Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Biden Compares Losing His Son Beau to Israelis Whose Family Members Were Slaughtered by Hamas Terrorists (VIDEO)

“Sadly for the Jewish people, it’s not new. This attack is brought to the surface painful memories & the scars left by a millennia of anti-Semitism and genocide of the Jewish people…We must be crystal clear. We stand with Israel…and we will make sure it has what it needs to take care of its citizens and defend itself,” Biden said.

As always, Joe Biden made the speech about himself and compared losing his son Beau to Israelis whose family members were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.

He just can’t help himself. Biden is a raging narcissist.

“Today Americans across the country are praying for all those families who have been ripped apart. A lot of us know how it feels. It leaves a black hole in your chest when you lose family, feeling like you’re being sucked in. The anger. The pain. The sense of hopelessness,” Biden said.

“This is what they mean by human tragedy,” he added.

Joe Biden’s son Beau died of brain cancer at Walter Reed in Bethesda, Maryland surrounded by his family in 2015.

Biden is a disgrace for comparing his cancer-stricken son dying in a hospital to Israeli women and children horrifically butchered by Hamas terrorists.


PREMO Member

CNN’s Tapper: Last Few Days Really Eye-Opening to ‘Antisemitism on the Left’

Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) said, “To me, I think the hardest part, not just about that statement but a number of statements that have come out from organizations and individuals, I don’t question whether someone has the right to be angry at the Israeli government, I question their inability to condemn grievous, grievous violence and that is what has been difficult.”

Tapper said, “There does seem to be, look, we spent a lot of time during the Trump years looking at antisemitism on the right. This does. These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people, a lot of Democrats and a lot progressives in terms of antisemitism on the left. A lot of people who seemed more shocks at dehumanizing language to describe Hamas than what Hamas actually perpetrated on Saturday.”

Slotkin said, “Yeah, I mean, look, antisemitism should be stamped out wherever it is on the right, or on the left.”


Well-Known Member

Biden Compares Losing His Son Beau to Israelis Whose Family Members Were Slaughtered by Hamas Terrorists (VIDEO)

“Sadly for the Jewish people, it’s not new. This attack is brought to the surface painful memories & the scars left by a millennia of anti-Semitism and genocide of the Jewish people…We must be crystal clear. We stand with Israel…and we will make sure it has what it needs to take care of its citizens and defend itself,” Biden said.

As always, Joe Biden made the speech about himself and compared losing his son Beau to Israelis whose family members were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.

He just can’t help himself. Biden is a raging narcissist.

“Today Americans across the country are praying for all those families who have been ripped apart. A lot of us know how it feels. It leaves a black hole in your chest when you lose family, feeling like you’re being sucked in. The anger. The pain. The sense of hopelessness,” Biden said.

“This is what they mean by human tragedy,” he added.

Joe Biden’s son Beau died of brain cancer at Walter Reed in Bethesda, Maryland surrounded by his family in 2015.

Biden is a disgrace for comparing his cancer-stricken son dying in a hospital to Israeli women and children horrifically butchered by Hamas terrorists.

Went off script again or has the ear of a speech writer to talk up his family.


PREMO Member
Israel war: Biden administration gave money to Hamas-linked groups

President Joe Biden’s decision to restart aid programs for Palestinians has drawn fresh criticism this week amid questions about how Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization in control of the Gaza Strip, acquired the resources to launch an attack on Israel.

Biden has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars toward Palestinians since taking office, reversing a decision by former President Donald Trump to cut off nearly all aid to Palestinians, in part because of concerns about Hamas’s influence.

Whether U.S. aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank ended up boosting organizations linked to terrorism remains a key question after Hamas fighters killed more than 1,000 Israelis, most of them civilians, in a surprise incursion into Israel on Saturday.

Less than a month before the attack, a Biden administration watchdog warned that there was not enough transparency surrounding the influx of funding that Biden approved for Palestinians starting when he took office in 2021.

The inspector general for the U.S. Agency for International Development raised concerns in a report last month that USAID officials had not properly accounted for the risks of providing aid in Gaza and the West Bank since Biden took office, including the risk of giving money to local groups that have ties to terrorism.


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PREMO Member

White House admits Biden has NOT seen 'confirmed pictures of Hamas beheading children' - despite publicly saying he had HOURS before

  • Biden on Wednesday told of his fury at Hamas' actions: 'I never really thought I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children'
  • Biden told a White House gathering of Jewish leaders the Hamas attack was 'the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust,' and a campaign of 'pure cruelty'
  • Hours later, the White House clarified that the president had not actually seen pictures of beheaded children, but had read reports


PREMO Member

Hamas Attack Is A Warning To America About The Risks Of Our Open Border

Since Joe Biden became president in 2021, there have been 1.5 million known “gotaways” on the border, on top of 2.3 million illegal immigrants allowed into America, the majority of whom came over the southern border.

Among that flow of humanity are dangerous people who mean us harm. There were 15 suspects on the FBI’s terror watchlist arrested on the southern border in 2021, 98 in 2022, and 151 so far this year — and those are the dumb terrorists who got caught. In all likelihood, hundreds have eluded detection and are now living in America. Contrast that with 11 terror watchlist arrests on the southern border during the preceding four years under Trump.

Hamas and Hezbollah’s Funding and Attacks​

Hamas is Sunni and Hezbollah is Shiite, and both have been designated terrorist groups by the U.S.

Both entities operate in the Americas, mostly to raise funds for their operations as well as to conduct influence operations. In 2002, it was revealed that Hezbollah had operated an extensive cigarette smuggling operation in the U.S., buying $8 million of cigarettes in low-tax North Carolina and reselling them in high-tax Michigan. Internet porn was also a profit center. Some of the profits went to Lebanon, other funds were used to purchase night vision equipment, global positioning systems, stun guns, naval equipment, nitrogen cutters, and laser rangefinders in Canada, which were then shipped to Lebanon.

Prior to 9/11, Hezbollah was the deadliest terror group aimed at America, responsible for the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983, the Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, and the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984, as well as the hijacking of TWA 847 in 1985 and the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia in 1996. Its main sponsor is the Islamic Republic of Iran, with which it shares the Islamic Shiite sect in common. In fact, only a week ago, an Iranian official admitted that Iran provided the materials needed for the 1983 Beirut attacks that killed 220 Marines, 18 sailors, three soldiers, 17 American civilians, and 58 French troops. The statement was quickly removed from the official Iranian news agency.


PREMO Member

Biden Once Again Tells Story About Seeing Two Men Kissing Each Other on a Street Corner in Delaware in the 1950s – WaPo Fact-Checker Calls BS

Biden, who voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996, repeated a version of the same lie in June.

He claimed he saw “two well-dressed men standing on the corner” kissing each other when he was kid.

In another version of this lie, Biden claims that he was actually the father in the story.

So we are expected to believe that Biden’s father, who was born in the early 1900s – and who was raised by a man born in the 1800s taught him these beliefs?

Biden came out publicly against gay marriage as recently as 2006, telling CNN: “Look, marriage is between a man and a woman. Tell me why that has to be put in the Constitution now? We already have a federal law that has not been challenged. No one’s declared it unconstitutional. It’s the law of the land, saying marriage is between a man and a woman.”


Just sneakin' around....
The reality of WWIII is on the horizon, and this fools is getting upset about this crap. He has no real grasp on today's issues.


PREMO Member

Biden Trashes Millions Of MAGA Republicans During ’60 Minutes’ Interview (VIDEO)

Joe Biden sat down for a one-on-one interview with ’60 Minutes’ anchor Scott Pelley this weekend and was asked about many topics including Ukraine and of course Israel. Those kinds of questions are expected in a time of war and terrorism.

Well, crooked Joe decided to take an opportunity to slam millions of MAGA Americans in his interview. He basically said that Trump[ supporters don’t look at democracy the same way “you and I look at democracy.” He implied that MAGA supporters stand for something other than freedom.



PREMO Member
Biden’s Latest Economic Alibi

As recently as last Friday, when asked by a reporter why so many Americans don’t feel good about the economy, he responded with this howler: “You get more legs when you’re reporting something that’s negative. I don’t mean you’re picking on me. It’s just the nature of things.” Biden actually claimed that adverse media coverage is to blame for the public’s low opinion of “Bidenomics.”

In reality, of course, the Fourth Estate has frantically touted Biden’s few economic successes and studiously ignored his many failures. Moreover, they have frequently attempted to attribute the public’s dim view of Biden’s performance to a kind of false consciousness that has no basis in the actual state of the economy. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman has been promoting this balderdash for at least a year. In his most recent column he avers that the economic news in 2023 has been “almost surreally good,” and professes himself puzzled that Americans believe Republicans would be better than Democrats at running the economy. Krugman then offers the following theory to explain this conundrum:

One story is that we’re in a “vibecession,” in which people are buying into a negative narrative — to some extent purveyed by the news media — that is at odds not just with data but also with their own experience. Indeed, surveys show a huge gap between Americans’ view of their own financial situation, which is pretty good, and their views of the economy, that is, what they think is happening to other people. The notion that there’s a disconnect between perceptions of the economy and personal experience seems to be validated by the fact that consumer spending remains robust despite low economic confidence.

Krugman not only parrots Biden’s “negative media” canard, his claim that Americans view their finances as “pretty good” is fiction. The last Gallup survey on this question found the following: “Three in five Americans, 61 percent, say recent price increases have caused financial hardship for their household.” As to consumer spending, Americans are using credit cards to offset the decline in real wages. NBC reports, “U.S. consumers took on $43 billion in additional credit card debt during the second quarter of this year, ending in June. That’s more than triple the average amount of new debt households have taken on in that period since after the Great Recession of 2007-08.” Consumer credit card debt is now over $1 trillion.