Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Biden slams reporters for 'eavesdropping' after he was caught on hot mic on live TV saying Netanyahu needs a 'come to Jesus' meeting

President Joe Biden initially declined saying he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the two men need to have a 'come to Jesus meeting' before accusing the media of spying on him.

Biden was asked about his comments, which were heard on a hot mic on the House floor Thursday night after he gave his State of the Union address.

'I didn't say that in the speech,' Biden said.

When asked about what he said after the speech, Biden replied: 'You guys eavesdropping on things!'


Beloved Misanthrope


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Biden asks staff if he’s ‘allowed to take any questions’ — press kicked out immediately after

“Am I allowed to take any questions?” Biden said, looking around the New Hampshire Democratic headquarters in Manchester at the conclusion of his remarks there during a campaign stop.

“Anybody here a sta–” the president went on, apparently about to say “staff” before trailing off, as the crowd laughed.

A Biden staffer quickly interjected, “Thank you, press,” before the camera feed covering the event cut out.


PREMO Member

New: The Insane Contrasts Between Biden WH Statements on Laken Riley and Nex Benedict Are Blood-Boiling

Biden was immediately criticized by members of his own party and the MSM for calling Riley's alleged murderer an "illegal," and later said in an interview that he "regretted" it.

On the flip side, on February 23rd, without prompting, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre started off the daily press briefing with a statement on Benedict's death, calling it "devastating," "gut-wrenching," and "heartbreaking" before pointing to the Biden-initiated LGBTQ hotline.

Meanwhile, in comparison to how the Biden White House addressed Laken Riley's death - which came in the form of a passing statement from a spokesperson, here's the lengthy statement from Joe and Jill Biden that was posted to the White House website Thursday on Nex Benedict:

Jill and I are heartbroken by the recent loss of Nex Benedict. Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are, and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities. Nex Benedict, a kid who just wanted to be accepted, should still be here with us today.
Nonbinary and transgender people are some of the bravest Americans I know. But nobody should have to be brave just to be themselves. In memory of Nex, we must all recommit to our work to end discrimination and address the suicide crisis impacting too many nonbinary and transgender children. Bullying is hurtful and cruel, and no one should face the bullying that Nex did. Parents and schools must take reports of bullying seriously. My prayers are with Nex’s family, friends, and all who loved them – and to all LGBTQI+ Americans for whom this tragedy feels so personal, know this: I will always have your back.
To LGBTQI+ young people across the country – you are loved exactly as you are. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or alone, you can call or text 988, the National Crisis Hotline, and dial the number ‘3’ to talk to a counselor who has been specifically trained to support LGBTQI+ youth.


PREMO Member

Biden Tries to Take Questions but Staff Cuts Him Off in Bizarre, Troubling Video

But any time you let Biden out in public, you know his staff has to be holding its breath, wondering what he will say or do next that is likely to be embarrassing or further expose his issues. I don't know why they had him speaking with people on a porch, but that appeared to confuse him.

Joe Biden’s Handlers Frantically REMOVE PRESS After Biden Once Again Lies About Almost Losing His Home, Cat and Corvette to Fire (VIDEO)



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Biden says Trump has 'no basis of understanding' of foreign policy, then mixes up Norway and Finland: President attacks the press for focusing on polls and his predecessor for treating Putin 'like a buddy' at campaign stop in Nevada

  • 'This guy – he has no basis of understanding what American foreign policy is about,' President Joe Biden told supporters in Reno
  • Former president Donald Trump is currently leading in the polls in Nevada
  • Biden targeting union voters and voters of color during Nevada, Arizona trip

But the president also made his own foreign policy flub, part of a series of errors where he has mixed up world leaders and countries.

Biden was in Reno to open a new campaign office that will work with the local Democratic Party to woo Latino and union voters. The president needs both group if he's going to win Nevada in November.

He spent much of his remarks attacking Trump. Although he didn't mention his Republican rival directly by name, it was clear who he was talking about.

Biden relayed a quote that Trump told supporters at Mar-a-Lago, even checking his ever-present note card to make sure he got the quote right: 'He was in Mar Lago and he told a crowd of people - I want to look down so I get it exactly right - he said he described the crowd as I know you're rich as hell. But I'm gonna give you those big tax cuts.'

He also complained that the press 'report a lot of polls.'

He went on to say: 'The last four polls had me up' but didn't say which polls.

However, he then added: 'None of the polls mean a damn thing this early on.'


PREMO Member
Make what you will of the president, but in a speech celebrating Ramadan, Biden repeated the claim that “30,000 Palestinians have been killed, most of them civilians, including thousands of children.” The president of the United States now not only rejects the claims of our allies in Israel but accepts the declarations of a group that is not only on the Justice Department’s terror list — one that recently murdered, raped, and kidnapped American citizens.

A few weeks after the Oct. 7 attack, as Jeryl Bier reminds us, Biden admitted Hamas casualty numbers were fake, saying he had “no confidence in the number that the Palestinians are using.” (Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin claimed not long that the number of dead women and children was “over 25,000” — perhaps still under the residual effects of his post-surgery morphine drip.)

In Tablet, Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics and data science at the Wharton School, lays out the case that the Gaza Health Ministry’s casualty numbers are an “obvious fake.” The near-perfect incremental daily uptick, despite the vagaries of battle, is the big giveaway — though there are other aspects that make zero sense. Wyner theorizes that the fake daily numbers vary too little because Hamas does “not have a clear understanding of the behavior of naturally occurring numbers.” Indeed, while Islamists excel at sexual torture and theocratic repression, they are less proficient at math. That does not stop pro-Hamas Westerners from pushing the “genocide” blood libel.

It took Israel, a sophisticated nation with many genuine experts, weeks to wade through the sinister wreckage of the Oct. 7 attack to get a proper tally of the dead. And yet, miraculously, whenever an Israeli attack is carried out, within hours — sometimes within the hour — Hamas can pinpoint not only the number of people who have died in wreckages but their ages and sex.

It should also be remembered that Hamas makes no distinction between civilian deaths and its terrorists. When Biden laments death using these statistics, he is lamenting the death of Hamas.

Israel contends that it has killed approximately 12,000 Hamas members. “If that number proves to be even reasonably accurate, then the ratio of noncombatant casualties to combatants is remarkably low,” Wyner notes, “at most 1.4 to 1 and perhaps as low as 1 to 1.” Historically speaking, those numbers are remarkable for wars fought in dense urban quarters, which is where Hamas hides (or is aided by) civilians. Certainly, it is better than how Americans have fared in similar situations trying to ferret out terrorists.

What’s changed with Biden? His administration was already teeming with Obama-era pro-Iranian voices. Now, Biden is apparently convinced that his 2024 electoral fortunes are bound up in appeasing the hard-left activist class and pro-Hamas faction in Michigan and Minnesota. Knowing that spineless Jewish elected officials in the Democratic Party value partisanship over Israel, Biden, whose appeasement of Iran did much to set the groundwork for Oct. 7, is largely freed from worrying about moderates.



PREMO Member

There are, however, several problems with this plan of attack.

1. Biden was president when Roe V Wade was overturned, not Trump.

2. Roe V Wade was codified on January 22. 1973 by SCOTUS, but was never made law by Congress.

3. In 1977, Jimmy Carter won The White House, and The Democrats controlled the House and the Senate with extensive margins. So if this newly minted 'right' was so important, why didn't they pass binding legislation then? Because if they solidified this supposed 'right,' they couldn't fundraise off of it. It is that simple.

OK, have you watched President Puddin' Head yet? Now, let's see how X feels about this mess.



PREMO Member

Biden Declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day Of Visibility’

The White House has officially proclaimed Sunday — the day on which billions of Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ — as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

President Joe Biden released a proclamation on Friday, calling on “all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

In the proclamation, the White House added that on Easter Sunday “we will honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.”

In each of his first three years in the White House, Biden has issued proclamations for “Transgender Day of Visibility” to be recognized on March 31. Leftist activists across the country will celebrate “Transgender Day of Visibility,” including some who will host a “Trans Day of Vengeance” concert on Sunday. The White House proclamation also comes just days after the anniversary of the Covenant School shooting in Nashville, where a trans-identifying woman murdered three children and three adults at the Christian school. Biden did not issue a statement for the anniversary of the deadly shooting.

In his Friday proclamation, Biden criticized “extremists” in Republican-led states who have passed laws protecting children from life-altering gender procedures and conservatives who have fought to remove sexually explicit books from school libraries.

“These bills attack our most basic American values: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child,” Biden wrote.

The president then claimed that trans-identifying Americans, “especially women and girls of color,” face an “epidemic of violence.”