Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member
'He's trying to avoid blame for his incompetence': GOP slams Biden after he said 'there is no federal solution' to combating COVID despite previously promising to 'shut down the virus' as cases hit highest level since January despite mask and vax mandates

  • Republicans are blasting President Joe Biden after he said 'there is no federal solution' to combatting COVID-19 during a virtual meeting with 25 governors
  • The GOP, citing a remark Biden made in October 2020, accused the president of giving up on his promise to 'shut down the virus'
  • Sen. Tom Cotton, from Arkansas, slammed the president for implementing illegal mandates COVID and blamed his 'incompetence' for the surging virus
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said if combatting the virus falls on the states, than the 'Texas solution is no mandates and personal responsibility'
  • However, Biden's supporters rushed to his defense, alleging the Republicans took his remarks out of context
  • They claimed the now-viral clip of Biden was 'a total lie' and edited to suggest he is 'quitting on dealing with COVID and just throwing it to the states'
  • Biden's comments came as COVID cases in the US have jumped by nearly 70% over the past two weeks and the CDC cut isolation restrictions from 10 days to 5


Well-Known Member
Well lets just say this.
Biden may have been taken out of context, I don't know.
But he said it and then ran off to Delaware to hide.

Running is considered proof of guilt in some cases.


Well-Known Member
Well lets just say this.
Biden may have been taken out of context, I don't know.
But he said it and then ran off to Delaware to hide.

Running is considered proof of guilt in some cases.

A bunch of dumb democrat voters believed him .


PREMO Member
Daily Cases Of Coronavirus Smash Records In U.S. After Biden Promised To ‘Shut Down The Virus’

A CDC spokesperson told Politico that the case total could be an “overestimate” due to lagging state reporting and that “the counts of cases will become more stable after the new year.”
The New York Times reported that on Monday the U.S. recorded 543,415 new coronavirus cases. CNN reported that “the U.S. hit a seven-day average of 254,496 new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, according to Johns Hopkins University data — blowing past the country’s previous record of about 251,989 daily cases, reported on January 11.”
Amid plummeting approval ratings, Biden told governors on Monday that there was “no federal solution” and that challenges combatting the coronavirus pandemic “gets solved at the state level.”


Well-Known Member


PREMO Member
Whatever Happened to the 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated'?

This is a policy formulated at the top levels of our government: portraying a segment of the American people as dangerous ignoramuses who don’t care if they kill their friends and neighbors. As recently as Dec. 14, in an interview with a local TV station, Biden said “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated.” Along with his oft-quoted and totally inaccurate statements about vaccinated people not spreading COVID, Biden is once again ignoring the science to score political points.

It’s interesting that Biden gave that quote about the same time that omicron was beginning to spread in the U.S.

Aside from denying the science, trying to scapegoat your political enemies for the pandemic is a convenient way to absolve himself of the blame for his administration’s incompetence.

The more desperate Biden gets over his declining political fortunes, the more hysterically he lashes out at those Americans who, for their own reasons, don’t wish to be vaccinated.

This has led to Biden allies in the media gleefully posting stories about unvaccinated people getting COVID and dying. “COVID Death Porn” stories serve the purpose of demonstrating the left’s righteousness about masks, vaccines, and other virus mitigation efforts. It has become as nauseating as any other aspect of the pandemic.


Well-Known Member
1,000 additional Doctors --------------where the hell are they coming from?
Yo, esse, vira, me and me amigos are like doctores, like all of us.


PREMO Member
Biden Admin Weighs Changing Meaning Of ‘Fully Vaxed’ To Include Booster Shot

The change would come as U.S. officials push Americans to receive the booster shot, according to The New York Times. Some experts warn that changing the definition could have severe economic repercussions as businesses and governments adjust their COVID-19 restrictions to include a new meaning of “fully vaccinated.” As the Times reports:

Changing the definition of “fully vaccinated” could leave roughly 140 million Americans, who are vaccinated but not boosted, in limbo about where they stand and what they are eligible to do.
Many schools, businesses, governments and other institutions have relied on the C.D.C.’s definition of “fully vaccinated” to establish mandates, requiring people to complete their primary vaccine series in order to attend school, dine out or remain employed.


PREMO Member
Biden Administration Unveils $1 Billion Plan To Address Inflation In Meat and Poultry Industry

“Over the last few decades, we’ve seen too many industries become dominated by a handful of large companies that control most of the business and most of the opportunities—raising prices and decreasing options for American families, while also squeezing out small businesses and entrepreneurs,” a fact sheet from the Biden administration read.


“The Biden-Harris Administration will dedicate $1 billion in American Rescue Plan funds for expansion of independent processing capacity,” the statement read. It then outlined a strategy to use those funds. The US Department of Agriculture identified 8 key needs based on responses to a request for input on how to increase independent processing:

  • Expand and diversify meat and poultry processing capacity;
  • Increase producer income;
  • Provide producers an opportunity to have ownership in processing facilities;
  • Create stable, well-paying jobs in rural regions;
  • Raise the bar on worker health, safety, training, and wages for meatpacking jobs;
  • Spur collaboration among producers and workers;
  • Prompt state, tribal, and private co-investment; and
  • Provide consumers with more choices.

The administration detailed those needs, and proposed a number of possible solutions to each, in the statement.

The Biden administration’s directive is the result of several weeks of rhetoric blaming corporations for supply chain problems and rising inflation. Last month, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki put the blame on the “greed” of “meat conglomerates” who were “jacking up prices during a pandemic” to take advantage of consumers, she said.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Yeah, that's gonna work. Get the gov involved. They always fix the problem. When will these idiots learn?


Well-Known Member
Biden Administration Unveils $1 Billion Plan To Address Inflation In Meat and Poultry Industry

“Over the last few decades, we’ve seen too many industries become dominated by a handful of large companies that control most of the business and most of the opportunities—raising prices and decreasing options for American families, while also squeezing out small businesses and entrepreneurs,” a fact sheet from the Biden administration read.


“The Biden-Harris Administration will dedicate $1 billion in American Rescue Plan funds for expansion of independent processing capacity,” the statement read. It then outlined a strategy to use those funds. The US Department of Agriculture identified 8 key needs based on responses to a request for input on how to increase independent processing:

  • Expand and diversify meat and poultry processing capacity;
  • Increase producer income;
  • Provide producers an opportunity to have ownership in processing facilities;
  • Create stable, well-paying jobs in rural regions;
  • Raise the bar on worker health, safety, training, and wages for meatpacking jobs;
  • Spur collaboration among producers and workers;
  • Prompt state, tribal, and private co-investment; and
  • Provide consumers with more choices.
The administration detailed those needs, and proposed a number of possible solutions to each, in the statement.

The Biden administration’s directive is the result of several weeks of rhetoric blaming corporations for supply chain problems and rising inflation. Last month, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki put the blame on the “greed” of “meat conglomerates” who were “jacking up prices during a pandemic” to take advantage of consumers, she said.

There's another Billion dollars to piss away. Throw money at a problem created by Covid horse dung and piss-poor leadership.