can read and respond. 0.o This is great!

Now that i have the basic meeting places down...what about fun? I have found a distinct lack of entertainment here, and do end up going to the citites for something to do.


Syn said:
Good grief, you're posting faster than i can read and respond. 0.o This is great!

Now that i have the basic meeting places down...what about fun? I have found a distinct lack of entertainment here, and do end up going to the citites for something to do.

My apartment..tons of entertainment there.. :razz:


mv = margaritaville
Syn said:
Good grief, you're posting faster than i can read and respond. 0.o This is great!

Now that i have the basic meeting places down...what about fun? I have found a distinct lack of entertainment here, and do end up going to the citites for something to do.
And you will have to go other places for things to do. Unless you are into fishing and hunting.
Syn said:
Good grief, you're posting faster than i can read and respond. 0.o This is great!

Now that i have the basic meeting places down...what about fun? I have found a distinct lack of entertainment here, and do end up going to the citites for something to do.

Sit at the top of the Solomon's bridge? :shrug:


mv_princess said:
Good lord, maybe he can meet ya for lunch. Get everything outta the way up front.

Hey I am trying to be nice..its in my nature. :howdy:


You guys forgot about Dew Drop. Most of the people around our age are in bars or hanging out over someone's house. Since you don't know anybody I guess you will have to hit the bars.


New Member
baileydog said:
So, are you a HOT guy?

Nope. Just an average guy. But I do pride myself on my wonderful singing voice! :razz:

Yeah, not knowing people sorta does leave me with the Bar-hopping scene.


All Up In Your Grill
Syn said:
Nope. Just an average guy. But I do pride myself on my wonderful singing voice! :razz:

Yeah, not knowing people sorta does leave me with the Bar-hopping scene.

Any hobbies? Softball is pretty big around here...:popcorn: