Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member

Not again! Biden gives up after botching Pacific Islands acronym and says it 'doesn't matter what we call it' - and bizarrely says he and the Cook Islands leader are both from Baltimore

  • Biden touted a new program, calling it the 'P ... P.I. ..' before moving on
  • 'Anyway, doesn't matter what we call it,' he kidded
  • He thanked Papua New Guinea PM for presenting part of WWII aircraft

President Joe Biden got briefly marooned while announcing a plan to invest $40 billion in infrastructure for Pacific islands – then skipped over the acronym for the new program he was touting after botching the name during delivery.

Biden announced the Pacific Islands Initiative at the start of a White House summit for Pacific island nations.

'We call it the P ... PI ... anyway, doesn't matter what we call it, but that's what it is,' he said.


PREMO Member

Biden Goes Off-Script, Says Black People will Suffer if US Government Shut Down Occurs (VIDEO)

Joe Biden Monday afternoon hosted a meeting with the President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Biden blasted House Republicans for arguing over a stopgap bill as a September 30 deadline looms.

He went off-script and said black people will suffer the most if a US government shutdown occurs.

“And now [Republicans] are reneging on the deal…and the black community in particular is going to suffer if that occurs,” Biden said.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s support from black voters has dropped a whopping 17 points since the first year of his presidency.



PREMO Member

“Shush Up” – Joe Biden Arizona Speech Interrupted by Radical Climate Protestors

“Why have you yet to declare a climate emergency?” The protestor shouted. “Hundreds of Arizonans have died! Hundreds of Arizonians have died!”

Of course, Joe Biden immediately capitulated to the eco-terrorists. He lifted his hand to try to calm the protestors.

“Why don’t you wait – hang on a second!” Biden shouted.

It didn’t work so he told them he would be happy to speak to him after his speech.

“I’ll tell you what. If you shush up, I’ll meet with you immediately after this, okay?” Biden said. “Democracy is never easy, as we just demonstrated.”



PREMO Member

Biden offers dire warnings about Trump, accuses mainstream GOP of ‘deafening’ silence

Biden said that “there is no question that today’s Republican Party is driven and intimidated by MAGA extremists.” He pointed to Trump’s recent suggestion that Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is stepping down from his post on Friday, should be executed for allegedly treasonous betrayal of him.

“Although I don’t believe even a majority of Republicans think that, the silence is deafening,” Biden added. He also noted that Trump has previously questioned those who serve in the U.S. military calling “service members suckers and losers. Was John a sucker?” Biden asked, referring to McCain, who survived long imprisonment in Vietnam.


PREMO Member

Flashback: Biden Tells Auto Worker He’s ‘Full Of S***’ In Resurfaced 2020 Clip

For many, the scene brought to mind another time on the 2020 campaign trail when Biden was videotaped lashing out at a Michigan factory worker who dared stick up to him over gun rights. While then-candidate Biden was touring a Fiat Chrysler plant in Detroit, a worker accused Biden of “actively trying to end our Second Amendment rights.”

“You’re full of s***!” Biden said before calling him a “horse’s a**.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) shared the clip on Wednesday, saying, “Don’t ever forget how Joe Biden actually feels about working-class Americans. What kind of elected leader talks to voters that way?”



PREMO Member

Biden cancels $9 billion in student debt for 125,000 borrowers

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he approved $9 billion in student loan forgiveness for 125,000 Americans.

The relief is a result of his administration’s fixes to a number of programs, including the income-driven repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness.

More than $5 billion of the aid will go to 53,000 borrowers who’ve worked in public service for a decade or more; $2.8 billion of the forgiveness is for 51,000 borrowers enrolled in income-driven repayment plans; and another $1.2 billion of the cancellation will go to 22,000 borrowers with disabilities.


Astra Taylor, co-founder of the Debt Collective, a union for debtors, applauded Biden for the $9 billion in aid, but called on him to do more.

“If the Department of Education can cancel this amount, it can cancel it all — meeting and exceeding the president’s commitment to borrowers currently being crushed by the chaotic return to repayment,” Taylor said.

Federal student loan payments resumed Oct. 1 after being on pause for more than three years.

Before the Supreme Court verdict, Education Department Undersecretary James Kvaal had warned that if the administration was unable to deliver on Biden’s sweeping student loan forgiveness plan, delinquency and default rates could skyrocket. More recently, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimated that 1 in 5 student loan borrowers could struggle with the resumption of payments.


PREMO Member

Biden Evades The Constitution By Letting Failed Nominees Be De Facto Agency Heads

As Biden moves further left, he end-runs the Constitution more. Two failed federal nominations are just the latest chapters in an unfolding story of Biden’s disregard for the institution he served for almost half a century, the Constitution he swore to “preserve, protect, and defend,” and the country that elected him president. They are also the introduction to what a second Biden term would look like.


This is not just some obscure item of decorum. It is a constitutional issue. Article II provides for the advice and consent of the Senate in the appointment of executive branch officers. The Senate has not just failed to give its consent, it has clearly rejected these nominations. Nor is this failure to consent over obscure issues; both occurred over fundamental policy — policies that the rejected nominees intended to pursue and are now continuing to. Policies that the American people, through their elected senators, clearly reject.

And finally, this is not some staunch opposition Senate. These rejections have come from a Senate controlled by Biden’s own party.

It is time that the Senate stood up for itself by acting like the constitutional co-equal it is. Instead of busying itself with relaxing its dress code, it should focus on acting the part of being senatorial. All senators, regardless of party, should be united in protecting the constitutional prerogatives of their body of Congress.

And Republicans should insist that they do so. Both Biden’s nominees do not have majority support — if they did, they would be confirmed. Republicans should band together with those Democrats and independents who oppose these nominations and insist that the administration remove them from their positions as de facto heads.

A Preview of a Second Biden Term​

These nomination rejections also say something more: how Biden will treat not just the Senate, but the Constitution and the country should he win a second term. Such end-runs will not just mean more of the same — they will mean more of the worst.

Biden is deeply unpopular. Despite being protected by the establishment media, RealClearPolitics’ average of national polling this week puts Biden’s approval rating at just 41.1 percent (with 54.3 percent disapproval).

As support from the middle collapses, Biden becomes more dependent on the left. To pursue the extreme policies that the left demands, Biden must nominate more extreme people. As the American people and their representatives in the Senate reject them, the more enraged and demanding the left becomes.