Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member
Dictatorship Is as Dictatorship Does

The lower President Biden sinks in the polls, the more outlandish his claims about his likely 2024 opponent become. He insists that the main reason he is running for another term is that former President Trump poses an existential threat to “our democracy.” Recently, for example, Biden equated Trump’s speeches with the “language you heard in Nazi Germany in the ‘30s.” This is an increasingly popular theme with Trump’s antagonists. TDS victim Liz Cheney recently told CBS News that electing Trump was analogous to “sleepwalking into dictatorship.” Trump, on the other hand, says that Biden is the real threat: “Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy.”

In a healthy political environment with a properly functioning Fourth Estate, the voters could easily differentiate between fact and fiction in this surreal debate. Sadly, the legacy media amounts to little more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. There are still honest news outlets — like the one you’re reading now — but many are being systematically suppressed on behalf of the government through entities such as Newsguard that ostensibly identify and demonetize purveyors of “misinformation.” But authoritarian regimes have long been with us and historically literate voters know their basic traits. Thus, the dictatorial tendencies of Biden and Trump can be ascertained by asking a few basic questions:

Which of the two made history by ordering the indictment of a former president who happens to be his main rival in the 2024 election?

This is a classic hallmark of totalitarian regimes and anyone who doubts that Biden gave the final go ahead on that outrage is delusional. There isn’t the slightest possibility that Attorney General Merrick Garland or Special counsel Jack Smith would have taken such an unprecedented step without Oval Office approval. Does this make Biden a dictator? Ask Alexey Navalny, Vladimir Putin’s most prominent political opponent.

Which of the two ordered 100 million Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccination, saying he was losing patience with those who refused it?

Biden’s imperial edict was not merely unconstitutional, it was idiotic, considering what we now know about the vaccine’s efficacy (or lack thereof). Fortunately, the Supreme Court blocked enforcement for most employers, though it did allow a more limited requirement for health care workers. If the Court hadn’t struck down the mandate, companies with more than 100 employees could have been fined as much as $700 thousand.

Which of the two ordered the EPA to impose draconian carbon emission caps that would have endangered the stability of the nation’s power grid?

Which of the two directed the CDC to extend the so-called “eviction moratorium” beyond the expiration date set by Congress in the 2020 CARES Act?

Which of the two attempted to bypass Congress and the courts to “forgive” $400 billion in student loans in a transparent vote-buying scheme?


PREMO Member

Biden misnames president’s chopper, claims Reagan sent it for him after 1980s aneurysm

The 81-year-old’s anecdote is, like other biographical details he’s shared in public remarks, not supported by his own autobiography — or by Reagan’s daily presidential diary.

“President Reagan was nice enough to send Air Force Helicopter One to take me down, but it couldn’t fly,” Biden told firefighters during a day-trip to Philadelphia, using an incorrect name for the aircraft.

“And so my fire department came up, put me in the back and took me on heavy snow on the day I went down to Walter Reed,” added the president, whose stories often face withering fact-checks amid campaign-trail criticism of his mental acuity.

The latter part of the story involving the local fire department is described in Biden’s 2007 book “Promises to Keep,” but Reagan offering or dispatching the presidential helicopter is not mentioned.

A review of records posted online by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library turned up no corroborating evidence.

Press reports indicate that then-Sen. Biden was admitted to Walter Reed on Feb. 12, 1988 — and Reagan’s daily diary, which includes a detailed account of his meetings and phone calls, shows no discussions about sending the chopper to assist the Democrat.


PREMO Member

Border security negotiations STALL as Republicans accuse Democrats of keeping them in the dark: Chances for a deal before Christmas are slim and aid to Ukraine and Israel won't come until January

  • Senators met late into Sunday and Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas returned to the Capitol for negotiations
  • Border agents are overwhelmed after single day totals exceeded 10,000 illegal aliens entering the U.S. by the southern border every day of last week
  • Republicans have insisted they will not agree to President Biden's $110 billion aid request without seeing specific details on the border provisions


PREMO Member

Biden's Latest Mangle-Pander Must Be Seen to Be Believed

What Biden actually said was, "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country, and as they say the saying goes where I come, you brung me to the dance early on!"

Emphasis added. In addition to the boldface, I almost decided to make it italic, change the font color to red, and boost the size to 24 points. Because it's impossible to have too much fun when Biden says something like "You brung me to the dance early on!"

In an effort to be fair — I promise I won't try it again for at least the next three columns, OK? — I searched for the phrase "You brung me to the dance early on!" I'm sure there are English expressions I've never heard, and maybe this is one of them. You never know until you look, right?

Yeah, at least according to DuckDuckGo and Google, "You brung me to the dance early on!" isn't a thing. Every result — whether using "brung" or "brought" — is less than 24 hours old and links to someone's take on Biden's mangle-pander.


Well-Known Member

Biden's Latest Mangle-Pander Must Be Seen to Be Believed

What Biden actually said was, "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country, and as they say the saying goes where I come, you brung me to the dance early on!"

Emphasis added. In addition to the boldface, I almost decided to make it italic, change the font color to red, and boost the size to 24 points. Because it's impossible to have too much fun when Biden says something like "You brung me to the dance early on!"

In an effort to be fair — I promise I won't try it again for at least the next three columns, OK? — I searched for the phrase "You brung me to the dance early on!" I'm sure there are English expressions I've never heard, and maybe this is one of them. You never know until you look, right?

Yeah, at least according to DuckDuckGo and Google, "You brung me to the dance early on!" isn't a thing. Every result — whether using "brung" or "brought" — is less than 24 hours old and links to someone's take on Biden's mangle-pander.

The fact checkers will be along to explain or the WH staff will correct it to mean something else.


PREMO Member
President Biden took a swipe at the media for negative coverage of the economy ahead of his holiday vacation.

Upon leaving the White House on Saturday before spending his Christmas at Camp David, Biden was asked by a reporter about his "outlook" of the economy going into 2024.

"All good. Take a look," Biden responded.

"Start reporting it the right way," he added with a smirk.

Biden has repeatedly been critical of the press, which he accuses of focusing more on negative news than positive things that come from his administration.

But his approval among Americans continues reaching historic lows and his handling of the economy is a heavy factor in his unpopularity.



PREMO Member

Biden sends $250million of weapons to Ukraine in FINAL aid package until Congress can approve more cash for Kyiv

  • The White House has been warning funds for Ukraine will dry up by year's end
  • Republicans don't want to approve more aid without more security for the U.S.-Mexico border
  • Congress went home for holidays with no deal in place for funding

President Joe Biden announced a $250 million weapons package to Ukraine on Wednesday in what officials said could be a final amount of aid from the U.S. unless Congress approves new funding.

Biden has asked Congress for another $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, but Republicans are refusing to approve the assistance without an agreement with Democrats to tighten security along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The White House has warned that without the additional appropriation U.S. aid for Kyiv will run out by the end of the year.
