

New Member
Ok, I met a man became really good friends. Had lots in common, both had been thru or were going thru seperation/divorce. Started having feelings for this man when I thought my heart had been broken for ever. Took things slow, got to know him and his family and started dating. Took time introducing the kids etc. Tried to do everything right as to not repeat mistakes. As scared as I was to move on after divorce, let my guard down and let this man into my life. I thought he was great, good father, very caring, helpful, my family and friends really liked him and liked that I was happy. After a little while I noticed things that didnt seem right and when I asked questions I always got reasonable answers. I believed him... really had no reason not to. He wasnt getting his kids on the weekends he should and when I asked questions he said his ex couldnt meet him, etc. This started happening alot. When I asked him about his divorce I got just waiting on the final papers, etc. Recently I received a call from his ex. She asked me to please have him call his children as he hadnt spoken with them in a month. I was shocked and I said how can that be...He calls them a couple times a week. She firmly said no he doesnt. Well, I started checking into things he told me since I met him. I found out that he has lied to me since day one. He lied about owning a business, lied about the age of his kid, lied about seeing his kids. How could this have happened. I'm crushed. I feel so betrayed and like a big sucker. Eeeh. When he discovered I was figuring out he has been lying. He breaks up with me. Told me our relationship isnt going anywhere. I felt like I needed answers and an apology. Its not just me thats hurt, I let him into my life, my family.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
He's a user and you're better off without him. Be thankful you got out when you did. :huggy:


i love you too
you can't miss and be sad about someone so shady.
you have a soul mate. you just havn't found him yet.


curiouser and curiouser
danceintherain said:
I felt like I needed answers and an apology. Its not just me thats hurt, I let him into my life, my family.
I will give you advice from experience: cut your losses and move on. You do not need answers and you do not need an apology. Your family will get over it, as will you. The more you allow yourself communication with him, the more he will manipulate you. It's all a big game, and you need to gather your pride and move on.


No one needs a liar in their life. You're lucky you found out in time. Been there and done that.


Nickel said:
I will give you advice from experience: cut your losses and move on. You do not need answers and you do not need an apology. Your family will get over it, as will you. The more you allow yourself communication with him, the more he will manipulate you. It's all a big game, and you need to gather your pride and move on.


Great answer girlie.....:notworthy :notworthy


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
danceintherain said:
I felt like I needed answers and an apology.
Bebe Mama, is that you? :confused:

Anyway, listen to Nickel. It happens to the best of us and it's not you - it's him. Don't waste any more time on this guy and don't milk the psycho-drama for apologies and explanations.

And send his ex-wife some flowers - she just did you a HUGE favor.


You're all F'in Mad...
Nickel said:
I will give you advice from experience: cut your losses and move on. You do not need answers and you do not need an apology. Your family will get over it, as will you. The more you allow yourself communication with him, the more he will manipulate you. It's all a big game, and you need to gather your pride and move on.

That pretty much says everything that needs to be said in this thread...


Nickel said:
I will give you advice from experience: cut your losses and move on. You do not need answers and you do not need an apology. Your family will get over it, as will you. The more you allow yourself communication with him, the more he will manipulate you. It's all a big game, and you need to gather your pride and move on.

Great advice.

He had you wrapped around his finger, thinking he was great, once you noticed he isn't so great, tried to discuss the issues, he turned. You can no longer provide him the supply of thinking he is great and wonderful now; you know the truth.

Good luck. And, look at the bright side, at least you didn't marry this guy and get your finances screwed up.


24/7 Single Dad
danceintherain said:
When he discovered I was figuring out he has been lying. He breaks up with me. Told me our relationship isnt going anywhere.
:lol: Well Duhhhh. He may be a liar, loser and a cheat, but he not stupid.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Bebe Mama, is that you? :confused:

Anyway, listen to Nickel. It happens to the best of us and it's not you - it's him. Don't waste any more time on this guy and don't milk the psycho-drama for apologies and explanations.

And send his ex-wife some flowers - she just did you a HUGE favor.

No bebe mama here. Just a girl that feels really stupid.


24/7 Single Dad
danceintherain said:
No bebe mama here. Just a girl that feels really stupid.
Wanna borrow my shirt?


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
danceintherain said:
No bebe mama here. Just a girl that feels really stupid.
Bebe Mama is my husband's ex-wife who is going through a similar situation. She, however, is making the mistake that you're NOT going to make (right?) - she is still trying to get an "explanation" out of him so she can feel a sense of "resolve".

It's hurting her feelings that he duped her, then dumped her when confronted. She thinks it's her fault and that she wasn't good enough, for some reason. Because, of course, if she WAS good enough, he would have fallen madly in love with her and been the kind of man he never was with any of his other wives or girlfriends. <--- this is sarcasm

You shouldn't feel stupid at all - bad guys happen to the best of us. Bebe Mama, unfortunately, is being stupid.


wandering aimlessly
Be glad he left when confronted. Would have cost you time, money, and energy to kick his can to the curb later.