Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member

Joe Biden Is Not Ok

Every week, the president of the United States says something completely bonkers, and everyone goes on with their day. We’re not talking about his propensity to lie about politics or his blustery lifelong fabulism. We’re talking about his inability to articulate simple ideas without notes — and often with notes. There are rarely any fact-checks of these statements. How can there be? They don’t even make sense as lies. There is no handwringing about the role of competency in our democracy. There is no discussion about the 25th Amendment.

Just listen to any one of his speeches. “Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun,” the president explained before wishing Her Majesty his best. This was also complete gibberish. There is so much gibberish.

Only a couple of days before his “God save the queen” comment, Biden informed a crowd gathered for a League of Conservation Voters endorsement that “we” have “plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean,” which must have really impressed everyone in attendance. “We have plans to build in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world,” Biden went on. “I can go on, but I’m not. I’m going off-script. I’m going to get in trouble.”

A few days before the railroad comment, Biden couldn’t remember Winston Churchill’s name when speaking to the prime minister of the U.K. Listen, I’m not great with names myself, and I’m sure as an 80-year-old I’d have trouble recalling world leaders … but I’m confident I wouldn’t think myself competent enough to be the most powerful man in the world. Nor should Biden.


PREMO Member
Joe Biden held a meeting last week with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and several Indian officials at the White House.

During the meeting a VERY CONFUSED Joe Biden blurted out that he sold a lot of state secrets.

Joe Biden: “I was just thanking the… Anyway… I started off without you… And I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things we shared.”

This quote even made the White House transcripts (thank you, Cristina!)




PREMO Member

White House Routinely Edits Transcripts Of Biden’s Speeches To Make Him Look Coherent

Here’s a slew of examples from official transcripts just this month, found on the website.

“Last summer, I had the honor of bestowing the Presidential Meda- — Medal of Freemon [sic] — Freedom on distinguished Americans …” (June 16, 2023).

“And I’m pleased we’re also joined by x-pay [sic] — xBk, a small venue in Des Moines, Iowa, that’s going be using all upfront pricing for its hundred events at — a year as well …” (June 15, 2023).

“Let me tell you, the Inflation Reduction Act includes $369 billion to comat [sic] — combat climate change …” (June 14, 2023).

“We made clear — they made clear that we’d rather th- — they’d rather threaten the default of the U.S. economy than cut or get rid of, for example, $30 billion in taxpayer subsidies to oil companies who made $200 million [sic] last year — billion. I said ‘million.’ Billion dollars last year …” (June 14, 2023).

“… transgester [sic] Americans — transgender Americans serving in the United States military …” (June 10, 2023)
“This could have been the week that a catastrophic — catastrophic devault [sic] — default happened …” (June 6, 2023).

Other times, the White House edits the transcript to fix Biden’s errors, such as striking through whatever random word Biden actually said and bracketing what he should have said.

“Forty million — 40 million Americans already drinking water that thousands of farmers rely on for — for integration [irrigation]. And 40 million count on that river and so do the farmers….” (June 19, 2023).

“Folks, flood mitigation: $3.5 million [billion] to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings …” (June 19, 2023).

“And maybe most important, I’ve committed by 2020 [2030], we will have conserved 30 percent of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over …” (June 19, 2023).

“Mary Robinson [Barra], the Chairman of the Board of General Motors …” (June 19, 2023).

“The ticket seller, SeatGreek [SeatGeek], is also set to give customers the option of seeing all-in, upfront prices …” (June 15, 2023).

“When we were at the G7, we talked about — one of the meetings was — they used to call the Build Back Better World. It’s not that now. It’s the PIII [PGII] — P-triple-I [sic] …” (June 13, 2023).

“And finally, this executive order means more resources, especially when it comes to improving military families’ access to quality, defendable [dependable], and affordable — affordable childcare …” (June 9, 2023).


PREMO Member

White House omits Hunter Biden from visitor logs, despite Obama admin disclosing his visits

The Biden White House has repeatedly claimed they are the "most transparent administration in American history," but a Fox News Digital review found that the visitor logs from the beginning of the Biden administration through February 2023 have not included any of Hunter Biden’s White House visits or extended stays.

Fox News Digital reviewed several articles to piece together Hunter Biden’s whereabouts during his dad’s administration and found that he has visited the White House over a dozen times through February 2023, the month accounted for in the most recent batch of visitor logs released last month.

A majority of the White House visits that Fox News Digital found were from 2022, which include the annual egg roll, Medal of Freedom ceremony, France State Dinner on the South Lawn, Christmas tree lighting, his daughter’s wedding, among others. However, they are all absent from the visitor logs, including what appear to be extended stays at the White House.


PREMO Member

Biden Admin Secretly Ended Trump Policy of Cooperation With Israeli Science and Tech Institutions in Judea and Samaria

Former Ambassador David M. Friedman on U.S. boycott of Israeli institutions in the so-called West Bank: “Make no mistake. The United States, by this action, is embracing the BDS Movement.”

From the State Department spokesperson’s statement to Axios:

“The Department of State recently circulated foreign policy guidance to relevant agencies advising that engaging in bilateral scientific and technological cooperation with Israel” in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights “is inconsistent with U.S. foreign policy.”

The spokesperson said that the U.S. “strongly values scientific and technological cooperation” with Israel and such cooperation continues.

“This guidance is simply reflective of the longstanding U.S. position … that the ultimate disposition of the geographic areas which came under the administration of Israel after June 5, 1967 is a final status matter and that we are working towards a negotiated two-state solution in which Israel lives in peace and security alongside a viable Palestinian state,” the spokesperson added.

But critics say this “longstanding U.S. position” is nothing less than a U.S. government boycott of Israeli Jews based on where they live. That was Senator Ted Cruz’s take this past Sunday when he blasted the Biden administration for its quiet re-implementation of the pre-Trump era prohibitions:

Joe Biden and Biden administration officials are pathologically obsessed with undermining Israel. Since day one of their administration they have launched campaigns against our Israeli allies that are granular, whole of government, and done in secret.
“This new boycott of Israeli Jews is yet another example. The State Department is telling the entire U.S. government not to cooperate with Jews in Judea and Samaria. And of course it was sent to Congress in secret, and only revealed because reporters found out.
“The Biden administration defends funding scientific research in Wuhan with the Chinese Communist Party, but they’re discriminating against and banning cooperation with Jews based on where they live.
“I will do everything possible to reverse this decision and prohibit such antisemitic discrimination by the U.S. government in the future.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Joe being on watch is what helps me sleep at night.


Well-Known Member

One day he will really slip up and say Stalin .


PREMO Member
The story behind the road closure is unfolding but the rage is already on record.

A brief Washington Post report on the incident spurred more than 100 comments.

“Liz Martin” railed: “This was terrible timing, right at rush hour?…. The lack of consideration for us ‘normal people’ is infuriating.”

“Uncle Moe” raged: “4 hours of my life I can’t get back. This has single-handedly cost my capital D Democrat vote for you Sleepy Uncle Joe. . . . If Der Oranj Furor wins by one vote, you know what cost you the election.”

Many commenters were confounded that Team Biden chose to shut the Beltway, the George Washington Parkway, and other major arteries in lieu of a straighter shot.

“Takoma” fumed: “Big Biden supporter here — but what an unnecessary and boneheaded move by the Secret Service. . . . for godsakes, next time just drive up Connecticut Ave. what a ridiculous route. president. There are about a million better and more direct ways to go from the White House to Chevy Chase.”

“bethesdanonpartisan” scoffed: “Why not take the 7-mile most direct route? Because he thinks he’s a king.”

“4realistDC” offered a taxpayer- and commuter-friendly alternative: “Put Joe on the Metro. Then he can hitch a ride with Mayor Pete for the last mile.”

Perhaps even better advice from Wilt69: “He likes to ride his bike so let Joe pedal away on backroads.”

Of course, Biden might still need a large retinue to hoist him up after falling from his bike.

Several commenters were irate that Biden closed down the Beltway during rush hour for personal fundraising.

Asked “Sevenbike”: “Why not have the reception at 8:00?”

A Post reader replied: “Past his bedtime.”



PREMO Member

Race Preference Ruling Violates What ‘Constitution Says’ that All ‘Created Equal’ — Dobbs Gave States Power ‘We Fought a War over’

He added, “Remember, the Federalist Society…had a very, very strict construction of the Constitution, and if didn’t use the word, it didn’t exist. But this administration — this court has gone beyond that. And I just find it — I don’t know how to express it, I find it just so out of sorts with the basic value system of the American people, and I think that, across the board, the vast majority of the American people don’t agree with a lot of the decisions this court is making.”

Biden further stated, “Its value system is different, and its respect for institutions is different, and in that sense, it is not as embracing of all what I think — the Constitution says, we hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator. It’s the uniqueness of America. We never fully lived up to it, we never walked away from it. And this court seems to say that, no, that’s not always the case. The idea there’s no right of privacy in the Constitution, giving states power that we fought a war over in 1860. I just think it’s — this is not your father’s Republican Party.”

If you believe this to be TRUE dumb ass, then Affirmative Action IS ILLEGAL .... special priviledges cannot be given to one ethnicity of group of ' brown ' people over the rights of others - Asians and Whites


PREMO Member
🔥 In completely unrelated news, the Hill ran a story Monday headlined, “Biden Administration Launches Effort To Address Cancer Disparities Stemming From Poverty.”

The “news” was, as part of Biden’s so-called “Cancer Moon Shot,” the Biden Administration plans to issue a $50-million dollar grant to five cancer research centers, $10 million each. The article is jam-packed with wokabulary requiring translation. Fortunately Google translate speaks woke now.

They aren’t trying to cure cancer. When you translate the story to English, the grant is for studying disparities in healthcare for racially-disadvantaged people. That’s it. It was all dressed up in smart-sounding but mind-numbingly meaningless élite phrases like “research to understand the connections between institutions — such as social, economic, and health systems” and “measure the effectiveness of the structural interventions on cancer control and prevention.”

If they really wanted to quickly cure cancer, they’d just announce a transferable, lifetime exemption from income tax to the first doctor or research lab that came up with a one-shot cure. You wouldn’t even have to front any money.
