Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Biden Lies at Pulpit About His Role in Civil Rights and Attending Black Churches, Then Shuffles Away Confused (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Sunday continued to pander to the black community in Columbia, South Carolina ahead of the state’s Democrat primary set for February 3.

81-year-old Biden participated in a political event at St. John the Baptist Church on Sunday.

He brazenly lied from the pulpit about his role in the civil rights movement and his history of attending black churches. This is just weeks after he lied about ‘starting the civil rights movement’ during a stump speech at a black church in Charleston.



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Is This What Biden Meant By ‘Unity’?

As Gov. Greg Abbott said in a Jan. 24 statement, “I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.” The Biden administration disputes Gov. Abbott’s contention that the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into the Lone Star state amounts to an invasion. The voters, however, agree with Gov. Abbott. A Rasmussen survey conducted early this month found that “65 percent of likely U.S. voters believe it is accurate to describe the current situation with migrants at the border with Mexico as an ‘invasion’ of the United States.”

Ironically, Biden’s attack on Texas has produced “unity” among presidential candidates who agree on little else. On Truth Social, former President Trump wrote, “When I am President, on Day One, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. echoed this on X: “As President, I will end this humanitarian crisis once and for all. I will secure the border and destroy the business model of the drug cartels.” Nikki Haley expressed her support on X: ‘Governor Abbott is right: the state of Texas has every right to defend itself and its borders.” In addition, 25 GOP governors declared their support of Gov. Abbott:

We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border. We do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally … Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s legal assault on Texas produced a Pyrrhic victory when the Supreme Court vacated an injunction that prevented the Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) from removing concertina wire installed on the border by the Texas National Guard. Despite all the sound and fury it generated, the ruling doesn’t require CPB to remove concertina wire. Nor does it forbid the National Guard from installing additional wire. Despite breathless “news” reports to the contrary, there is no “standoff” between the CPB and the Texas National Guard. A senior CPB official told Fox News, “Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”


PREMO Member

Does Old Joe Biden Even Know That He’s President?

Biden said it Saturday at a campaign stop in Columbia, S.C., in the midst of touting his catastrophic economy as if it were something in which he could take pride. “In recent weeks,” he claimed, “we’re starting to see real evidence that American consumers are facing real confidence in their economy we’re building.”

Yeah, that’s what he said: “facing real confidence.”
The transcript wonks over at have the unenviable task of trying to make sense of what Old Joe says, and so in their version, “facing” is matter-of-factly crossed out, and “feeling” added in. That works, but it’s not what the man said, and it papers over the larger problem of the nation’s chief executive's utterly manifestly incoherent (to say nothing of outrageously false) sentences without appearing to notice, much less correct himself. And worse was coming.

Old Joe continued: “Lemme tell you who else is noticing that: Donald Trump.” The Trump-hating crowd, which moments before this had been howling “Loser Donald Trump” at Biden’s mention of the left’s current Emmanuel Goldstein figure, lapped this up and erupted into gales of appreciative laughter.

This encouraged Joe, who meandered on: “Did you see what he recently said about, the wes— um, k— k—, that wants to, that he wants to see the economy crash this year? A sitting president. As they say in my faith, 'Bless me, Father, for…'” He trailed off as he began to make the sign of the cross, and then added: “I mean, come on, man,” which set the assembled leftists off into new laughing fits. cleaned this up as well, crossing out “sitting” and helpfully adding “former” in brackets, in case we didn’t know what Joe doesn’t know. is just a transcription service, however, despite often acting as the man who follows behind the circus elephant with a dustpan and broom, and so it didn’t offer any context for Old Joe’s willful distortion of what Trump really said.

Yes, that’s right, knock me over with a feather: Joe Biden wasn’t being honest. Trump wasn’t hoping for an economic crash; he was just hoping it would happen during the Biden administration and not when he returned to the White House because he ascribed its “fragile” state wholly and solely to Biden policies. The economy at present, said Trump, was “running off the fumes” of his tenure as president.

At least one part of this statement was true, aside from the fact that this dementia-addled corruptocrat does indeed appear to be named Joe Biden: he works for his cronies in the government and for their allies among the political elites. He certainly doesn’t work for the American people.



PREMO Member

Politico reports:

President Joe Biden is expected to imminently issue an executive order aimed at punishing Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have been attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, according to documents seen by POLITICO, a U.S. official and a congressional aide.
The executive order is set to be released later Thursday, according to the documents and the U.S. official.
As part of the roll-out, the Biden administration is announcing it is imposing sanctions on individuals who have engaged in such violence, which has killed or displaced many Palestinians from their lands, the documents say.

This raises many questions: how can Biden have the authority to sanction Israelis in the West Bank? Can you really sanction individuals? Who will report incidents of Israeli settlers 'attacking' Palestinians?

So many questions.



PREMO Member

Unbelievable: Biden to Target Israeli West Bank Settlers

As to what the order is expected to achieve:

The order will give the Treasury Department the authority to impose financial sanctions on settlers, but is not meant to target U.S. citizens. A substantial number of the settlers in the West Bank hold U.S. citizenship.
Attacks by Israeli settlers have intensified since the war started, and some Palestinians have been killed, according to Palestinian authorities. Rights groups say settlers have torched cars and attacked several small Bedouin communities, forcing evacuations to other areas.

This statement raises some questions: What attacks? Where? What "rights groups" are saying these things? And why is the Biden administration focusing American policy on sanctions here?

It seems cynical to say so, but this move may be meant to shore up some of the president's sagging poll numbers in places like Michigan.

The new executive order comes as Biden was set to visit Michigan on Thursday to rally support from union members in a key presidential battleground state. The Democratic president has faced sharp criticism from Arab and Muslim leaders over his handling of the war with Hamas, and the shadow of the conflict has some Democrats worrying that it could have a major effect on the outcome in the November election.
The president’s campaign team has already seen alarming signs of the growing rift with Michigan’s Arab American community.

Ah hah.

"Wag the dog" exercises are hardly new in politics. President Bill Clinton was famously accused of fomenting such a move to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. (The use of the term actually goes back as far as 1871.) But this, if the president does indeed sign this EO, is aimed not at enemies of the United States but at an internal policy of the country that is our best ally in the Middle East. It would appear to be based on some nebulous reports of "attacks," for which a cursory Web search is unable to find any reliable source.


PREMO Member

Politico Leaks Truly Nasty Comments Biden Has Made About Trump Privately

Now comes the revelation from Politico about the nasty things that Biden is saying in private about former President Donald Trump. Oh, and the revelation that he has a reputation for salty language behind closed doors. Funny how I think this is the first time in the three years of coverage of Biden in office that I think I've seen this "reputation" reported.

Warning for graphic language:

The president has described Trump to longtime friends and close aides as a “sick ****” who delights in others’ misfortunes, according to three people who have heard the president use the profane description. According to one of the people who has spoke with the president, Biden recently said of Trump: “What a ****ing ******* the guy is.
The White House declined to comment.

No, sick is someone who tries to divide the nation and demonize Americans as Biden has. Sick is someone who can't find his way off a stage but thinks he can run again for office though he barely seems to know where he is half the time. Sick is someone who can never take responsibility for his failures and keeps making the same mistakes, like Joe Biden. Sick is telling the same lies, including about your political opponent, over and over and over again -- even when those lies have been debunked -- but not being able to stop.

This is a "sick man. I wouldn't use Joe's curse word. Saying such a falsehood in a screaming rant and again suggesting his son died in battle in France, rather than of cancer in 2015, is very sick.

Politico mentioned in their story the "fine people" story Joe tells (but didn't mention it was debunked). They also didn't note the story about about "suckers" and "losers" was also debunked. They also try to smooth out the false suggestion about his son, trying to give Biden cover, saying he thinks he attributes his son's cancer to the burn pits. That doesn't make him a fallen soldier in France.

Now, I might wonder why they're leaking this all of a sudden, but the answer is clear. He's doing so badly in the polls, including with people on the left, they're hoping they can pretend that he has some life in him to encourage them to vote for him.



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Watchdog Group Exposes Biden Plan to Target Private Gun Sales Through the ATF

The Biden administration is still trying to impose more restrictions on your right to keep and bear arms.

Ever since President Joe Biden took office, he has sought to pass legislation that would make it harder for responsible Americans to obtain and carry firearms. However, the makeup of Congress made it impossible to pass his most ambitious restrictions.

Because of this, the White House has been forced to seek out new and inventive ways to violate the Second Amendment and has relied heavily on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Now, a new report from Sharyl Atkisson suggests that the White House is targeting private firearm sales in the United States. If this move is successful, it would mark a substantial shift in how private gun sales are handled.

Sources inside the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) say the White House has directed the agency to draft a document supporting an effective ban on private sales of firearms.
That’s according to the watchdog group, Empower Oversight.
Empower Oversight is requesting records related to what it calls the “unconstitutional measure.”
According to the sources, “at the direction of the White House, the ATF has drafted a 1,300-page document in support of a rule that would effectively ban private sales of firearms from one citizen to another by requiring background checks for every sale. The document’s drafting is reportedly being overseen by Senior Policy Counsel Eric Epstein, who worked as the Phoenix Field Office’s Division Counsel during Operation Wide Receiver (a precursor of Operation Fast and Furious).”

Empower Oversight recently sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland taking issue with the president’s anti-gun plan and demanding that the agency disclose information related to it.

Such an expansive rule that treats all private citizens the same as federal firearms licensees would circumvent the separation of powers in the Constitution, which grants “all legislative Powers” to Congress while requiring that the President “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” To the extent such a rule prevents the private sale of firearms, it would also clearly violate the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which declares that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Nor would such a rule only hurt law-abiding firearms owners. The lessons of the Ruby Ridge and Waco standoffs should make clear that attempting to enforce such an expansive regulation could endanger countless ATF field agents who are forced to serve as the face of the Biden Administration in going after private firearms owners for constitutionally-protected firearms sales.

The purpose of the administration’s plan is intended to effectively end private sales without government involvement.

There are some obvious issues with this plan.


PREMO Member

Biden sanctions Israeli settlers accused of attacking Palestinians and peace activists in West Bank

The State Department, in a statement, identified the four settlers and described the accusations against them:

—David Chai Chasdai allegedly led a riot in Huwara in which a Palestinian civilian was killed.

—Einan Tanjil is accused of assaulting Palestinian farmers and Israeli activists.

—Shalom Zicherman was reportedly filmed assaulting Israeli activists in the West Bank.

—Yinon Levi regularly led a group of settlers from the Meitarim Farm outpost who assaulted Palestinian and Bedouin civilians and threatened them with more violence if they did not leave their homes.

Biden has spoken out against retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers and pledged that those those responsible for the violence will be held accountable. He said in late October that the violence by “extremist settlers” amounted to “pouring gasoline” on the already burning fires in the Middle East. “It has to stop. They have to be held accountable. It has to stop now,” Biden said.

Israel Defense Forces stepped up raids across the West Bank after the war began. Hamas militants are present in the West Bank, but largely operate underground because of Israel’s tight grip on the territory. Palestinians have accused the Israeli military of not preventing attacks by settlers.

Israel’s wartime mobilization of 300,000-plus reservists included the call-up of settlers for duty, and many were put in charge of policing their own communities. The military said that in some cases, reservists who live in settlements replaced regular West Bank battalions deployed in the war.

The order will give the Treasury Department the authority to impose financial sanctions on settlers engaged in violence, but is not meant to target U.S. citizens. A substantial number of the settlers in the West Bank hold U.S. citizenship, and they would be prohibited under U.S. law from transacting with the sanctioned individuals.

U.S. lawmakers have zeroed in on the role of Americans or dual citizens in the settler violence and intimidation. In a letter last month, Sen. Ben Cardin, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, asked the White House to take action against any U.S. citizens involved in attacks against Palestinians. He said that could include criminal charges and financial sanctions.

“There’s got to be a strong message against the extreme activities taken by some settlers on the West Bank, jeopardizing the lives of Palestinians as well as the peace in the region,” Cardin, D-Md., told reporters Thursday.

Biden’s order was first reported by Politico.

In conjunction with the executive order, the Treasury Department issued an alert to financial institutions to look out for transactions that might benefit “extremist” settlers in the West Bank.


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Joe's fighting talk for sick f**k Trump: Biden unleashes during Las Vegas fundraiser, warning he has to 'hold his Irish temper' around GOP rival for talking about dead son Beau

  • Biden referred to Trump's comments calls veterans 'suckers' and 'losers'
  • 'I have to hold my Irish temper. I'm glad I wasn't with him. I'm not sure what I would've done,' Biden told wealthy donors at a fundraiser
  • He is Las Vegas to raise money and court black voters

President Joe Biden unleashed on Donald Trump during a fundraiser in Nevada on Sunday, indicating he's considered punching his Republican rival and noting he has to 'hold his Irish temper' around him.

The fighting words came as Biden talked about Trump's reported comments that fallen American soldiers were 'suckers' and 'losers,' growing angry as he brought up his late son Beau, who served in the Delaware National Guard in Iraq, before he died in 2015.

'I have to hold my Irish temper. I'm glad I wasn't with him. I'm not sure what I would've done. He said they're all suckers and losers,' Biden said of Trump.

Biden then raised his voice and sounded angry as he referred to his late son: 'My son was not a sucker nor were any of yours. Who does this guy think he is talking about Americans?'

Biden repeated an abbreviated version of his fundraising talk during his rally in Las Vegas later that night, toning down his direct threats.

'This is a guy, when he was in France, they asked him to go to American Cemetery,' Biden noted, You know what he said? He said those folks were suckers and losers. Suckers and losers for God's sake. I'm glad I wasn't there. No I should say that.'

'He called your sons and daughters who gave their lives in this country suckers and losers. Who the hell does he think he is?'

Biden was more direct and forceful when speaking to a small group of wealthy donors in Henderson, Nevada, which is about 30 minutes outside of Las Vegas when he issued his fighting words.

He has grown more forceful in recent weeks when he talks about Trump. And Sunday's talk included a more personal side for Biden, talking about his late son.

His words also indicated what he thinks of Trump as reports came out that Biden refers to the former president as a 'sick f***' in conversations with his close aides and longtime friends, Politico reported.

How can you tell Biden is lying ?

His Lips Are Moving


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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris reportedly have an “obsession” with the most dimwitted show on cable news. Suddenly, it all makes sense. If that’s where the White House is getting its cues from, no wonder we’ve been so terminally screwed.

Axios on Friday said the president is so enamored of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that it “affects how the White House runs — and who Biden listens to.” The report also said Biden “respects” the regular lineup of misfits on “Morning Joe” and he “loves when they applaud his actions.”


Each day, Scarborough, Brzezinski, and their gang of misfits take turns repeating the corniest Democrat talking points, forcing laughs at each other’s attempts at humor, and staring into the camera with the beadiest of dead eyes. Strangely enough, the show maintains of level of influence in Washington, though it hasn’t been worth watching since 2016, when it transitioned from a current affairs talk show to a loop of “I hate anyone who doesn’t hate Donald Trump.”

If you think that’s an overstatement, here’s a sample of the latest offerings from “Morning Joe,” as relayed by the cable news monitoring website Mediaite:

“Joe Scarborough Calls On White House to ‘Let Him Out More’ Following Report Biden Calls Trump a ‘Sick F*ck,'” Feb. 2.

“Long-Time Trump Associate Al Sharpton Insists Trump Is ‘Losing It’: ‘His Mind Is Not There Anymore,'” Feb. 1.

“Joe Scarborough Mocks GOP Border Flip-Flop: ‘Who Are These Cowards That Will Completely Comply With Everything Dear Leader Says?,'” Jan. 30. (“Dear Leader” is Scarborough’s deliciously clever reference to Trump.)

“‘My God Who is Tim Scott?!’ Morning Joe Crew Cannot Contain Absolute Disgust at SC Senator’s Fealty to Trump,” Jan. 24.

It’s funny how the national media created the sophomoric storyline that Biden’s presidency put “the adults back in charge,” yet he apparently fixates on such a cartoon.



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