Biden Actions ... And Reactions


Well-Known Member

Well I looked it up.

I read this , but it didn't help much. It appears that Hydrogen is a clan fuel, but getting the fuel from the coal is not so clean.
They have to use some heat and the by products are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. and a few other things
Looks to me like they are polluting to make the clean fuel.

If we are going to pollute to make the hydrogen why not just burn the coal like it is ?
This is not a zero sum industry, just fooling the foolish into thinking they are cleaning the atmosphere when in fact it really doesn't.
The only thing it does IMO is make the coal more expensive to use and gets the people who are fooling us rich.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Well I looked it up.

I read this , but it didn't help much. It appears that Hydrogen is a clan fuel, but getting the fuel from the coal is not so clean.
They have to use some heat and the by products are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. and a few other things
Looks to me like they are polluting to make the clean fuel.

If we are going to pollute to make the hydrogen why not just burn the coal like it is ?
This is not a zero sum industry, just fooling the foolish into thinking they are cleaning the atmosphere when in fact it really doesn't.
The only thing it does IMO is make the coal more expensive to use and gets the people who are fooling us rich.
Hydrogen is the only element that gets color coded by its production method. If it’s manufactured by cracking coal it’s brown hydrogen, if it’s made by cracking water with commercial electricity. Green hydrogen is the same thing as blue, but instead of using commercial electricity it uses renewable energy of some kind. There’s also black, yellow, turquoise…


PREMO Member

“Well, let’s see, um, this morning I think he had some policy meetings, uh, also a PDB meeting,” Psaki said. “Uh, he, um, later this afternoon, uh, I think is doing some remarks review. There’s some days that we spend some time doing internal meetings and discussions, uh, with policy experts, with policy leaders, um, and that’s that’s what’s happening today.”



PREMO Member
Biden Regime Condemns Anti-Mandate Protesters As ‘Dangerous’

“Just yesterday in D.C., not far from here actually, there was an anti-mask, anti-lockdown rally where some of the rhetoric around that was talking about Nuremberg style trials to holding Anthony Fauci to account, to going after the media for spreading lies, things like that,” the reporter said. “I was wondering how the administration is going to respond to what appears to be a growing intensity and potential violence in the anti-vax movement?”


Well-Known Member

“Well, let’s see, um, this morning I think he had some policy meetings, uh, also a PDB meeting,” Psaki said. “Uh, he, um, later this afternoon, uh, I think is doing some remarks review. There’s some days that we spend some time doing internal meetings and discussions, uh, with policy experts, with policy leaders, um, and that’s that’s what’s happening today.”

Is this the movie Dave where an actor plays a sick President and goes out for ice cream .?


PREMO Member
‘Betraying the American people’

The 51-minute footage was obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request by former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican candidate for governor in 2022.

Throughout the footage, police Sgt. Michael Hamborsky expresses frustration that local police have been given no information about the flights arriving after curfew at the airport, in breach of security protocols.

“You’re on a secure facility here; we really don’t know anything and we’re in charge of security,” he tells one of the federal contractors.

“This is anti all our security stuff.”


Well-Known Member

“Well, let’s see, um, this morning I think he had some policy meetings, uh, also a PDB meeting,” Psaki said. “Uh, he, um, later this afternoon, uh, I think is doing some remarks review. There’s some days that we spend some time doing internal meetings and discussions, uh, with policy experts, with policy leaders, um, and that’s that’s what’s happening today.”

Biden got an inside message about Breyer retiring so wanted to try his ice cream before he did.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Biden got an inside message about Breyer retiring so wanted to try his ice cream before he did.


PREMO Member

While the White House hasn’t officially commented about its rationale for the fake office, it is becoming clearer by the day.

The president doesn’t get out much, in case you hadn’t noticed.

He “calls a lid” early on most days, whereas Trump was up early and stayed up late. During January in the second year of his presidency, where we are now with Joe Biden, Trump was mocked for getting to the Oval Office at eleven — though he’d begun his day sometimes as early as 4 a.m., judging from his tweets. Barack Obama started at 10:00 in the morning.

Joe doesn’t appear to work many weekends; he starts late and leaves early. He doesn’t travel much.

So far in January, the farthest the president has traveled was Atlanta, paying respects to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s memory and delivering his most divisive, racist speech yet — and that’s saying something for him. According to his official schedule, most of his trips have been to home in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Camp David, and Virginia, all of which are either a drive or helicopter ride away.

The president, whose thinking on his feet is as addled as his shuffle, doesn’t get out much. His fear of COVID is palpable, though he still maintains, ample building evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, that St. Pfizer will get us through this “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”


PREMO Member
‘They Stole This From A TV Show,’

“And our message today is this: We can do this. I promise you we can do this,” Biden claimed during a White House event on Wednesday. “For all those we lost, for all those we miss, we can end cancer as we know it.”

The administration said that Biden was launching the “Cancer Moonshot” with the mission of cutting “today’s age-adjusted death rate from cancer by at least 50 percent.”

Biden’s plan calls for “mobilizing the entire government” against cancer, including forming a “Cancer Cabinet.”

“This is so insanely stupid. Really. It is all for show, all to distract from other awful news,” Radiologist Pradheep J. Shanker tweeted. “I mean…literally, they stole this from a TV show.”

Shanker’s tweet is a reference to an episode of West Wing, which he later alluded to, writing: “This is straight out of a The West Wing episode…”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
‘They Stole This From A TV Show,’
Biden’s plan calls for “mobilizing the entire government” against cancer, including forming a “Cancer Cabinet.”

“This is so insanely stupid. Really. It is all for show, all to distract from other awful news,” Radiologist Pradheep J. Shanker tweeted. “I mean…literally, they stole this from a TV show.”

Desperation, Democrat Style.


PREMO Member

It was a lie in May 2020, it was a lie in June 2021 and it was a lie in February 2022. And it's a lie that Biden is trying to use as a basis, a false precedent of sorts, for his own limits on Americans' Second Amendment freedoms.

Biden and his staff, of course, know that the claim is false. The Washington Post fact-checked the president's use of the alleged fact back in June and awarded the lie "Four Pinocchios." PolitiFact rated the May 2020 use of the falsehood by Biden "false" as well. WaPo's fact check was pretty brutal:

Some readers might think this is a relatively inconsequential flub. But we disagree. Every U.S. president has a responsibility to get American history correct, especially when he’s using a supposed history lesson in service of a political objective. The president’s push for more gun restrictions is an important part of his political platform, so he undercuts his cause when he cites faux facts.
Moreover, Biden has already been fact-checked on this claim — and it’s been deemed false. We have no idea where he conjured up this notion about a ban on cannon ownership in the early days of the Republic, but he needs to stop making this claim.

what a dumbass