Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Biden Trashes Millions Of MAGA Republicans During ’60 Minutes’ Interview (VIDEO)

Joe Biden sat down for a one-on-one interview with ’60 Minutes’ anchor Scott Pelley this weekend and was asked about many topics including Ukraine and of course Israel. Those kinds of questions are expected in a time of war and terrorism.

Well, crooked Joe decided to take an opportunity to slam millions of MAGA Americans in his interview. He basically said that Trump[ supporters don’t look at democracy the same way “you and I look at democracy.” He implied that MAGA supporters stand for something other than freedom.

That one on one interview that took several days and numerous takes.


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Biden’s Latest Economic Alibi

As recently as last Friday, when asked by a reporter why so many Americans don’t feel good about the economy, he responded with this howler: “You get more legs when you’re reporting something that’s negative. I don’t mean you’re picking on me. It’s just the nature of things.” Biden actually claimed that adverse media coverage is to blame for the public’s low opinion of “Bidenomics.”

In reality, of course, the Fourth Estate has frantically touted Biden’s few economic successes and studiously ignored his many failures. Moreover, they have frequently attempted to attribute the public’s dim view of Biden’s performance to a kind of false consciousness that has no basis in the actual state of the economy. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman has been promoting this balderdash for at least a year. In his most recent column he avers that the economic news in 2023 has been “almost surreally good,” and professes himself puzzled that Americans believe Republicans would be better than Democrats at running the economy. Krugman then offers the following theory to explain this conundrum:

Krugman not only parrots Biden’s “negative media” canard, his claim that Americans view their finances as “pretty good” is fiction. The last Gallup survey on this question found the following: “Three in five Americans, 61 percent, say recent price increases have caused financial hardship for their household.” As to consumer spending, Americans are using credit cards to offset the decline in real wages. NBC reports, “U.S. consumers took on $43 billion in additional credit card debt during the second quarter of this year, ending in June. That’s more than triple the average amount of new debt households have taken on in that period since after the Great Recession of 2007-08.” Consumer credit card debt is now over $1 trillion.

You can't reason with the left. If you say people trying to buy homes are being hurt by higher interest rates, someone on the left will say the rates never should have been low in the 1st place.


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I just read a poll that said Biden and trump are neck and neck.

Hard to believe there are that many people in this country who actually like the phucking clown show Biden has put on for almost 3 years now.


PREMO Member

Biden Accidentally Pitches a Trump-Led United States as He Flounders on '60 Minutes'

He got to take free shots at Republicans — who apparently don’t believe in democracy — while not a word was mentioned about the insane left of his own party, where even condemning the decapitation of babies is a struggle.

He was allowed to blabber about the war in Ukraine, without questioning his own role in encouraging Russian President Vladimir Putin to think he could get away with the invasion or addressing the toll that U.S. support for Ukraine is taking on his own country’s military readiness. (Even CNN has reported that the munitions the U.S. is supplying Ukraine are leaving American military forces near a danger zone when it comes to resupply.)

And then he got pitched the grand-daddy of softball questions, and struck out badly.



Beloved Misanthrope
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4D Chess: Biden Offers The Palestinians $100 Million In Exchange For None Of The Hostages



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Biden is supposed to make a tv speech about all this. What's he going to talk about .? Outside of Israel they all didn't want to talk to him.


PREMO Member

During High Stakes Oval Office Speech, Biden Again Shows Dangerous Weakness

During Biden's remarks, there was little mention of how Biden plans to deter Iran from further incitement in the Middle East. He gave drive by remarks on what is being done to bring American hostages, being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, home.

"There is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together," Biden said. "Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but this is what they have in common, they both want to annihilate neighboring democracies."



PREMO Member

Biden Misses His Cue, Talks More About Palestinians Than Americans or Israelis, Fights With Teleprompter

He started not being aware that the was live on the air, so there was this awkward pause.

But that's typical Joe; he always seems to have some difficulty.

I'm not sure what he thought he would achieve with the speech. I think he was trying to use the support for Israel to bootstrap a comparison to Ukraine, to try to justify why we should support both, but they're not the same. And in the case of Hamas, they killed and kidnapped Americans. But that, which should be the focus of his efforts, seemed to get short shrift in Biden's remarks. He made brief mention of them but spent far more time talking about how we had to help the Palestinians, saying he was "heartbroken" by the loss of Palestinian lives rather than those of Americans or Israelis. He claimed that Hamas doesn’t represent the people when indeed, that’s exactly what they do since they are the “elected” government. He also spoke about Islamophobia and the murder of a child in the U.S. and commented, "You are all America," like listeners would think they were more worthy as people if he told them they were. It was a strange remark.



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'We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win': Biden delivers Oval Office address where he connects conflicts in Israel and Ukraine and asks Congress for $100B to fund war effort

  • President Joe Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office Thursday night
  • He tied together the current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel and asked Congress to approve a forthcoming aid package said to be for $100 billion
  • Biden said both Russian President Vladimir Putin and the terror group Hamas who attacked Israel want to 'annihilate a neighboring democracy'



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Biden Quietly Places Unconfirmed Labor Secretary in Presidential Line of Succession, Drawing GOP Criticism

Pointing to the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the senators reminded President Biden that Congress has “the power to set the presidential line of succession beyond the Vice President.”

“As Ms. Su has failed to be ‘appointed, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate’ as Secretary of Labor, we strongly urge the White House to clarify its position and views regarding Ms. Su’s eligibility for the presidential line of succession and, in the event it was to become necessary, to assume the presidency,” they wrote.

“It is unimaginable to think that this Administration believes someone who has neither been duly elected nor confirmed by the Senate to the position of Secretary of Labor could be President of the United States. Suggesting that Ms. Su is eligible to be in the presidential line of succession is antithetical to our system of governance and the bedrock principles on which our Republic rests.”

“The Biden Administration continues to attempt to rule by unilateral decree rather than govern with the advice and consent of Congress. Ms. Su doesn’t even have adequate support from members of her own party in the Senate to be confirmed as Secretary of Labor,” Britt told Fox News Digital.

“In sum, the Biden Administration is now seemingly asserting both that it can freely ignore the will of the Senate by keeping Ms. Su in place indefinitely as Acting Secretary, and that Ms. Su could instantaneously ascend from her current role to serve as President of the United States.”

Additionally, the senators once again called on Biden to “withdraw Ms. Su’s nomination and put forward a nominee for Secretary of Labor who is capable of garnering sufficient support on a bipartisan basis to be confirmed.”
Su’s nomination to the role of labor secretary was met with immense backlash, both from Republicans and Democrats, earlier this year. As a result, she was never confirmed to the role and has remained as the acting secretary of labor ever since.


PREMO Member

Biden Ties Israel to Ukraine in Oval Office Address from White House Bathed in Red Light

“You know, the assault on Israel echoes nearly 20 months of war, tragedy, and brutality inflicted on the people of Ukraine, people that were very badly hurt since Putin launched his all-out invasion,” he said.

“We have not forgotten the mass graves, the bodies found bearing signs of torture, rape used as a weapon by the Russians, and thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly taken into Russia, stolen from their parents,” he added.

He then likened Hamas to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy, completely annihilate it. Hamas to sustain a purpose for existing is a destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people,” he said, going on to add:

Meanwhile, Putin denies Ukraine has or ever had real statehood. He claims the Soviet Union created Ukraine. And just two weeks ago, he told the world that if the United States and our allies withdraw, and if the United States withdraws, our allies will as well. Military support for Ukraine would have, “a week left to live,” but we’re not withdrawing.