Biden Actions ... And Reactions


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. What kind of pipeline could he possibly be talking about? Couldn't be Oil, could it?
You mean you don't know?

Don't let it worry you. Biden doesn't know either.

It is absurd to believe that 40% of Americans would vote to return this addled and corrupt old man and his Cackling Vice president to office.


Just sneakin' around....
You mean you don't know?

Don't let it worry you. Biden doesn't know either.

It is absurd to believe that 40% of Americans would vote to return this addled and corrupt old man and his Cackling Vice president to office.
I just find it angering that he's spending money over there to obtain oil from a foreign nation and increase their bottom line while we pay for more expensive and questionable reliable sources after he's shut down own own internal sources.


Well-Known Member
I just find it angering that he's spending money over there to obtain oil from a foreign nation and increase their bottom line while we pay for more expensive and questionable reliable sources after he's shut down own own internal sources.
I find everything the corrupt old man does is maddening.
He phucked us on the day he was inaugurated and he has been phucking us ever since and what is truly amazing is that he is still supported by the Democrats . IMO anyone who supports Joe Biden is an enemy of the United States.


PREMO Member

'Shame On You': Joe Biden gets booed and heckled on streets of Nantucket as protesters are kept away from president after interrupting his earlier shopping trip

  • Protesters were kept about six blocks from President Biden on Saturday
  • Biden's motorcade even took a different route into town - one that avoided driving past a group of protestors gathered on the side of the road
  • Biden family's Nantucket stay has been repeatedly interrupted by protesters

Joe Biden was booed and heckled on the streets of Nantucket on Saturday even as people protesting the war in Gaza were kept far away from the president.

The president's motorcade even took a different route from where he is staying - David Rubenstein's $34 million home on Abrams Point - into town to avoid driving past protestors gathered on the side of the road with signs saying 'Free Palestine.'

A group of about 40 people calling for an end to the fighting in Palestine were kept down one end of Main Street in downtown Nantucket - about six blocks from where Biden was shopping with wife Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden and the first couple's grandchildren.

The protesters held a large banner reading 'Ceasefire 4Eva' and chanted: 'The pause is just a pause. A permanent ceasefire. Let Gaza live.'

Additionally, people in the crowds that lined the sidewalks shouted 'shame on you' and 'armchair murder' as the president walked by while others booed. But there were also plenty of cheers mixed in with the cat calls as Biden supporters tried to drown out his critics.


PREMO Member

'I'm sorry... I'm disappointed in myself': Joe Biden secretly APOLOGIZES to group of Muslim Americans for casting 'excessive skepticism' on the number of Palestinian deaths released by Gaza's Hamas-run Ministry of Health

  • The president faced five Muslim community figureheads who were last month
  • Their group discussion went over Biden's allotted scheduled time by 30 minutes

Joe Biden privately apologized and vowed to 'do better' to a group of Muslim Americans for casting 'excessive skepticism' over the number of Palestinian deaths released by the Hamas-run Ministry of Health.

The president, 81, faced five community figureheads who were furious one day after he publicly dismissed a Palestinian death toll on October 25. One person organizing the meeting said the process was a 's**tshow.'

At the press conference at the White House, Biden - who has been steadfast in his support of Israel since October 7 - said: 'I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed.'

The next day on October 26, Biden had fraught discussions with five community public figures who were incensed by his comments. Their group back-and-forth went over Biden's allotted scheduled time by 30 minutes.

All five attendees had been hand-picked by the White House.



PREMO Member

The World Is On Fire And Biden’s Spineless Foreign Policy Isn’t Helping

The world is not only laughing at us right now but they are eating our breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week.

As Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban recently said to Tucker Carlson, “The best foreign policy of the recent several decades belonged to President Trump. Trump is the man who can save the western world.”

PM Orban and President Trump both know that peace is only achieved on the world stage by projecting strength at all times. When America and our leaders project weakness and appease the bad actors around the world, they will exploit this weakness every single time.

President Biden’s failed foreign policy agenda has driven our enemies closer to each other than ever before as this new “Axis of Evil” has formed vis a vis Russia, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

China has never had more diplomatic strength and influence than the last three years. The Islamic Republic of Iran has never been richer and Russia has never been stronger.


PREMO Member

Fact check: Biden's claim about 12 million new jobs

Facts First: Biden’s number is accurate: the US economy added 12.1 million jobs between Biden’s first full month in office, February 2021, and January 2023. That number is indeed higher than the number of jobs added in any previous four-year presidential term. However, it’s important to note that Biden took office in an unusual pandemic context that makes meaningful comparison to other periods very difficult.

Biden became president less than a year after the economy shed nearly 22 million jobs over two months, March and April 2020, because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The jobs recovery then began immediately after that, under then-President Donald Trump, but there was still an unprecedented hole to fill when Biden took office.

Biden is free to argue that his stimulus legislation and other policies have helped the country gain jobs faster than it otherwise would have. (As always, it’s debatable precisely how much credit the president deserves for job-creation.) Nonetheless, it is clear that there could only be such an extraordinary number of jobs added in 2021 and 2022 because there was such an extraordinary number of jobs lost in early 2020.


PREMO Member

We say: President Biden’s lies about jobs never end. The truth? Most of his “created” jobs merely replaced those lost during COVID. In January 2020, per Federal Reserve data, there were 152 million non-farm US employees. Last month, just 153 million. If he’d kept up with other presidents, there’d be millions more.



PREMO Member

Biden Warns Companies To Bring 'Prices Back Down' Even as Inflation Persists

The next day, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doubled down on Biden's warning, responding to a reporter's question about "price gouging" by saying that "the president's gonna continue to use his bully pulpit to call it out."

But Biden and Jean-Pierre are mistaken and seem to be confusing deflation with disinflation. The latter, as defined by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, is "a decrease in the rate of inflation," while the former is "a sustained decrease in the price level of goods and services."

Inflation has indeed declined for more than a year: In June 2022, inflation hit 9.1 percent, the highest single-month spike in over four decades. Between June 2022 and October 2023, the annualized inflation rate fell to 3.2 percent, a decrease of nearly two-thirds.

But that doesn't mean prices are falling. After all, a 3.2 percent annual rate still means that prices were 3.2 percent higher in October 2023 than they were in October 2022. And it's not expected to get better anytime soon, as Federal Reserve forecasts estimate core inflation will still be at 2.6 percent at the end of 2024.

Democrats have blamed "corporate greed" for the rise in inflation since 2021, even coining the term "greedflation" to describe it. But this doesn't explain why so many companies suddenly decided to be greedy just as the COVID-19 pandemic caused supply chain snafus and two successive presidential administrations spent trillions of dollars in record time.


PREMO Member

81-Year-Old Joe Biden Calls a Lid After Doing Absolutely Nothing Today


Meanwhile, there is an invasion at the southern border.

While Joe Biden is napping, thousands of illegal aliens are pouring over the border per day in Texas, Arizona, and California.

According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, there were over 9,400 encounters with illegal aliens at the US southern border in the last 24 hours.

Of those, over 5,800 were released into the United States, according to CBP sources who spoke to Bill Melugin.

Many of the encounters were in Tucson, Arizona where about 3,000 illegals were caught entering the country.


Well-Known Member

Biden Warns Companies To Bring 'Prices Back Down' Even as Inflation Persists

The next day, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doubled down on Biden's warning, responding to a reporter's question about "price gouging" by saying that "the president's gonna continue to use his bully pulpit to call it out."

But Biden and Jean-Pierre are mistaken and seem to be confusing deflation with disinflation. The latter, as defined by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, is "a decrease in the rate of inflation," while the former is "a sustained decrease in the price level of goods and services."

Inflation has indeed declined for more than a year: In June 2022, inflation hit 9.1 percent, the highest single-month spike in over four decades. Between June 2022 and October 2023, the annualized inflation rate fell to 3.2 percent, a decrease of nearly two-thirds.

But that doesn't mean prices are falling. After all, a 3.2 percent annual rate still means that prices were 3.2 percent higher in October 2023 than they were in October 2022. And it's not expected to get better anytime soon, as Federal Reserve forecasts estimate core inflation will still be at 2.6 percent at the end of 2024.

Democrats have blamed "corporate greed" for the rise in inflation since 2021, even coining the term "greedflation" to describe it. But this doesn't explain why so many companies suddenly decided to be greedy just as the COVID-19 pandemic caused supply chain snafus and two successive presidential administrations spent trillions of dollars in record time.

Democrats support unions. Union companies cost more. Non union companies cost less.


PREMO Member

He says Republicans trying to hold up funding for Ukraine until he does something to secure our border is holding Ukrainian funding hostage "with their extreme, partisan border policies."

Yes, how dare they want to secure the border that Biden has broken wide open? The nerve of those nasty Republicans, doing their job to protect the country! For shame!

But this truly reveals his priority: funding for his buddies in Ukraine. If he cared about the border he would have taken action long ago. But the only action he's taken was to destroy the successful policies that his predecessor put in place and make everything worse. That's why it's such a mess now, and it's all on him. As one African illegal alien put it succinctly after he'd successfully crossed the border, "I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!"

Biden said that we had to fund Ukraine because if we didn't do it now, we'd end up fighting the Russians because they weren't going to stop with Ukraine. By that token, he'd have us funding people all over the region without end because of the possibility that the Russians might go beyond Ukraine.

Listen to the video on the Reuters site, at the end where he says, "We can't let Putin win. Say it again. We can't let Putin win." He's clearly reading a Teleprompter, and it sounds like he read the teleprompter direction as he has done in the past because half the time he has no idea what he is reading. The White House transcript appears to cover it up, saying he added an "I'll" that was not there.

We can’t let Putin win. I’ll say it again: We can’t let Putin win. It’s in our overwhelming national interest and international interest of all our friends.



PREMO Member
🚀 Later in the day, the Hill ran a story headlined, “Biden willing to make ‘significant compromises’ on border policy amid fight for Ukraine funding.

For the first time since the Proxy War began, President Robert L. Peters said he has always been willing to compromise with Republicans on funding Ukraine. He’s always been willing to talk about making compromises, even significant compromises, on U.S. border policy. Why wouldn’t he? He has an open-door policy. Except when hookers are in there. But he always ties a blue sock on the doorknob.

No, the standoff isn’t Joe Biden’s fault. Biden blamed the Ukraine funding standoff on … Republicans! Wait, it got better! He then also blamed them for not fixing the broken U.S. border! Here’s how the Hill described how it went down:

President Biden on Wednesday said he’s willing to make “significant compromises” on border policy as he seeks a breakthrough on funding for Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

“Republicans (are) willing to literally kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process,” Biden said. “I am willing to make significant compromises on the border,” he added. “We need to fix the broken border system. It is broken. And thus far I’ve gotten no response.”

Then the Washington Post practically made a song out of it, penning to its democrat voters a spectacular apologia advertising Biden’s long-standing but recently-disclosed willingness to compromise with Republicans:

image 3.png

He’s so bipartisan! He’ll give anyone a reach across the aisle! Biden is the great compromiser. Okay, I have to stop. It was an awful piece and it would only annoy you to hear the rest anyways. Anticipating democrat angst over any compromise with Republicans, WaPo packaged the “offer to compromise” in a long list of ways Biden has already screwed Republicans so far.

The new narrative is so obvious. Here’s regular cast, Ukrainian-American, deep-state traitor and former National Security Council Director for European Affairs Alexander Vindman, who has scurried out from under whatever rotten log he’s been hiding behind, and tried to blackmail the GOP to either play ball, or else take the blame for the Fall of Ukraine:

image 5.png

The news IS bad! Our morons in charge have no “plan B.” Their one and only plan is another 100 billion in round dollars — don’t ask how they calculated that — with no actual military battle plan to win the war or whatever the goal is. Vindman’s tweet was a deep-state hostage demand. In other words, cough up the cash, or Ukraine dies.

Allow me to explain his offer using an imaginary conversation between Congress and the generals on the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

CONGRESS: Boys, the news is bad. We are 33 trillion in debt. We need you to come up with a less expensive way to help Ukraine survive its war with Russia.

GENERALS: You people don’t know war. We’re the experts. How do you expect us to win a Proxy War without shooting cash at the enemy inside depleted uranium shells? It’s impossible! No plan B!

CONGRESS: Nobody wants Putin to win, but we do have some nine-inch, bright-red Jimmy Choo stiletto pumps we can give you. How about that?

GENERALS: Give us the pumps and we’ll think about it.

Why Vindman is talking to the State Department — or why they are talking to him — is anybody’s guess. You tell me.
