Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Biden says he doesn't think 'anybody can deny the impact of a climate crisis' as he defends his Maui wildfires response and hints at canceling travel plans to deal with Hurricane Idalia

  • President Biden outlined federal response after Idalia smashed into Florida
  • Coming so soon after Maui wildfires, he said no-one could deny 'a climate crisis'

'I don't think anybody can deny the impact of a climate crisis anymore,' he said at the White House.

'Just look around: Historic floods, I mean, historic floods; more intense droughts; extreme heat; wildfires have caused significant damage, like we've never seen before, not only throughout the Hawaiian Islands in the United States but in Canada and other parts of the world.

'We've never seen this much fire.'



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Biden laughs at question about Kevin McCarthy’s request for his bank records: ‘Hee-hee-hee’

WASHINGTON — President Biden tried to laugh off a question Thursday about whether he will comply with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s request for his bank records ahead of a possible impeachment inquiry into his role in first son Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

“Hee-hee-hee,” the 80-year-old president chuckled during a gaggle with reporters at FEMA headquarters in Washington after discussing the impact of Tropical Storm Idalia on Florida and nearby states.

“Let’s talk about why I’m here,” Biden deflected.


Beloved Misanthrope
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Biden Meets with Paltry Crowd in Live Oak, Florida For His Cheap Photo-Op After Surveying Hurricane Damage

Biden showed up in Florida for a quick photo-op after major backlash for ignoring the Maui wildfires as he enjoyed back-to-back vacations.

After shuffling around, delivering a divisive speech, and ‘surveying’ some damage from the hurricane, Joe Biden greeted a very small group of people in Live Oak.

Most of the people who gathered to meet with Joe Biden were security, police or media personnel.

As usual, Joe Biden used this meeting as an opportunity to creep on the girls.

The news media made sure to pan in really close to Joe Biden to give the illusion that the crowd was much larger than it really was. As soon as the reporters were told to back away, the cameras panned out and the real size of the crowd was revealed to be way smaller. Maybe a couple of dozen people showed up to see the most popular president in US history.

This photo-op was a total waste of taxpayer money.


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Biden Condemns Racism, Lectures on Climate Change During Visit to Florida to Survey Hurricane Damage (VIDEO)

Joe Biden struggled to read through his prepared remarks. He mumbled and slurred as he lectured on climate change and racism.

“I also convened my entire cabinet as part of a whole of government response, and that response is to increase the number and intensity of the extreme weather events,” Biden said.

Freudian slip? Did Biden suggest the government is controlling the weather?

He added, “Nobody can deny the impact of the climate crisis. Nobody intelligent can deny the impact of a climate crisis anymore.”



PREMO Member

Did Joe Biden Just Tell His Biggest Whopper Yet?

Joe Biden has actually been receiving quite a bit of criticism for all the tall tales he’s told. Heck, even the Washington Post decided to catalogue Biden’s lies about his biography. In the past couple of weeks, he’s told the same bogus story about a small kitchen fire in order to empathize with victims of the Maui wildfires and Hurricane Idalia in Florida. Few can question his commitment to the lies he tells, even when they’ve been debunked, but one would think that in light of the fact that even his allies in the media are pointing out that his yarns are, at best, gross exaggerations and, at worst, complete fabrications, maybe he’d stop telling fairytales in a misguided (and frankly, offensive) attempt to demonstrate empathy.

Nope, not Joe Biden.

On Sunday, he implied to the media that he’s essentially homeless.

Unprompted, Biden approached reporters Sunday in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, after he went to Mass at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church to say he was not on vacation.
“I have no home to go to,” said Biden, who lives at the White House on weekdays and spends most weekends in Delaware, where he has two homes.
The U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his longtime primary residence in Wilmington, Delaware, to make it more secure “in a good way,” he said.
It has been at least a few months since he last spent a night there.
“So I have no place to go when I come to Delaware, except here, right now,” he said, speaking of his other home, in Rehoboth Beach. “I’m only here for one day.”

Could this be worse than the kitchen fire lie? It might be. As the Associated Press notes, Joe Biden literally lives in the White House and has two homes in Delaware, yet he has the audacity to say “I have no home to go to” in the wake of two disasters that have destroyed the homes and possessions of countless people.

Because Joe Biden’s primary residence is getting security upgrades and he has to slum it at his beach home on weekends instead, we’re supposed feel sorry for him?


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Joe Biden Trashes Trump, Lies About His Awful Economy in Divisive Labor Day Speech

Joe Biden on Monday took a break from his Rehoboth Beach vacation to travel to Philadelphia to deliver a divisive Labor Day speech to Sheet Metal Workers Local 19.

Biden trashed President Trump and lied about Bidenomics.

The economy is in shambles thanks to Joe Biden.

  • Inflation is still high
  • Gas prices are still skyrocketing
  • Outrageously high grocery bills are crushing middle America.
  • 30-year fixed rate mortgages are nearly 8%
  • 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck because of Bidenflation. A six-figure income is no longer enough in Joe Biden’s America.
  • A staggering 44% of Americans earning $100,000+ per year are living paycheck to paycheck.

Yet Joe Biden is out and about claiming he has created the most jobs in US history – 13.5 million – since he was sworn in – with his economic agenda dubbed “Bidenomics.”

“It wasn’t that long ago we were losing jobs in this country. In fact, the guy who held this job before me was just one of two presidents in history who left office with fewer jobs in America than when he got elected,” Biden said trashing Trump after Democrats forced TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans out of their jobs during Covid.

People going back to work after the Covid lockdowns is not job creation.

“By the way, you know who the other one was? Herbert Hoover! Isn’t that kind of coincidental!” he added.


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Former President Donald Trump was away 26 percent of the time on personal trips, while Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan each spent about 11 percent of their time away from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

“We have a president who simply hasn’t been working hard for us,” Republican Party spokeswoman Madison Gesiotto Gilbert said in a Labor Day video posted on the social media platform X.

“With everything we’re up against right now, the American people deserve better,” she said. “We deserve a president working hard for us in the White House, in the Oval [Office], solving America’s greatest problems.”



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Biden admin quietly reverses Trump-era rule, bans transporting fossil fuels by train

In a federal filing Friday ahead of the holiday weekend, the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) formally suspended the 2020 authorization of LNG transportation in rail tank cars. The rule will remain in effect until either a permanent rule regarding LNG rail tank car transportation is proposed and finalized — a process that may take several months — or June 30, 2025.

"We are encouraged by the decision to suspend the dangerous practice of transporting highly flammable LNG by rail through communities," said Patrick Grenter, the director of eco group Sierra Club's Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign.

"We have seen the destruction that an accident can cause to communities bordering the railway route — often communities most impacted by pollution and we support any step that will keep it from happening again," he added. "We urge PHMSA to make the only reasonable decision available to them: make the suspension permanent and ban LNG by rail once and for all."


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Joe Biden's Already Contradicted KJP's Remarks on Masking

A short time after the press briefing, the president gave remarks at the presentation of the Medal of Honor to Army Captain Larry L. Taylor. It was a typical appearance from the president, as he fumbled people's names and bolted without taking questions, though in this case he even missed the concluding prayer.

Although the president wore a mask while standing at the front when he was not speaking, he removed it to speak and then did not put it back on. This included when standing in close proximity of others, and when fleeing the event.



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Biden admin quietly reverses Trump-era rule, bans transporting fossil fuels by train

In a federal filing Friday ahead of the holiday weekend, the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) formally suspended the 2020 authorization of LNG transportation in rail tank cars. The rule will remain in effect until either a permanent rule regarding LNG rail tank car transportation is proposed and finalized — a process that may take several months — or June 30, 2025.

"We are encouraged by the decision to suspend the dangerous practice of transporting highly flammable LNG by rail through communities," said Patrick Grenter, the director of eco group Sierra Club's Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign.

"We have seen the destruction that an accident can cause to communities bordering the railway route — often communities most impacted by pollution and we support any step that will keep it from happening again," he added. "We urge PHMSA to make the only reasonable decision available to them: make the suspension permanent and ban LNG by rail once and for all."
Since he cancelled all of the pipelines, I guess all that LNG is going by truck.


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Biden’s Official Twitter Account Photoshops President to Look Younger


When compared to the original, Biden’s altered appearance looks practically cartoonish.

Biden’s face appears thinner, and the wrinkles on his forehead, cheeks, and neck have been drastically reduced, smoothing his complexion. The edits appear to have the intended goal of making Biden seem younger and healthier than he really is.

The desperate strategy highlights Democrats’ widespread and increasing anxiety over Biden’s age, and how it is affecting his chances to win re-election.

Biden currently holds a razor-thin one-point lead over Trump in the Real Clear Politics polling average, down from an already slim two-point lead in January. Last week, an Associated Press poll showed 77% of Americans, including 69% of Democrats, believe the president is too old for a second term.