

New Member
raindrop said:
you can't miss and be sad about someone so shady.
you have a soul mate. you just havn't found him yet.

Really now. Do we believe in soul mates? Sorry, but I think there is no such thing. There are many people out there that you can have a lasting relationship with. Cosmic partners? No.


danceintherain said:
Ok, I met a man became really good friends. Had lots in common, both had been thru or were going thru seperation/divorce. Started having feelings for this man when I thought my heart had been broken for ever. Took things slow, got to know him and his family and started dating. Took time introducing the kids etc. Tried to do everything right as to not repeat mistakes. As scared as I was to move on after divorce, let my guard down and let this man into my life. I thought he was great, good father, very caring, helpful, my family and friends really liked him and liked that I was happy. After a little while I noticed things that didnt seem right and when I asked questions I always got reasonable answers. I believed him... really had no reason not to. He wasnt getting his kids on the weekends he should and when I asked questions he said his ex couldnt meet him, etc. This started happening alot. When I asked him about his divorce I got just waiting on the final papers, etc. Recently I received a call from his ex. She asked me to please have him call his children as he hadnt spoken with them in a month. I was shocked and I said how can that be...He calls them a couple times a week. She firmly said no he doesnt. Well, I started checking into things he told me since I met him. I found out that he has lied to me since day one. He lied about owning a business, lied about the age of his kid, lied about seeing his kids. How could this have happened. I'm crushed. I feel so betrayed and like a big sucker. Eeeh. When he discovered I was figuring out he has been lying. He breaks up with me. Told me our relationship isnt going anywhere. I felt like I needed answers and an apology. Its not just me thats hurt, I let him into my life, my family.

I'm soo sorry to hear this. You must feel completely devastated, not to mention he played you for a fool, not just to you but played you one in front of family and friends too. I'm soo very sorry to hear some azzhat did this to you. :frown: I do have a question though... if you knew him and he knew you... why didn't he introduce his kids to you? I think in a healthy relationship he would want to introduce the kids to you, especially if things were progressing nicely and if it were me, I'd want to meet his kids or family or something? Just wondering.
Eitherway, I'm soo very sorry to hear about this. It sounds quite traumatic, but there's more fish in the sea. It's his loss and I say good riddance to the jerk. Who knows what else he has been lying about... you may want to get a dr. check up or something. What a frick'n azzhole. :cussing:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
deadbeatdad said:
Really now. Do we believe in soul mates? Sorry, but I think there is no such thing. There are many people out there that you can have a lasting relationship with. Cosmic partners? No.
Well, no wonder you feel that way, considering your user name.


Luvin Life !!!
I think you will be much better off in the long run. Last year I dated a guy for a couple of months. We were both recently separated well he told me every lie under the sun. he lied about what he did for a living, where he worked you name it he lied about it. I had a funny feeling he was lying but waited until I got proof. One day I saw a paper on the table that confirmed it. I walked out the door that night and would not answer his calls etc. I had already learned enough to know that if they lie don't waste your time finding out why just go. If you allow them to explain that means you are opening the door to forgiveness.

Also I do believe we have a soulmate out there for us. Whether we find them or not is the real challenge.
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Tigerlily said:
Also I do believe we have a soulmate out there for us. Whether we find them or not is the real challenge.

Sheeesh... you can say that again!!! :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
dems4me said:
I do have a question though... if you knew him and he knew you... why didn't he introduce his kids to you? I think in a healthy relationship he would want to introduce the kids to you, especially if things were progressing nicely and if it were me, I'd want to meet his kids or family or something? Just wondering.
Pay attention :bonk:
danceintherain said:
He wasnt getting his kids on the weekends he should and when I asked questions he said his ex couldnt meet him, etc.


aps45819 said:
Pay attention :bonk:

Well heck... their his kids, its then up to him to find away to come see his kids - irregardless of ex not being able to arrange her schedule. Its not the kids fault their mother can't get her crap straight... (as was his excuse).


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Well heck... their his kids, its then up to him to find away to come see his kids - irregardless of ex not being able to arrange her schedule. Its not the kids fault their mother can't get her crap straight... (as was his excuse).
aps45819 said:
Pay attention :bonk:.
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He was lying to her.


2ndAmendment said:
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He was lying to her.

I realize that :spank: I'm just saying that shoudl have been a red flag...its different if it was his pet dog, cat or bird, but we are talking about his kids for shiat sake... weekend after weekend, after weekend, after weekend, after weekend, after weekend, same excuse... woudln't the father have been more inclined to say eff' it and bend his schedule to go see the kids? I'Their his KIDS - not his pets or plants or anything. Something would begin to smell fishy. :shrug: I've dated guys and was even engaged to a guy that had a kid, that's one of the first things discussed in a relationship, and if he'd told me the same excuse everyweekend and out and out saying he can't see his kid, I would be very concerned... I'm just saying from my point of a view (a girls point of view) I woudl have saw that as a big red flag and it would have alarmed me somewhat. ooooohhhh... never mind.. :frown: Why do I even try to explain.:frown:
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I realize that :spank: I'm just saying that shoudl have been a red flag...its different if it was his pet dog, cat or bird, but we are talking about his kids for shiat sake... weekend after weekend, after weekend, after weekend, after weekend, after weekend, same excuse... woudln't the father have been more inclined to say eff' it and bend his schedule to go see the kids? I'Their his KIDS - not his pets or plants or anything. Something would begin to smell fishy. :shrug: I've dated guys and was even engaged to a guy that had a kid, that's one of the first things discussed in a relationship, and if he'd told me the same excuse everyweekend and out and out saying he can't see his kid, I would be very concerned... I'm just saying from my point of a view (a girls point of view) I woudl have saw that as a big red flag and it would have alarmed me somewhat. ooooohhhh... never mind.. :frown: Why do I even try to explain.:frown:
OK. Glad you took the time to explain. Your other posts sounded like you didn't get it.


curiouser and curiouser
danceintherain said:
Just a girl that feels really stupid.
Don't worry, most of us have been there. I was lucky enough (and I hope you are too), that I learned from my mistake (at a very young age) and never repeated it. From here on out, you know how to spot a loser, so don't let another one treat you that way. Don't spend your time looking for a soul mate, you'll be disappointed. A soul mate, in my opinion, may exist for you, but they may come in the form of your dog, or your mom, or your best friend: not necessarily your significant other. Instead, find someone that you get along with (and isn't shady) and build from there. And don't worry, you won't feel stupid forever. Sooner than you think, it'll be a distant memory that you can just laugh off. :huggy:


24/7 Single Dad
Tigerlily said:
So is that Lady in the pics your new gal Aps? She sure was cute.
Yes, she's a hottie but we're just friends.

:lmao: She was hitting on the drummer and he was freaking out about hooking up with a big bad biker's GF :lol: