Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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NBC Today was talking about a historic summitt this weekend at Camp David. Their reporter was just so happy to talk about it.

Why is everything these people do historic .?
Because no other President has ever phucked up this badly.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I thought Joe was vacationing at Lake Tahoe this weekend?
From what I have read he is still doing the vacation to Tahoe with a trip to Hawaii on Monday and then return to Tahoe for a few extra days.
Still don't know what's historic about it.
The only thing historic about it is it will be the first trilateral meeting of the three. But he needs to pad his accomplishments heading into election season.


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CBS, earlier today



Well-Known Member
From what I have read he is still doing the vacation to Tahoe with a trip to Hawaii on Monday and then return to Tahoe for a few extra days.

The only thing historic about it is it will be the first trilateral meeting of the three. But he needs to pad his accomplishments heading into election season.

Yeah, SK still can't forgive Japan for WW2 .


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President Biden's Dementia

By Robert Weissberg

Has President Biden become so senile that he is now longer qualified to be commander-in-chief? The outward signs of dementia are everywhere. He often appears confused, unsure of his next move, and unable to remember his speech. Key political terms such as the "national debt" are improperly used, while his memory lapses include falsely claiming to have observed an events or declaring a climate emergency. Even the Washington Post has raised serious doubts about the president's mental acuity. Off-the-cuff remarks sometimes make no sense whatsoever. Such incidents have become commonplace and cannot be explained by slips of the tongue or fatigue.

Nevertheless, the outward signs of dementia — confused mumbling, forgetfulness and the like — do not necessarily prove incompetence. A clear-cut diagnosis requires a specific medical exam, but it is unlikely that President Biden would volunteer for this test. Moreover, Biden's impairment is only what is publicly visible, and actions taken outside the public limelight may be more competent.

The public/private dichotomy is hardly unusual. Casey Stengel, the legendary New York Yankees manager who won 10 American League championships and seven World Series, held press conference filled with his rambling commentary (he was nicknamed "The Ol' Professor"). President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1968) occasionally seemed confused when quizzed by the press, but this merely reflected his habit of obscuring sensitive military information.

The key question, then, is whether President Biden's dementia-appearing outward behavior signifies a serious threat.

Matters are further complicated since all politicians occasionally act foolishly despite being of perfectly sound mind. President John F. Kennedy mired the United States in the disastrous war in Vietnam, yet nobody hinted that this reflected his addled brain. Was President's Biden's sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan a reflection of age-related cognitive impairment or run-of-the-mill miscalculations based on bad military advice? Hard to say, yet such questions must be answered prior to rendering a senility diagnosis.


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🔥 Yesterday, an alarmed Michelle asked me about an Alex Jones clip making the rounds on social media. I knew if Michelle was fretting about it, a lot of other people must be worrying too. So let’s dive in.

In the clip, Jones described a TSA insider and a Border Patrol agent who both claimed Bob Peters’ Administration, sorry, I mean the Biden Administration, issued secret guidance on the return of covid mandates next month in September.


According to Jones, the TSA source claimed that airline masking would be re-implemented in September, and in December, the “full covid protocol” would be reinstated. It wasn’t just Michelle, a lot of folks are alarmed about the news, which seems especially possible because of the upcoming election season, mail in ballots, and so forth.

The Jones segment cascaded into dire headlines running all over conservative media, like this one from yesterday’s Daily Fetched:

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Constant vigilance is critical, but we might want to dial it back a trifle. The actual news is that anonymous sources claimed covid protocols are planned for next month. That is quite different from any kind of official announcement. I’m not saying it can’t happen, and nobody trusts Bob Peters and his gang of merry handlers, but there are other feasible possibilities.

So let’s look at those.

Please note the other two breaking stories this week. I reported them both. First of all, there’s this new, even more transmissible variant that we are supposed to be worried about, dubbed “Eris.” From Reuters, yesterday:

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These people sure do love their Neo-paganisms. The name "Eris" comes from Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess of strife, discord, and chaos. I am not making that up. The name’s etymology traces back to the Greek word "ἔρις" (eris), which literally translates to "strife" or "discord."

It’s not a big secret or anything. The “Goddess Eris” was the main antagonist in DreamWorks' seventh full-length animated feature film Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003). Sinbad's archenemy Eris was depicted as the beautiful, but wicked goddess of chaos whose plan was to make the world as chaotic as possible.

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Ironically, chaos struck the movie instead, and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas was a box office disaster that nearly bankrupted Dreamworks. Anyway, “Eris” is what they named the new covid variant debuting in Establishment Media this week.

Eris’s rollout created a pretext for Establishment Media to terrify its zombiefied constituents using the same old tricks. From Lester Holt on NBC this week, behold: “Covid Cases Rising Again This Summer:”

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NBC anchor Annie Thompson ended the segment looking straight into the camera and enthusiastically hawking Moderna’s new and improved bivalent booster shots:

“So until the new covid booster comes, get prepared. Stock up on at-home tests — they do cover that new strain — keep a mask handy in case you’re in a crowded place, and most of all, get your shots: covid, flu, and RSV, all by Halloween, to give yourself your best chance to stay healthy.”

Hold up. I have questions. First of all, why is anybody still testing? What difference does it make? I mean, really. I wish someone would explain that to me. Second, they say the new variant is more transmissible? I thought we’d already splashed through sixteen rounds of ever more transmissible variants. How transmissible can it get? Does it come through the radio now? Phone calls? Third, how do they know covid hospitalizations are up when most places have stopped reporting them?

But I digress. Let us focus.

The second story breaking this week was the FDA’s torrid preparations to fast-track approval of Moderna’s new annual mRNA covid booster shot, which coincidentally and propitiously turned out to be specially designed for the super-duper transmissible Eris variant. From the Hill on Thursday:

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Whew. Thank goodness for Moderna. What would we do without them?

To recap, all in one week, look at what all rolled out: (1) announcement of a scary, chaotic new even more transmissible variant, and (2) the announcement that the government is getting ready to buy billions of dollars of more doses, for our safety, plus (3) anonymous rumors that covid lockdowns are coming back.

Now let’s add one more variable to consider: that government-affiliated Moderna, which only has one successful product, one whose patents benefit dozens of highly-placed NIH employees, is — sadly — struggling financially. From Forbes, two weeks ago:

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Gosh. Wouldn’t it be horrible if all those government employees stopped getting all those windfall payments from their Moderna jab royalties, wouldn’t it? What can be done?

You know what.

So. Here’s what I think. Rather than actual new lockdowns, I think what we’re seeing is more likely to be an Establishment psyop justifying buying billions of dollars of useless mRNA shots. Jab-happy people will be grateful to get the newest pokes, although I suspect uptake will remain poor, but who cares, since the U.S. government is the paying customer. Conservatives will be satisfied when lockdowns are ‘averted’ by popular outcry.

And nobody will ask why we’re spending so much money on useless and dangerous experimental jabs. It’s win-win-win.

Now here’s why I don’t think they’re preparing for new lockdowns.



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Does the Sleepy Joe Administration think that a new Covid scare will catapult him back into the WH next year. Abortion maybe. Covid definitely not.


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Biden Botches Remarks in Maui, Tells Jokes, and Appears to Zone Out

Protesters met him at the airport with signs, excoriating him and saying, "He should've been here much earlier," "It's too late," and "Actions speak louder than words." People even had a sign out in front of their home in Kehei reading "Traitor Joe Must Go." As we noted earlier, the White House is trying to sell that they have been involved since day one, which isn't going over well with people who know there are some problems with that statement—including the cold and callous way that Biden responded to the disaster.

On Monday, the president went to the area hardest hit in Lahaina. Before he delivered his remarks, it was Joe Biden being Joe Biden—he got distracted by a dog, smiled broadly, called the dog "the boss" and joked that the ground was hot.



PREMO Member

Keep in mind that the president is in Hawaii to speak to people who have lost everything, including the lives of their family members in some cases, and he decided to tell a made-up story about how his house almost burnt down. Not only that, he suggested that his made-up story gives him a "little sense" of what it's like to lose a home. In reality, as has been noted before, Biden's house did not almost burn down. Rather, it suffered a small kitchen fire that was contained within 20 minutes.

But that's not the worst part of it. It would have been one thing had Biden just told another white lie to make himself seem relatable (while actually doing the opposite). In this case, though, he decided to embellish his falsehood with a joke about almost losing his precious Corvette. Yes, amidst a wasteland of suffering and death, the President of the United States thought it was a good time to tell a joke about how much he cares about his car.

I just can't with this guy. If he weren't a Democrat, he'd be facing a month-long news cycle of non-stop criticism. Remember when George W. Bush flew over the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and the press were still talking about it three years later? Biden said "no comment" and went on vacation during a horrific fire that could end up with a death toll in the many hundreds of people. And when he finally showed up, he put on a comedy routine.

The idea of Biden as the empathizer-in-chief is a joke. It's the biggest lie in politics, and at some point, you can't just blame his obvious senility for how tone-deaf he is. He just doesn't care about other people. It's sociopathic behavior.



PREMO Member

Joe Biden sparks outrage by comparing Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 to a kitchen fire at his house after making tone-deaf 'hot ground' joke to rescuer

  • Joe Biden and his wife Jill spent five hours on Maui on Monday, interrupting their Lake Tahoe vacation to fly the five hours to Hawaii
  • The president was met with signs demanding he go home, and placards asking why Ukraine was receiving billions while they were in dire need
  • Speaking near the charred ruins of the sacred Banyan Tree, Biden talked about the death of his wife in a car crash; he then made a joke about 'hot ground'

The President's motorcade was met with screams of 'F*** you!' as it rolled passed rows of disgruntled residents, many of whom have lost friends, family members and their homes to the inferno.

But bumbling Biden only compounded the anger when he began to speak, delivering a garbled, meandering speech about the loss of his wife and baby daughter in 1972, before comparing a kitchen fire at his Delaware home in 2004 to the flames that razed the city of Lahaina to the ground.

The cherry on top of the President's cake of gaffes came just after his speech, when Biden asked rescue teams whether their boots were reinforced before noting the 'hot ground' beneath their feet in a clueless attempt at humour.

It comes as Hawaiian residents and politicians alike unleashed a torrent of criticism over the Biden administration's aid plans that have seen checks of just $700 handed to each affected family.


PREMO Member

New memos undercut Biden-Ukraine narrative Democrats sold during 2019 impeachment scandal

At the time the threat was made in December 2015, Shokin’s office was conducting an increasingly aggressive corruption investigation into Burisma Holdings, an energy firm the State Department deemed to have been engaged in bribery and that employed Hunter Biden and paid him millions while his father was vice president.

New details on the impact of that probe have emerged in recent days.

Shokin's pursuit was rattling Burisma, and the firm was putting pressure on Hunter Biden to deal with it, according to recent testimony and interviews with Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's former business partner and fellow Burisma board member.

The memos obtained by Just the News show:

  • Senior State Department officials sent a conflicting message to Shokin before he was fired, inviting his staff to Washington for a January 2016 strategy session and sent him a personal note saying they were “impressed” with his office's work.
  • U.S. officials faced pressure from Burisma emissaries in the United States to make the corruption allegations go away and feared the energy firm had made two bribery payments in Ukraine as part of an effort to get cases settled.
  • A top U.S. official in Kyiv blamed Hunter Biden for undercutting U.S. anticorruption policy in Ukraine through his dealings with Burisma.

During Trump's first impeachment in late 2019, State officials testified that Hunter Biden's acceptance of a job at Burisma at a time when his father was vice president created the appearance of a conflict of interest but did not materially impact U.S. policy in Ukraine.

But in a private, classified email shared with Just the News, one of the top U.S. officials in the Kyiv embassy told then-Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at the end of the Obama administration that Hunter Biden had, in fact, impacted the U.S. anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine.

"The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter's presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine b/c Ukrainians heard one message from us and then saw another set of behavior with the family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules," embassy official George Kent wrote to Yovanovitch in the Nov. 22, 2016, email marked "confidential."


Evidence would show during impeachment and afterward that Biden’s conversation with Poroshenko occurred during a trip to Kyiv in December 2015. Under withering pressure from U.S. and Western officials, the Ukrainian president eventually buckled and persuaded Shokin to resign a few months later in March 2016. Poroshenko would tell Biden there was no evidence Shokin had done anything wrong but he forced the resignation anyway to appease the president.

“Despite of the fact that we didn’t have any corruption charges, we don’t have any information about him doing something wrong, I especially asked him … No, it was the day before yesterday. I especially asked him to resign,” Poroshenko told Biden in an audio tape call from March 2016 that was eventually released by a Ukrainian lawmaker in 2020.

The narrative from Biden’s defenders and government officials who testified at Trump’s first impeachment was that Biden’s action in withholding the U.S. loan guarantees had nothing to do with his son’s role at Burisma and that officials across the West and inside the U.S. government were clamoring to fire Shokin because he was deemed corrupt.

Kent, for instance, answered "he did" when he was asked during his impeachment testimony whether Biden acted consistent with U.S. policy when he used the loan guarantee as leverage to force Shokin's firing.

"I did nothing wrong,” Biden said during 2019 CNN-New York Times debate. “I carried out the policy of the United States government in rooting out corruption in Ukraine. And that’s what we should be focusing on.”

Multiple lawyers who worked on Trump's impeachment defense as well as some of the GOP House impeachment members told Just the News they did not recall ever seeing the documents unearthed by Just the News and said they would have made a significant difference to the impeachment case.

"This new evidence being uncovered and reported by Just The News is incredibly significant," said former New York Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin. "It directly undercuts multiple false narratives that were being pushed by Congressional Democrats, some of their key impeachment witnesses, and Democrat allies in the media."


But key elements of that narrative have now been challenged since Archer told Congress that Burisma hired Hunter Biden in 2014 to gain access to a family “brand,” including his father, that would scare away prosecutors trying to investigate the company for corruption.

“People would be intimidated to mess with them,” Archer testified, describing the value Hunter brought to the company.

In a separate interview with TV host Tucker Carlson, Archer said that at the time Biden forced Shokin’s firing because he was posing a major threat to Burisma by going after the assets of the owner Mykola Zlochevsky.

“He was a threat," Archer said. "He ended up seizing assets of Mykola – a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Mykola actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets.”

Archer told Carlson that while pressure was being applied to Hunter Biden, the Burisma board was being told that Shokin was being dealt with and could stay in the job. But Archer added that he now doubts the story being told to the board.


Well-Known Member

Keep in mind that the president is in Hawaii to speak to people who have lost everything, including the lives of their family members in some cases, and he decided to tell a made-up story about how his house almost burnt down. Not only that, he suggested that his made-up story gives him a "little sense" of what it's like to lose a home. In reality, as has been noted before, Biden's house did not almost burn down. Rather, it suffered a small kitchen fire that was contained within 20 minutes.

But that's not the worst part of it. It would have been one thing had Biden just told another white lie to make himself seem relatable (while actually doing the opposite). In this case, though, he decided to embellish his falsehood with a joke about almost losing his precious Corvette. Yes, amidst a wasteland of suffering and death, the President of the United States thought it was a good time to tell a joke about how much he cares about his car.

I just can't with this guy. If he weren't a Democrat, he'd be facing a month-long news cycle of non-stop criticism. Remember when George W. Bush flew over the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and the press were still talking about it three years later? Biden said "no comment" and went on vacation during a horrific fire that could end up with a death toll in the many hundreds of people. And when he finally showed up, he put on a comedy routine.

The idea of Biden as the empathizer-in-chief is a joke. It's the biggest lie in politics, and at some point, you can't just blame his obvious senility for how tone-deaf he is. He just doesn't care about other people. It's sociopathic behavior.

If a republican had said that it would be part of a campaign ad next year.


Just sneakin' around....
And I don't really think he made any conscious decision to visit or not visit, vacation or not vacation. It what his entourage is telling him where to go and what do do. That press release was not in his words. Too concise, and well thought out for someone in his mental state.