Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member
đŸ”„ The New York Post ran a related story yesterday headlined, “Interviewing Biden ‘the saddest thing’ as he ‘couldn’t finish his sentences,’ ex-ESPN host Sage Steele says.”

Referring to her March 2021 interview of international businessman of mystery Robert L. Peters, former ESPN host Sage Steele told Bill Maher that interviewing President Biden was “the saddest thing” because he seemed so confused and he “couldn’t finish his sentences.” Steele said the oldest Resident in US history “struggled,” and “trailed off” on topics.

That was over two years ago. And Biden isn’t getting any better.

Steele reported she’d chatted with Biden before the interview started. “And so he started to tell football stories of his greatness,” Steele remembered. “He goes, ‘I have the best hands.’ What do you say to that?” Steele wondered.

“And here’s the saddest thing — his voice just trailed off. He said, ‘I was good,’ and then he went silent, and he goes 
, ‘Uh, never mind.’ I thought it was so sad because I realized that’s why he was in the basement during the whole election cycle — because even then he couldn’t finish his sentences, he struggled.”

For his part, Bill Maher mocked Biden on his podcast Friday night, describing Joe as the “only Democrat who can lose to Trump.” Maher explained, “Someone has to convince President Biden that if he runs again, he’s going to turn the country back over to Trump and go 
 down in history as Ruth Bader Biden, the person who doesn’t know when to quit and so does great damage to their party and their country.”

Poor Joe. It seems like everybody’s against him now.



PREMO Member

Biden Falsely Claims Americans Are Better Off and They Know It

Real Incomes and Wages Have Declined Under Biden

Another way of measuring whether people are better off is to look at real disposable income, which is inflation-adjusted income minus taxes. In the final full year of the Trump administration, total disposable income was $16.6 trillion. Last year, under Biden, disposable income fell to $16.1 trillion.

Another way of looking at this is that real disposable income grew in every year of Trump’s presidency. It rose in Biden’s first year as president but fell in the second year.

We can also look at average hourly wages. These increased eight percent under Trump from February 2017 through September 2019. Under Biden’s presidency, average wages are up 12.75 percent. Unfortunately, inflation has eaten away at wage gains. Under Trump, inflation ate 4.9 percentage points of the wage gains, leaving workers with a real average gain of 3.1 percent. Under Biden, inflation cost 15 percentage points so far, flipping the real wage gains negative. Average hourly wages are down 2.25 percent under Biden.

Nearly Everyone Knows Bidenomics Is Failing

As for the idea that Americans know they are better off, every poll shows quite the opposite. An ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 4 in 10 Americans say they are worse off under Biden’s presidency, the most in polls dating back 37 years. In the most recent Gallup poll, 48 percent of Americans say they rate the economy poor, and another 32 percent said they rate the economy “only fair.” That’s a combined negative assessment of 80 percent.

Back in January of 2021, as Trump was leaving office, 33 percent said economic conditions were poor, and 39 percent said they were only fair. That combines for a negative assessment of 72 percent. That was in the middle of the pandemic, of course.

Three years into Trump’s presidency, eight percent of the public rated the economy poor and 30 percent only fair, a combined negative of 38 percent. So, in looking at equivalent periods during their administration, Trump’s economy was 42 points ahead of Biden’s.


PREMO Member


PREMO Member
đŸ”„ The New York Post ran a related story yesterday headlined, “Interviewing Biden ‘the saddest thing’ as he ‘couldn’t finish his sentences,’ ex-ESPN host Sage Steele says.”

Former ESPN Host Recalls the Moment She Realized Why Biden Has Been Hiding in His Basement

Steele explained that the interview was not in person but conducted remotely via satellite. However, they began having technical issues, so she had to chitchat as the problem was resolved. She noted that on his end, they kept a black curtain over the camera lens, so she couldn't see him until the last second before going live.

"So I can hear him, and he goes, 'What is this for?'
 And he's, like, 'Who am I talking to? Wait—what's her name?'" Steele recalled.

Steele said it is heartbreaking to witness the president of the United States physically and mentally decline right before our eyes. Yet, the Democratic Party continues to use him as their puppet.


Steele pointed out the obvious: "I realized that's why he was in the basement during the whole election cycle — because even then he couldn't finish his sentences."

The former ESPN host said she did not vote for Biden, telling Maher she doesn't like him and thinks he has done nothing good for the country.

On the contrary, Steele admitted to voting for former President Trump solely based on his policies and what he pledged to do for the U.S., our national security, and our economy.


Well-Known Member

Biden rambles about TV news being dominated by dogs being 'pushed' in lakes as he blames 'unhappy' reporters for Americans thinking the economy is dire

  • Biden blamed the press when asked why Americans think the economy is dire
  • He then used a bizarre analogy about a dog being pushed in a lake to make his point about negative news coverage
  • Biden was delivering remarks about the September jobs report, which exceeded expectations, though most polling finds Americans view the economy gloomily

All the college loan people had to get a job or 2nd one. Loan payments were started back up.


PREMO Member

Biden is slammed for holding a BBQ at the White House as Hamas holds Americans hostage and kills at least four during their surprise attack on Israel which has left 700 Israelis dead: President makes NO statement day after assault

  • A pool reporter overheard a band playing from inside the White House lawn and asked a spokesperson what was happening
  • 'The President and First Lady are hosting a BBQ for White House Executive Residence staff and their families,' was the answer
  • Biden made no statement on the attack Saturday other than confirmation of a phone call with PM Netanyahu as at least seven Americans are confirmed dead


PREMO Member
“While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoying a picnic with a live band,” Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley tweeted Sunday, referring to the White House pool report.

Responding to a screenshot of the president leaving his remarks on the war in Israel without taking any questions, Stephen Miller, contributing editor for the Spectator, tweeted that he had “never seen anything like this.”

“This is ****ing infuriating,” Miller tweeted Sunday. “Americans are dead and being held hostage. Biden went to a BBQ and Blinken is begging Turkey to tell Israel to stand down.”



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Everyone knows my feelings towards Sleepy Joe, but this whole getting the vapors over a BBQ thing is a bunch of bull. Presidents can multitask. He can get updates from staff while eating BBQ. Hell, for all we know, Jill was playing host while Joe was in the Situation Room.


Well-Known Member
So dumb. All payments made while not required were all principle, no interest. DIL got her loan almost completely paid off.

No one ever said college students are smart. I read many comments from people who said they did the same. Paid on their loans. Then some said their friends spent the money on trips and going out.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows my feelings towards Sleepy Joe, but this whole getting the vapors over a BBQ thing is a bunch of bull. Presidents can multitask. He can get updates from staff while eating BBQ. Hell, for all we know, Jill was playing host while Joe was in the Situation Room.

Since there is a good time distance the WH knew about it way before the BBQ.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows my feelings towards Sleepy Joe, but this whole getting the vapors over a BBQ thing is a bunch of bull. Presidents can multitask. He can get updates from staff while eating BBQ. Hell, for all we know, Jill was playing host while Joe was in the Situation Room.
More likely getting his depends changed.


PREMO Member
As AP explained of the Biden administration's frantic efforts to avoid criticism:

Another point of criticism leveled at the administration by Republicans is that its decision shortly after taking office to reverse a Trump-era ban on assistance to the Palestinians, including civilians in Gaza, may have helped fund the operation.
Administration officials roundly rejected this, saying their efforts to help Palestinian civilians in Gaza and elsewhere do not involve money that Hamas can use or divert.

But that's a lie. The Biden administration did know that such aid — as they admitted in internal documents — came with a "high risk" that Hamas would benefit as a result.

According to reporting from The Washington Free Beacon's Adam Kredo in August, the outlet obtained internal documents that showed the Biden administration "pushed through plans to distributed hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer aid" to areas controlled by Hamas "despite internal assessments that those plans could boost the Iran-backed terrorist group."



PREMO Member

Biden Welcomed 4 Million Illegal Migrants Within 26 Months

Officials “released at least 2,148,738 illegal aliens into the United States,” from January 2021 to March 2023, says a statement by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (R-CA).

That release of 2.1 million migrants at the border was accompanied by “an additional 205,473 aliens [who] were released into the country through illegal categorical parole programs,” the statement added.

“Meanwhile, more than 1.7 million known ‘gotaways’ have evaded Border Patrol and escaped into the interior since January 20, 2021, with untold numbers of unknown ‘gotaways’ avoiding detection during that period,” said the full report.