Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Biden's Brain Turns to Mush During New Year's Eve Appearance With Ryan Seacrest

Tawdry Jill Biden Decided to Wear a Bejeweled Flower Garden for New Year’s Eve – As Joe Biden Looks Lost and Talks Nonsense (VIDEO)

Joe Biden was up past his bedtime and Jill Biden looked like a tawdry lounge singer during their uninspiring New Year’s Eve message.

Joe Biden was slurring his words, lying about the economy, pushing Bidenomics, and sounding senile.

Joe Biden: I’ve been eating everything that’s put in front of me. I’ve eaten pasta, which I love, eating a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan. I’ve been eating all Italian foods, basically ice cream and ice cream, chocolate chip ice cream…
…one of the big highlights stands out for me is my dad used to have an expression. He’d say, joey, a job’s about a lot more than the paycheck. It’s about your dignity. It’s about respect. So many people through the midwest and the center of the country, their factories are shipped overseas the last couple times out, and they were losing hope and faith. So we brought a lot of jobs back to the United States. People are in position to be able to make a living now, and they’ve created a lot of jobs, over 14 million. And I just feel good that the american people got up. They’ve been through a rough time with pandemic, but now we’re coming back. They’re back…
…My hope is that everybody has a healthy, happy and safe new year. But beyond that, I hope that they understand that we’re in a better position than any country in the world to lead the world. We’re coming back and it’s about time.
Jill Biden added her two cents.
Jill Biden: I think it’s what I would always tell my students, be positive, be optimistic, and be kind to one another. Happy New Year.

Gas prices under Joe Biden are purposely higher today and inflation has robbed Americans of their hard earned dollars under Bidenomics.


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I can also see it. I also believe the stock market is very over inflated and a big correction is coming.
I keep hearing that "some economists" are still predicting a crash in 2024. The crash predicted for this past fall didn't happen. Biden and Co. just have to keep it propped up until Nov.


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“I UNDERSTAND POWER!” – Angry Joe Biden Attacks Trump and Trump Supporters in Valley Forge Speech (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Friday delivered yet another divisive and angry speech on ‘saving democracy’ near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Jill had to escort Joe Biden on the stage.

Biden attacked Trump and Trump supporters in his speech.

“Whether democracy is still America’s sacred cause is what the 2024 election is all about,” angry Joe Biden shouted. “The choice is clear. Donald Trump’s campaign is about him, not America, not you. Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy to put himself in power. Our campaign is different.”

“Trump’s mob wasn’t a peaceful protest; it was a violent assault,” Biden said. “They were insurrectionists, not patriots. They weren’t there to uphold the Constitution; they were there to destroy the Constitution.”

Biden, who supports efforts to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot absurdly claimed, “Democracy is on the ballot. Your freedom is on the ballot.”

After his speech, Joe Biden came back to the podium and shouted, “I understand power!”


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Biden marks Jan. 6 anniversary by calling Trump a threat to democracy and freedom

The president was closely involved in writing the speech, aides told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce, after he met this week with historians and scholars at the White House, and in what seemed to be especially personal remarks, he said Trump and far-right extremists are a threat and a danger to the freedoms on which the country was founded, echoing familiar themes he argued during the 2020 campaign, which he called “a battle for the soul of the nation.”

“The topic of my speech today is deadly serious. And I think it needs to be made at the outset of this campaign,” he began.

“Today we are here to answer the most important of questions: Is democracy still America’s ‘sacred cause’?” he continued, repeating a phrase used by George Washington. “This is not rhetorical, academic, or hypothetical. Whether democracy’s still America’s ‘sacred cause’ is the most urgent question of our time. And it’s what the 2024 election is all about,” he said.

“The choice is clear. Donald Trump’s campaign is about him. Not America, not you. Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future,” Biden said. “He’s willing to sacrifice our democracy, to put himself at power.”


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Joe Biden CRIES NAZI In UNHINGED RANT Against Trump & MAGA In DELUSIONAL Jan 6 Campaign Speech!​



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Biden cautions against ‘extreme Republicans’ in face of hot December inflation report

“But there is much more work to do to lower costs for American families and American workers,” he continued. “That’s why I’m taking action to bring down the price of insulin, prescription drugs, and energy, eliminating hidden junk fees companies use to rip you off, and calling on large corporations to pass on savings to consumers as their costs moderate.”


Biden concluded by warning of the costs “extreme Republicans” would force on households should they take control of the government in the coming election.

“Make no mistake: extreme Republicans have no plan to lower costs for families — none,” Biden wrote. “Their only plan is to hand out massive giveaways to the super wealthy and big corporations. They’ve locked arms with Big Pharma and Big Oil to try to stop us from lowering prescription drug costs and utility bills. They’re doing everything in their power to allow Big Banks to keep charging you steep hidden fees. And they still haven’t given up their fight to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. I will not let them.”

The president continues to score poor marks with voters regarding his stewardship of the economy. According to the RealClearPolitics polling average, just 37.9% approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, and he trails former President Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential nominee, in a head-to-head rematch.


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Strange Joe Biden Moment in Pennsylvania Coffee Shop Goes Viral

The Republican National Committee (RNC) originally posted a video of Biden sounding like he said to a coffee shop clerk: “My name is Joe Biden, and I work for the government in the Senate.”

But the Associated Press’s report on the moment says that Biden said: “My name is Joe Biden, and I work for the governor and the senator.”

Biden was appearing alongside Pennyslvania’s Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro and Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) at Nowhere Coffee Co.

Shortly after the clip went viral, the RNC deleted its clip. But the video is still available here:

Some reporters have noted that the RNC delated the post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, because the text of its post and the version of the comments the AP reported were different:



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Young Girl in Coffee Shop RECOILS After Biden Creeps on Her – Whispers in Her Ear (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania to shuffle around for a couple hours.

After emerging from three days outside of public view, Joe Biden will not be delivering a speech during his visit to Allentown. He will only be visiting a few local businesses.

Biden visited Nowhere Coffee Company and spoke with workers at South Mountain Cycle on Main Street in Emmaus, according to WFMZ. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Bob Casey and Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk also joined Joe Biden.

Reporters shouted questions about the US bombing Houthis in Yemen as Joe Biden visited the coffee shop.

“I’ve already delivered the message to Iran. They know not to do anything,” Biden said as he turned his sights on a young girl.


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Biden Seems to Contradict Himself on Houthis in Bizarre Statement That Has People Talking

Joe Biden seems to have great confusion about the Houthis.

Earlier on Friday, as he was wandering around some Allentown, Pennsylvania, stores looking frighteningly confused, he was asked about Iran and the Houthis. He was asked whether we were in a proxy war with Iran. He said no, but it's beginning to look like it. We certainly have been in a bit of a cold war with them for a while. But he claimed that Iran didn't want war with us.

Then he said he believed the Houthis were terrorists. That seemingly went against his policy of delisting them when he came into office. Former President Donald Trump had them on the terrorist list, yet Biden took them off, as he was cozying up to Iran. So, of course they decided to up their terrorist ways.



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Biden's Latest Remarks on Economy Show He Has No Idea What He Is Talking About

Here's a recent CBS News poll:

When your alleged leader won't even acknowledge the validity of your concerns, it's even worse than not solving the problem.

Remember, Joe Biden wants us to believe he's done great things for the economy. What would that be? We have all kinds of crises now under him--between the troubles in the Middle East, new wars, and Bidenflation. He has spoken about scraping junk fees. As though that would change inflation or have any substantive effect on anything. But then, after what he said was crazy, he brought out the creepy whisper too.

He claimed it costs $30 to check the balance on Americans' bank accounts, "Is that fair, is that fair?'"

Who charges $30 to check your account? And who calls the bank to check their account? People check on their phones or online. But it costs nothing either way. I don't even know what he thinks he's talking about here. Maybe this happens when you transfer/take out money fees from someplace that isn't your bank. What people want to hear is when their grocery bills will start going down; he has no idea about that, hence why he's talking about junk fees.

Then he rambled on.

You're going to go home for Easter, or you're going to go home for Christmas, you're going to go home for the holidays, with your kid, and you find out to to get your kid sitting next to you is going to cost you another $200. These are junk fees.

What junk fee is that? There's a $200 junk fee to have a kid? He seems to have left out whatever "fee" it was he was talking about.