Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member

That sounds like exactly the opposite of what a board like this is designed for. The purpose of the board will be to stamp out information that the administration doesn’t like, censor any thoughts that run counter to the mainstream media narrative, and “fact-check” points of view deemed “inappropriate.”

Podcaster Jack Probosiec points out that Jankowicz was in a band called, appropriately enough, the Moaning Myrtles (referencing a character in “Harry Potter”), and has peddled her own “disinformation”—read lies—in the past.

Details of how this new board will operate are not clear as of yet, but we can get an idea of their thought-process by taking a look at a DHS report issued in March titled, ‘Internal Review of Domestic Violent Extremism.’ The report states:

A March 2021 unclassified threat assessment prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Department of Justice, and DHS, noted that domestic violent extremists “who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2021.”
The assessment pointed to newer “sociopolitical developments such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence” that “will almost certainly spur some [domestic violent extremists] [sic] to try to engage in violence this year.”

Aha. There it is, what this is all about. If you question an election outcome, which is the right of every American, or are displeased with COVID policies, you might be a “violent extremist,” and this board is certainly going to come after you. This is a scary development for those who believe in free speech, and another ominous overreach of government.

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Well-Known Member
The books parents want banned were written by politicians and sicko freaks.
Sex has no business in a math book.


PREMO Member

WH pick for Big Brother-like disinformation board spread lie about Hunter Biden laptop

Nina Jankowicz, who was a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, has repeatedly cast doubt on The Post’s reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

During a series of live tweets during the presidential debate between Biden and Donald Trump in October 2020, Jankowicz had referenced the laptop.

“Back on the ‘laptop from hell,’ apparently—Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op,” Jankowicz tweeted.

“Trump says ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,'” she added.

Her tweet resurfaced immediately after she revealed she’d been named executive director of the new disinformation bureau on Wednesday — as conservatives slammed her as a “leftist radical” and expressed doubt in her ability to spot misinformation.


PREMO Member

Biden staffers lead 50-country pledge to ‘reclaim’ internet, fight ‘disinformation’

The document outlines ideas for “reclaiming the promise of the Internet” and US officials described it as an effort to counter the practices of countries including China and Russia. It notably doesn’t mention domestic US struggles over internet freedom, such as politically motivated censorship of news stories by private companies and alleged illegal government mass surveillance.

“Access to the open internet is limited by some authoritarian governments and online platforms and digital tools are increasingly used to repress freedom of expression and deny other human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the three-page declaration says.

Declaration for the Future of the Internet

“State-sponsored or condoned malicious behavior is on the rise, including the spread of disinformation and cybercrimes such as ransomware, affecting the security and the resilience of critical infrastructure while holding at risk vital public and private assets,” it continues.

“At the same time, countries have erected firewalls and taken other technical measures, such as internet shutdowns, to restrict access to journalism, information, and services, in ways that are contrary to international human rights commitments and obligations.”


PREMO Member

Biden’s planned ban on menthol cigarettes divides Black Americans

The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids argues that the ban will have a greater impact on reducing health disparities in the Black community than any other action the administration can take. As does the NAACP, which thinks the ban will help people be healthier.

“We feel that the tobacco industry has targeted the black community for more than 50 years. Frankly, they have. They’ve done a marvelous job with marketing, they’ve been the best at it,” said Portia White, the NAACP’s vice president of policy and legislative affairs. “It would just be wrong, totally wrong, if the FDA would allow them to continue to do this, really.”

🤣 You mean a business advertised a product to a group interested in the product

Eric Garner’s mother, as well as Trayvon Martin’s mother and George Floyd’s brother, penned a letter to the White House last week urging the administration to make an effort to fully comprehend the criminal justice implications the ban could have on the Black community.

All three maintained in the letter to Susan Rice, the director of the Domestic Policy Council, that they “in no way encourage, support or promote smoking.”

“This is how her son got killed,” Sharpton said, referring to Garner’s mother.

“How could anybody ignore interactions between police [and the Black community] if they’re increased because of a ban?” he continued. “If a policeman sees a guy standing on the corner smoking a Kool, he’s asking ‘Where did you get that from?’ and that will lead to interaction.”

Sharpton also suggested that the push to legalize marijuana in the U.S. could directly conflict with the effort to ban menthol cigarettes.

“That puts us in a very awkward position as ministers,” Sharpton said. “Grandma can’t smoke her Kools but Jamal can smoke his weed. That puts us in an awkward kind of position that looks paradoxical.”
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Biden's new pick for US ambassador to Saudi Arabia will be considered an insult by MBS, ex-official says, as US-Saudi relations hit new low

President Joe Biden's pick for US ambassador to Saudi Arabia will likely be considered a disappointment or even an insult to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a former US official told Insider.

Last Friday, Biden nominated Michael Ratney to the post following the departure of Gen. John Abizaid, a former head of US Central Command, from Riyadh last year.

The nomination comes at a low point in US-Saudi relations, with Biden clearly distancing himself from the country and Crown Prince Mohammed — also known as MBS — reportedly trying to punish him back.

David Schenker, who served as assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs at the State Department from 2019 to January 2021, told Insider of Ratney: "He's a very capable diplomat, he served in positions of importance, requited himself well, and is held in high regard."


PREMO Member

The declaration urges that government crackdowns on online activities “be consistent with international human rights law, including the right to freedom of expression while encouraging diversity of opinion, and pluralism without fear of censorship, harassment, or intimidation.”

“Access to the open Internet is limited by some authoritarian governments and online platforms and digital tools are increasingly used to repress freedom of expression and deny other human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the declaration said.

“Countries have erected firewalls and taken other technical measures, such as Internet shutdowns, to restrict access to journalism, information, and services, in ways that are contrary to international human rights commitments and obligations,” it continued.

Partners in the declaration include the European Commission, the U.K., Australia, Germany, Columbia and dozens of other nations. China and Russia are absent from the list.



PREMO Member

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Torches Biden Over Admin’s New ‘Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board’

“Leave it to Democrats to think free speech is the problem and more government is the solution,” McCarthy said in an exclusive statement to The Daily Wire. “The notion that the same party that spent four years promoting the Russia collusion hoax, suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, and equated parents to domestic terrorists believes it has the credibility to tell Americans what is true is laughable.”

“And it is telling that the person who would run Biden’s Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board is a political activist who has a long history of falling for and spreading disinformation,” McCarthy continued. “It is easy to imagine this person abusing the term ‘disinformation’ to suppress facts and spin away inconvenient truths about the administration’s many failures, including their failures to secure the border. The idea that the federal government should control speech sounds uncomfortably close to the Thought Police. Biden must immediately abandon his plan to create a modern-day Ministry of Truth.”


PREMO Member

Biden mocks his own poor approval rating, calls Trump's presidency a 'plague' and says he won't roast the GOP because 'there's nothing I can say that McCarthy hasn't on tape' as he headlines White House Correspondents' Dinner

  • President Joe Biden made fun of his own approval ratings, his predecessor and the GOP during the opening remarks at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on Saturday
  • 'I'm really excited to be here tonight with the only group of Americans who have a lower approval rating than I have,' Biden said of the journalists, celebrities and politicians attending the event
  • He then took aim at Republicans, saying he wouldn't roas them because 'there's nothing I can say about the GOP that Kevin McCarthy hasn't already put on tape' he joked
  • The Daily Show's Trevor Noah then took over as he roasted the president, his administration and journalists throughout the room as he mocked MSNBC, CNN and Fox News
  • The comedian also took a at the room full of people gathered without masks, and ultimately paid a tribute to the fourth estate and America's freedoms, noting the privilege of being able to mock his own president


PREMO Member

Eye on the prize! Biden bans menthol cigarettes

As a senator, Biden was a proud foot soldier on the disgraceful and ineffective war on drugs, and as vice president, his boss broke precedent in giving the FDA regulatory control over the tobacco market by signing the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act into effect.

But with inflation creeping toward the double digits amid an unprecedented economic contraction, Biden's decision to crack down on menthol cigarettes — while offering a regressive bailout to disproportionately white voters in the form of student loan debt cancellation, no less — is a political mystery as much as it is a moral travesty.

The obvious case against Biden's menthol ban is its inevitably disparate racial impact. Whereas menthol smokers compose a little more than a third of the overall cigarette market, 85% of black smokers use menthols. Considering that more than two-thirds of the nation’s states make the mere possession of untaxed cigarettes illegal, the implications for law enforcement, who received zero guidance in the FDA announcement, are profound. Good thing police don't have a history of killing unarmed black men selling black market cigarettes, or anything!


PREMO Member


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has formally proposed a ban on menthol cigarette and flavored cigar sales. Supporters of the ban have portrayed it as "a racial justice issue."

"They are right about that, but not in the way they mean," writes Reason's Jacob Sullum:

What they mean is that 85 percent of black smokers prefer menthol cigarettes, compared to 30 percent of white smokers.…As the menthol ban's proponents see it, even the choice to start smoking is not really a choice, because consumers—in this case, black consumers in particular—are no match for Big Tobacco's persuasive wiles. Gardiner cites the industry's history of "predatory marketing," while the anti-smoking Truth Initiative condemns "relentless profiling of Black Americans and vulnerable populations" by brands like Kool, Salem, and Newport.
That's one way of looking at it. Here is another: The federal government is targeting the kind of cigarettes that black smokers overwhelmingly prefer, precisely because black smokers overwhelmingly prefer them. The FDA also worries that menthol cigarettes appeal to teenagers, another "vulnerable population." Public health officials are thus treating African Americans like children in the sense that they don't trust either to make their own decisions….
In addition to condescending assumptions, the FDA is displaying remarkable shortsightedness regarding the practical impact of its policy on the community it supposedly is trying to help. "Policies that amount to prohibition for adults will have serious racial justice implications," the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Drug Policy Alliance, the Sentencing Project, and 24 other organizations warned in an April 2021 letter to Becerra and Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock. "Such a ban will trigger criminal penalties, which will disproportionately impact people of color, as well as prioritize criminalization over public health and harm reduction. A ban will also lead to unconstitutional policing and other negative interactions with local law enforcement."

The FDA also claims that menthols are more addictive than nonmenthol cigarettes. "But that's hard to square with the existing data," points out Reason Foundation's Guy Bentley.



Well-Known Member


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has formally proposed a ban on menthol cigarette and flavored cigar sales. Supporters of the ban have portrayed it as "a racial justice issue."

"They are right about that, but not in the way they mean," writes Reason's Jacob Sullum:

The FDA also claims that menthols are more addictive than nonmenthol cigarettes. "But that's hard to square with the existing data," points out Reason Foundation's Guy Bentley.

More elite whites telling the black what's best for them.


PREMO Member

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley called attention to the flip on Twitter.

“Biden’s defense of ‘aborting babies’ is not exactly how the Democrats want to frame the issue,” Turley tweeted.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) mocked the president for his word choice.

“Joe Biden is so aloof that he screwed up his Leftist talking point and said ‘abort a child’ not a clump of cells or any other term the Left wants to try and use to make abortion seem less evil,” Boebert tweeted.
